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The SCA Wrapper is a HTML layout library that provides play-frontend-hmrc assets to frontend microservices. The Wrapper provides the HMRC header, footer, components (such as timeout pop-up box, cookie policy pop-up etc.), and also provides a menu bar. The current menu bar provided is the same as the Personal Tax Account menu, but this design will change in the future. The Wrapper connects with single-customer-account-wrapper-data to retrieve the latest menu config. The SCA team has the ability to change the menu config without consuming services needing to do anything (e.g button position on the menu bar, href links, button names etc. can be updated instantly)

Using the library with your service

  • Import the SCA Library in your SBT Dependencies: "" %% "sca-wrapper-[play version]" % "[latest version]", where [play version] is one of play28, play29 or play30
  • Check the application.conf file and override the default values
  • Inject WrapperService and call standardScaLayout(). The 'layout()' method is deprecated and hence it is recommended to use the 'standardScaLayout()'
  • Pass your HTML view into the method, and override any parameters as needed
  • Provide the sca route in the app.routes class in order to load the JS and CSS provided by wrapper.

Testing the library locally and making changes to it

  • Import the SCA Library in your SBT Dependencies: "" %% "sca-wrapper-[play version]" % "[latest version]-SNAPSHOT"
  • Refresh SBT sources
  • Clone the SCA library
  • Edit the build.sbt file and add -SNAPSHOT to the end of the version field
  • Run sbt publishLocal, this will publish the library on your local machine and are provided to quickly test and publish versions of the library for Play 2.9 and 3.0.

Play 3.0 is used by default. The version can be overridden by providing an environment variable, PLAY_VERSION:

env PLAY_VERSION=2.9 sbt clean test

Working example

Clone for a working example of the Wrapper being integrated with a standard HMRC MDTP frontend. HomeController shows how the integration works. To run all the SCA services from service manager, run sm --start SCA_FUTURES_AL or sm2 --start SCA_FUTURES_AL


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.