Dockerfile for running Grafana on raspberry pi.
You can use this docker image to run grafana in docker.
Since there is no official docker build for raspberry pi available yet, you could use the docker packages of hypriot:
# download image (replace name by latest release)
# install docker (replace name by latest release)
sudo dpkg -i docker-hypriot_1.10.2-1_armhf.deb
# enable service
sudo service docker restart
# check if everything is working
sudo docker info
If you want to build the image by yourself instead of downloading it from docker hub:
# clone github repository
git clone
# run build script
# clone github repository
git clone
# run build script
If you don't like docker you can use the prebuild packages in the dist-* directory of my rpi-grafana-build repository to setup and run Graphana without docker.