The current solidworks sw2urdf plugin can only be used in ros1, which is obviously unfriendly to the current learning environment.So I made this tool to convert files to ros2 for use. At this stage, the tool has only been successfully tested in rviz2.
- Solidworks 2019
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Ros2 foxy
- Python == 3.8
We download the tool from github
git clone
We should have an urdf folder that outputs from solidworks.Let's say the name of the folder is test_urdf(I had put this folder in the project as a demo file).
Let's create a workspace called test_urdf_tool_ws and a ROS package called test_urdf_tool
mkdir test_urdf_tool_ws && mkdir test_urdf_tool_ws/src
cd test_urdf_tool_ws && colcon build
cd src && ros2 pkg create test_urdf_tool --build-type ament_python
We must change the configuration variables in if we use this tool.
# Configuration variable
# This variable is the path to the solidworks output folder of urdf files
source_dir = '/home/sxm/Project/ros/test_urdf/'
# This variable is the package path of ros2
target_dir = '/home/sxm/Project/ros/test_urdf_tool_ws/src/test_urdf_tool/'
# This variable is the package-name of ros2
package_name = "test_urdf_tool"
# This variable is the solidworks output folder name
output_folder_name = "test_urdf"
After changing the configuration variables, we run the python file in a new terminal.
Then,We go into the workspace and build the code.
cd .. && colcon build && source install/setup.bash
Finally,We run the launch files.
ros2 launch test_urdf_tool
Don't forget to change the rviz configuration
Thanks for the links