Stand for Visualise MarkDown, it's a tool to preview MarkDown files in the browser, to check if there is a misspelled or an error in the files. The great about Vimd is its use Github API to render the page to an HTML, so when you push your code you will find it as when you did see it with Vimd.
This tool it's only for previewing not editing.
Simple usage:
$ vimd -p ~/go/src/ -token "1cecc595b1bc9329c28d3b94464883634f52c93" ↵
Saving file into a directory:
$ vimd -p -s -o ~/readme.html ↵
Help message
$ vimd ↵
[ Vimd ] - 0.2.0
Usage of vimd:
-o string
The name and path of the output rendred HTML
-p string
Path that contain the markdown file(s) (default ".")
-port string
The serve port (default "7069")
-s Save the output into an html file(s)
-token string
Github personal accesss token
Reload when change is detected on the path (soon)
The project is tested on those version of go > go 1.9
Get the project and install it by:
go get -u ↵
cd $GOPATH/src/ ↵
go install #OR go build ↵
is made with ♥ by hihebark. It is released under the GPL3 license.