is a Golang library that implements the Python-like logging facility.
As we all know that logging is essientially significant for server side programming because in general logging the only way to report what happens inside the program.
The logging
package of Python standard library is a popular logging facility among Pythoners. logging
defines Logger
as logging source, Handler
as logging event destination, and supports Logger hierarchy and free combinations of both. It is powerful and flexible, in a similar style like Log4j
, which is a popular logging facility among Javaers.
When it comes to Golang, the standard release has a library called log
for logging. It's simple and good to log something into standard IO or a customized IO. In fact it's too simple to use in any real production enviroment, especially when compared to some other mature logging library.
Due to the lack of a good logging facility, many people start to develop their own versions. For example in github there are dozens of logging repositories for Golang. I run into the same problem when I am writing some project in Golang. A powerful logging facility is needed to develop and debug it. I take a search on a few existing logging libraries for Golang but none of them seems to meet the requirement. So I decide to join the parade of "everyone is busy developing his own version", and then this library is created.
With an obivious intention to be a port of logging
for Golang, go-logging
has all the main features that logging
package has:
- It supports logging level, logging sources(logger) and destinations(handler) customization and flexible combinations of them
- It supports logger hierarchy, optional filter on logger and handler, optional formatter on handler
- It supports handlers that frequently-used in most real production enviroments, e.g. it could write log events to stdout, memory, file, syslog, udp/tcp socket, rpc(e.g., thrift. For the corresponding servers, please refer to the unit test) etc.
- It could be configured throught handy config file in various format(e.g. yaml, json)
Get this library using the standard go tool:
go get github.com/hhkbp2/go-logging
package main
import (
func main() {
logger := logging.GetLogger("a.b")
handler := logging.NewStdoutHandler()
logger.Warnf("message: %s %d", "Hello", 2015)
The code above outputs as the following:
message: Hello 2015
package main
import (
func main() {
filePath := "./test.log"
fileMode := os.O_APPEND
bufferSize := 0
bufferFlushTime := 30 * time.Second
inputChanSize := 1
// set the maximum size of every file to 100 M bytes
fileMaxBytes := uint64(100 * 1024 * 1024)
// keep 9 backup at most(including the current using one,
// there could be 10 log file at most)
backupCount := uint32(9)
// create a handler(which represents a log message destination)
handler := logging.MustNewRotatingFileHandler(
filePath, fileMode, bufferSize, bufferFlushTime, inputChanSize,
fileMaxBytes, backupCount)
// the format for the whole log message
format := "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d) " +
"%(name)s %(message)s"
// the format for the time part
dateFormat := "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3n"
// create a formatter(which controls how log messages are formatted)
formatter := logging.NewStandardFormatter(format, dateFormat)
// set formatter for handler
// create a logger(which represents a log message source)
logger := logging.GetLogger("a.b.c")
// ensure all log messages are flushed to disk before program exits.
defer logging.Shutdown()
logger.Infof("message: %s %d", "Hello", 2015)
Compile and run the code above, it would generate a log file "./test.log" under current working directory. The log file contains a single line:
2015-04-04 14:20:33.714 INFO (main2.go:40) a.b.c message: Hello 2015
Write a configuration file config.yml
as the following:
format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d) %(name)s %(message)s"
datefmt: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3n"
class: RotatingFileHandler
filepath: "./test.log"
mode: O_APPEND
bufferSize: 0
# 30 * 1000 ms -> 30 seconds
bufferFlushTime: 30000
inputChanSize: 1
# 100 * 1024 * 1024 -> 100M
maxBytes: 104857600
backupCount: 9
formatter: f
level: INFO
handlers: [h]
and use it to config logging facility like:
package main
import (
func main() {
config_file := "./config.yml"
if err := logging.ApplyConfigFile(config_file); err != nil {
logger := logging.GetLogger("a.b.c")
defer logging.Shutdown()
logger.Infof("message: %s %d", "Hello", 2015)
It will write log as the same as the above example 2.
For docs, refer to:
For much more details please refer to the documentation for logging