rsdic is a Go package for rank/select dictionary supporting rank/select operations efficiently, and space efficient for both sparse and dense bit arrays. (Such data structures are also called as fully indexable dictionary in CS literatures (FID)).
Conceptually, rsdic represents a bit vector B[0...num), B[i] = 0 or 1, and bits are provided PushBack operation (Thus RSDic supports dynamic addition).
All operations (Bit, Rank, Select, BitAndRank, RunZeros) are supported in O(1) time. For example, rsdic can solve all above operation within 1 micro second for a bit vector of length 10^8 (100M bit).
RSDic combines the idea of on-the-fly decoding of enumrative code, and utilization of rank/select samplings, which is discussed as a future work in the paper [1].
In RSDic, a bit vector is stored in compressed form (Note, we don't need to decode all at operations). To achieve this, a bit vector is divided into small blocks of length 64, and each small block is compressed using enumurative code. For example, a small block contains 10 ones and 54 zeros will be compressed in 38 bits (See enumCode.go for detail). This achieves not only its information theoretic bound, but also achieves more compression if bits are clusterd. rsdic stores information at most 1.3 bit per original bit including its indicies, and compress more if bit vector is "compresible".
This Go version is based on the C++ implementation [2]. But this Go version supports PushBack so that it can support dynamic addition.
- [1] "Fast, Small, Simple Rank/Select on Bitmaps", Gonzalo Navarro and Eliana Providel, SEA 2012 pdf
- [2] C++ version (the same author)
import ""
rsd := rsdic.New()
// rsd = 1011
fmt.Printf("%d %d %d\n", rsd.Num(), rsd.OneNum(), rsd.ZeroNum()) // 4 3 1
// Bit(pos uint64) returns B[pos]
fmt.Printf("%v\n", rsd.Bit(2)) // true
// Rank(pos uint64, bit bool) returns the number of bit's in B[0...pos)
fmt.Printf("%d %d\n", rsd.Rank(2, false), rsd.Rank(4, true)) // 1 3
// Select(rank uint64, bit bool) returns the position of (rank+1)-th occurence of bit in B.
oneNum := rsd.OneNum()
for i := uint64(0); i < oneNum; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%d:%d\n", rsd.Select(i, true))
// 0:0
// 1:2
// 2:3
rsd.PushBack(false) // You can add anytime
// Use MarshalBinary() and UnmarshalBinary() for serialize/deserialize RSDic.
bytes, err := rsd.MarshalBinary()
newrsd := rsdic.NewRSDic()
err := newrsd.UnmarshalBinary(bytes)
// Enjoy !
- 1.7 GHz Intel Core i7
- OS X 10.9.2
- 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3
- go version go1.3 darwin/amd64
The results shows that RSDic operations require always (almost) constant time with regard to the length and one's ratio.
go test -bench=.
// RSDic
// A bit vector of length 10^6 with one's ratio = 0.5
// Allocated size: 1.27 bits per original bit.
BenchmarkDenseRSDicBit 20000000 129 ns/op
BenchmarkDenseRSDicRank 20000000 127 ns/op
BenchmarkDenseRSDicSelect 5000000 315 ns/op
// RSDic
// A bit vector of length 10^8 with one's ratio = 0.5
BenchmarkBit 5000000 274 ns/op
BenchmarkDenseRSDicRank 5000000 283 ns/op
BenchmarkDenseRSDicSelect 5000000 551 ns/op
BenchmarkSparseRSDicBit 10000000 238 ns/op
BenchmarkSparseRSDicRank 10000000 279 ns/op
BenchmarkSparseRSDicSelect 5000000 593 ns/op
// RSDic
// A bit vector of length 10^6 with one's ratios = 0.01
// Allocated size: 0.32 bits per original bit.
BenchmarkSparseRSDicBit 10000000 190 ns/op
BenchmarkSparseRSDicRank 10000000 197 ns/op
BenchmarkSparseRSDicSelect 5000000 495 ns/op
// RSDic
// A bit vector of length 10^8 with one's ratios = 0.01
// Allocated size: 0.32 bits per original bit.
BenchmarkSparseRSDicBit 10000000 247 ns/op
BenchmarkSparseRSDicRank 10000000 264 ns/op
BenchmarkSparseRSDicSelect 5000000 655 ns/op
// []uint8 (for comparison)
// A raw bit vector of length 10^6 with one's ratio = 0.5
// Bit requires O(1) time and Rank, Select require O(n) time
BenchmarkDenseRawBit 2000000000 1.86 ns/op
BenchmarkDenseRawRank 5000 629768 ns/op
BenchmarkDenseRawSelect 500 5089415 ns/op
// []uint8 (for comparison)
// A raw bit vector of length 10^8 with one's ratio = 0.5
BenchmarkDenseRawBit 2000000000 1.82 ns/op
BenchmarkDenseRawRank 50 67224404 ns/op
BenchmarkDenseRawSelect 5 477187054 ns/op