Release v1.10.0
141 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
Release date: 2023年8月17日
此次更新修复了多个 SQL 注入漏洞, 影响所有历史版本, 建议所有用户升级
- 支持两种新登录方式, 钉钉登录和 oidc 登录
- oracle engine 优化, 支持创建函数, 存储过程等
- 支持 oracle 会话管理
- 新增 cassandra 支持, 可以查询, 上线
- 数据库管理和账号管理支持 MongoDB
详细 changelist
代码变更: v1.9.1...v1.9.2
贡献者: @LeoQuote, @Yebolin, @allen12921, @bobfantansy, @chenyu1st, @cyqxyy, @czxin788, @delphid, @dengjili229, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @hhyo, @nick2wang, @peng19832, @quanbisen, @shing6326, @songtao12, @summingyu, @te87037, @weideguo and @woshiyanghai
- delete unused dependency @LeoQuote (#2243)
- 默认不显示传统登录 @LeoQuote (#2241)
- fix cassandra frontend bug @LeoQuote (#2240)
- add cassandra support @LeoQuote (#2230)
- Bump django from 4.1.9 to 4.1.10 @dependabot (#2203)
- sql advisor sql 注入修复 @LeoQuote (#2229)
- add numberlong type support to mongo @cyqxyy (#2224)
- add ssl conn support to redis @bobfantansy (#2215)
- 修复之前的commit带入的bug @weideguo (#2197)
- 将阿里云RDS的功能抽到单独engine @weideguo (#2087)
- 查询超时也要记录日志 @woshiyanghai (#2110)
- 调整instance_account唯一索引 @nick2wang (#2179)
- allow client customize their own filename @te87037 (#2188)
- fixed thirdparty auth priority @quanbisen (#2180)
- Bump requests from 2.28.0 to 2.31.0 @dependabot (#2166)
- 新增钉钉认证登录 Feature/dingding login @quanbisen (#2171)
- 增加sql变更语句 @hhyo (#2116)
- Bump django from 4.1.7 to 4.1.9 @dependabot (#2152)
- 解决平台报错:'NoneType' object is not subscriptable @songtao12 (#2132)
- 解决会话管理表格可能加载错误的问题 @hhyo (#2113)
- engine查询增加参数化选项,修改sql参数化方式 @hhyo (#2112)
- 数据库管理和账号管理支持MongoDB @quanbisen (#2108)
- Revert "engine增加escape_string用于处理字符串参数转义" @hhyo (#2109)
- engine增加escape_string用于处理字符串参数转义 @hhyo (#2107)
- 修复开启2fa登录后无法更新ding_user_id的问题 @nick2wang (#2104)
- 修复表格服务端分页导出数据不全问题 @nick2wang (#2093)
- 自动识别Oracle SQL上线文本中的PLSQL程序块 @songtao12 (#2071)
- 修复mongo会话管理报错 @nick2wang (#2079)
- Revert "add parameters in clickhouse and mysql engine to avoid sql injection" @hhyo (#2077)
- add parameters in clickhouse and mysql engine to avoid sql injection @LeoQuote (#2062)
- fix: 支持使用create or replace创建函数、存储过程、视图以及包等语句 @songtao12 (#2066)
- Bump django from 4.1.2 to 4.1.7 @dependabot (#2054)
- feat(mysql): 添加ddl_dml不能同时提交的逻辑 @summingyu (#2060)
- upgrade ace.js==1.15.0 @Yebolin (#2045)
- fix black check @LeoQuote (#2046)
- add config for ban_self_audit @delphid (#2040)
- do not use tsinghua source @LeoQuote (#2041)
- 更新dockerfile @peng19832 (#2037)
- 变更dockerfile-base @peng19832 (#2021)
- ✨ 增加OIDC登入功能 @shing6326 (#2028)
- mongo engine优化 @nick2wang (#2018)
- Bump django from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 @dependabot (#1979)
- update coverage upload @LeoQuote (#2035)
- use 3.10 instead of 3.10.0 @LeoQuote (#2030)
- Bump pillow from 9.0.1 to 9.3.0 @dependabot (#1976)
- 修复mongo正则匹配与method取值问题 @nick2wang (#1973)
- 修复非Chrome浏览器登录配置2FA未保存问题 @nick2wang (#1964)
- 支持Oracle会话管理 @nick2wang (#1954)
- 给aggregate查询加limit行数限制,防止返回结果过多导致archery挂掉 @czxin788 (#1948)
- 增强用于匹配INSER语句的正则 @allen12921 (#1944)
- 修复 oracle 包含创建表和创建索引提示表不存在 (#1697) @dengjili229 (#1837)
- 更改默认postgres的数据库被过滤的逻辑 @chenyu1st (#1905)
- fix redis rows @chenyu1st (#1907)
- ClickHouse支持with开头的查询语句 @allen12921 (#1915)