To download a complete out of the box working plugin without the need to compile or fetch dependencies.
Go here and download the
from the latest version.
It is recommended to install the bundled version of municipio trough our build management repository. This can be found here.
To get started you'll need to install the required npm and composer packages. To install these components you will need to have Node.js and Composer installed on your system.
$ cd [THEME-DIR]
$ php build.php
Municipio requires ACF PRO.
For PHP, use PSR-2 and PSR-4 where applicable.
You can use Gulp to compile, concatenate and minify SASS and JavaScript. The compiling of SASS will also automatically add vendor-prefixes where needed.
To compile both js and sass and start the "watch" task run the following command from the theme directory:
$ gulp
Webpack is a bit faster than gulp. So if you prefer to use webpack instead of gulp, just run the following command:
$ npm run watch
or just for a single build:
$ npm run build
- watch: Run webpack in watch mode. To be used when working on client side code like scss,js,ts...
- build:dev: Build assets with the development flag.
- build: Build assets for production.
- i18n:update: Updates languages/municipio.pot and languages/sv_SE.po from source files. Run this when translatable strings have been added/updated. Requires wp-cli.
- i18n:build: Updates languages/ .po file. Run this when changes have been made to the corresponding .po file. Requires wp-cli.
You can install composer dependencies with.
$ composer install
Author pages is blocked by default. To "unblock" add the following constant to wp-config (or other suitable place).
Constants for setting the base URI to the styleguide. Useful for third-party sites.
Constants that lock version of the styleguide. Comes in handy when you want to enshure maximum stability of a site.
define('STYLEGUIDE_VERSION', 1.0.32);
Constant that load local verrsion of the styleguide.
define('DEV_MODE', true);
Constant that contains the current theme name in BEM format. Usable when you wnat to connect component styling directly to the theme.You cannot change this.
Blog post info header (single)
@param object $post
- The post object
do_action('Municipio/author_display/name', $post);
Do action on sharing post by email, e.g. send a notification
@param object $user
- User object for the sender@param array $recipients
- List with e-mail addresses
do_action('Municipio/share_post/recipients', $user, $recipients);
Do action on comment like
@param object $comment
- Comment object@param int $userId
- Current user ID@param bool $create
- True if a new like is created. False if it's removed
do_action('Municipio/comment/save_like', $comment, $userId, $create);
@param array $viewData
- The view data that is passed to filter.
apply_filters('Municipio/Template/viewData', $viewData);
@param array $viewData
- The view data that is passed to filter.@param string $postType
- The post type slug.@param string $template
- The archive template name.
apply_filters('Municipio/Template/single/viewData', $viewData, $postType);
apply_filters('Municipio/Template/archive/viewData', $viewData, $postType, $template);
apply_filters("Municipio/Template/{$postType}/viewData", $viewData);
apply_filters("Municipio/Template/{$postType}/single/viewData", $viewData);
apply_filters("Municipio/Template/{$postType}/archive/viewData", $viewData, $template);
Filters the theme/styleguide asset key.
@param string $key
- The key of the styleguide theme
apply_filters('Municipio/theme/key', $key);
Set the name of the author display
@param string $name
- Default name@param string $userId
- The ID of the user
apply_filters('Municipio/author_display/name', $name, $userId);
Set the title label for the author name display
@param string $title
- Default title
apply_filters('Municipio/author_display/title', $title);
Set the ajax_url in the
@param string $ajax_url
- Default ajax url
apply_filters('Municipio/ajax_url_in_head', $ajax_url);
Add sizes to theme options for favicon
@param array $sizes
- Default favicon sizes
apply_filters('Municipio/favicon_sizes', $sizes);
Add sizes to theme options for favicon
@param string $tag
- The HTML tag(s)@param array $icon
- The icon data
apply_filters('Municipio/favicon_tag', $tag, $icon);
Applied to classes string for header sizes.
@param string $classes
apply_filters('Municipio/header_grid_size', $classes);
Applied to classes string for mobile hamburger menu breakpoint.
@param string $classes
- The default site name
apply_filters('Municipio/mobile_menu_breakpoint', $classes);
Applied to the text that displays as the logo when now logotype image is uploaded in theme options.
@param string $title
- The default site name
apply_filters('Municipio/logotype_text', $title);
Applied to the logotype class attirbute
@param array $classes
- Default class(es)
apply_filters('Municipio/logotype_class', $classes);
Applied to the logotype class attirbute
@param string $tooltip
- Default tooltip text
apply_filters('Municipio/logotype_tooltip', $tooltip);
Applied to the list of Blade template types.
@param array $types
- Dafault Blade template types
apply_filters('Municipio/blade/template_types', $types);
Multiple filters applied to the contents of a search result
@param string $var
- The content of the variable@param object $post
- Post object
apply_filters('Municipio/search_result/date', $date, $post);
apply_filters('Municipio/search_result/title', $title, $post);
apply_filters('Municipio/search_result/excerpt', $excerpt, $post);
apply_filters('Municipio/search_result/permalink_url', $permalink_url, $post);
apply_filters('Municipio/search_result/permalink_text', $permalink_text, $post);
Filters applied to the search form
@param string $var
- The content of the variable
apply_filters('Municipio/search_form/action', $url);
Modify the avaiable sorting keys for archives
@param array $keys
- The keys@param string $postType
- The post type
apply_filters('Municipio/archive/sort_keys', $keys, $postType);
Modify the date filter WHERE clause
@param string $where
- The sql WHERE clause@param string $from
- The "from" date from querystring@param string $to
- The "to" date from querystring
apply_filters('Municipio/archive/date_filter', $where, $from, $to);
Show/hide (true/false) breadcrumbs
@param boolean $bool
- True or false (show or hide)
apply_filters('Municipio/Breadcrumbs', $bool, get_queried_object())
Filter the items/links in the breadcrumb
@param array $items
- The breadcrumb items
apply_filters('Municipio/Breadcrumbs/Items', $items, get_queried_object());
Change custom editor stylesheet
@param string $url
- The stylesheet url
apply_filters('Municipio/admin/editor_stylesheet', $url);
Decide if oembed markup should be filtered to HbgPrime video player (youtube and vimeo) or not.
@param string $url
- The resource url@param int $postId
- Id of the current post
apply_filters('Municipio/oembed/should_filter_markup', true, $url, $postId);
Dictates what sidebars that sould be active on the current page to show the vertical menu. Simple array containing the sidebar id's.
@param array $sidebars
- An flat array with sidebar id's.
apply_filters('Municipio/Menu/Vertical/EnabledSidebars', $sidebars);
Additional taxonomy queries.
@param array $taxQuery
- Holds the taxonomy query.@param object $query
- Current query object.
apply_filters('Municipio/archive/tax_query', $taxQuery, $query);
Adds custom style to taxonomy labels.
@param string $style
- Custom CSS.@param string $term
- The term.@param string $taxonomy
- Taxonomy.
apply_filters('Municipio/taxonomy/tag_style', $style, $term, $taxonomy);
Items that should be visible in the vertical navigation menus. Represented as dots with hover-labels.
@param array $items
- An array with items representing links.
apply_filters('Municipio/Menu/Vertical/EnabledSidebars', array(array('title' => 'Page section title', 'link' => '#anchorlink'));
The following REST API routes are available from the theme.
Returns html for the
@param string $view
- Path to the blade view to be rendered. Appended to the route.@param object $data
- Data to be passed to the view.
Example usage
.then((response) => console.log(response))
To load assets from local styleguide. Set contant DEV_MODE to "true"
define('DEV_MODE', true);
Municipio is integrated with google web-fonts. It enables smart loading of fonts preventing invisible fonts using Google & Adobe webfont loader.
define('WEB_FONT', 'Roboto'); //The google fonts name (without weights)
define('WEB_FONT_REMOTE', true); //Load font kit from cdn
The goal of version 2.0 is to restructure the theme frontend and move towards the BEM (IT) standard for markup. More filters will be added in a automatic manner, mutch like ACF doe's it. These will for now, be documented below.
Version 2.0 will introduce some warnings aboute the removal of some prevoius functionality. According to plan, this functionality will be actually be removed in version 3.0. Functions that will be removed in 3.0 are.
- Gravitiforms optimizations
- Honeypot functionality for comments (this will be moved to separate plugin). Will also include google recaptcha.
- Contact widget (replacement avabile in modularity)
- RichText Widget (replacement embedded in core)
- PostType & Taxonomy creator (move to plugin)
- Upload filters (move to plugin)
- HbgBlade/data replaced with Municipio/viewData
- Municipio/ajax_url_in_head replaced with Municipio/ajaxUrl
- Modularity/CoreTemplatesSearchPaths
All variables sent (created) in a controller will automatically go trough a filter named with the variable key.
apply_filters('Municipio/{{KEY}}', $var);
You may prefer to get a full array of everything sent to a view. After the filter above has run, a global filter will be applied. This replaces the old filter.
apply_filters('Municipio/viewData', $var);
MUNICIPIO_FRAGMENT_CACHE - Set to false to remove fragment cache.
│ [Main folder for theme views, containing WordPress templates like page.blade.php]
│ │ [Components for the theme like card.blade.php]
│ │
│ │ [Big chunks that are reused in templates footer.blade.php]
│ │
│ [General templates that are included in main WordPress views like master.blade.php]
│ │
│ [Small pieces used by components like button.blade.php]
│ │
│ [Widgetized components]
Municipio comes with support and setup for WordPress integration testing based on the WordPress test suite. Since the test suite uses PHPUnit to write tests, unit tests are supported as well as integration tests.
- PHP >=7.4
- SVN cli, The
package is required to check out specified versions of WordPress for testing.
- Make sure you have run ```composer install`` to get all the packages required.
- Run
composer run test:setup
and pass along the parameters that are required. You will be informed about which parameters are required when running the command without passing any parameters. - Run
composer run test
Different from the PHPUnit standard way of organizing test files Municipio looks for test files in the /library
folder and expect a suffix of .Test.php
. This is to improve readability of the file structure and make it faster to identify if a corresponding test file exists for any given source file.
├── libraru
│ ├── SomeClass.php
│ ├── SomeClass.Test.php
A number of scripts are available from the composer.json as shorthands for running tests. These are:
. Runs the test suite as is.test:coverage
. Runs the test suite and generates coverage reports in html and clover format which are then stored in the.coverage
. Runs phpunit-watcher which in turn runs the test suite as is but in "watch-mode".test:watch:coverage
. Runs phpunit-watcher which in turn runs the test suite and generates coverage report files, but in "watch-mode".
Municipio supports image compression with shortpixel. This will enque a cronjob with a slight delay to compress newly uploaded images. Simpley define SHORTPIXEL_API_KEY constant in your config file and that's it!
Compression level will be medium/glossy for high quality photos.
This software is tested with the awesome tools from Browserstack.