This is a collection of utilities to read druid segments stored on hdfs from hadoop. It contains a hadoop input format, pig loader and pig udf for druid complex metrics. This code is a prototype really and in very early stages, so some of the details might change. That said, I did test it to be working and will update as and when necessary. If you have any questions, please post them to druid community user groups.
It works by fetching the list of segments from druid overlord and then directly reading the segments from HDFS. So, overlord is the only druid node used.
- Get the code:
git clone
- Build:
mvn clean package
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
to download required dependencies- create javadocs :
mvn javadoc:javadoc
. docs will be in submodule/target/site/apidocs/ - For help on druid hadoop Input Format, see javadoc of DruidInputFormat.
- For druid pig loader, see javadoc of DruidStorage