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This is a little demo app that allows users to discover movies. Please find in the readme file instructions on how to get started with this project.


This project uses for all the movie data. To run this project please create .env file in your project root with the following configuration. Follow this documentation to apply for your own api key. In this Vite.js project environment variables are prefixed with 'VITE'.

VITE_API_KEY=[your api key here]

Getting Started with Devcontainer and VSCode

This guide will help you get started with using Devcontainer and VSCode for your development environment.



  1. Install the prerequisites listed above on your machine.
  2. Open VSCode and install the Devcontainer extension from the Extensions tab in the sidebar (Ctrl+Shift+X).
  3. Create a new folder for your project, then open it in VSCode (File > Open Folder).
  4. In the bottom left corner of VSCode, click on the Remote Status (green icon).
  5. Select Reopen in Container from the dropdown menu, then wait for your container to build and start up (this may take a few minutes).
  6. Once your container is running, you should see a new terminal window open up at the bottom of VSCode where you can run commands inside the container environment!

You're now ready to start coding inside your devcontainer!

Building the App with Docker Container

This guide will show you how to build and deploy your application using Docker containers.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

Building the Image

  1. Clone your application repository: git clone
  2. Change into the directory of your cloned repository: cd moviesnacks
  3. Build the Docker image: docker build -t your_tag .
  4. Check that the image was built successfully: docker images

Running the Container with Nginx

  1. Run a container from your newly built image: docker run -i -rm -p 8080:80 your_tag
  2. Check that the container is running: docker ps

Accessing Your App

  1. Visit http://localhost:8080 in a browser to access your app!

React Application with Vite

This is a React application that uses Vite as its development server.


  • Node.js 14.18+, 16+

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: npm install or yarn install
  3. Start the development server: npm run dev
  4. Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the application

Building for Production

To build a production version of the application, run:

npm run build # or yarn build

This will create a production-ready version of the application in the dist/ directory, which you can then deploy to your web server of choice.