This repository hosts our open source tool setup which contains productivity tools for text- and video chat and will contain file storage with editing and collaboration features and more tools for internal use-cases.
In the near future we aim to provide a useful easy-to-install ansible setup that can also be used by other small businesses or private persons.
The setup offers the following tools:
- Matrix chat (private Messages, Channels, group conversations, in-chat video and audio calls)
- Jitsi video conferencing (from chat or standalone; possibility to allow guests)
- Keycloak user management (manage user accounts; single sign-on for all services)
- in the future: Nextcloud file storage (store and manage files; collaborative file editing)
It is composed of the following components:
- Synapse: Matrix Homeserver
- Element: Matrix Client
- Jitsi: Videoconference Server
- Keycloak: Identity Management Server
- Nginx: Webserver
and uses these tools for server management:
- Proxmox: Virtualisation Platform with lxc containers
- ansible: automation tool
This is work in progress. Do not use it in live systems!
As soon as this repository contains a complete setup which is ready to be used by others, there will be a release.
We are open for contributions!
If you consider participating, please read our for more information.
- Debian 11
Clone via https:
git clone --recurse-submodules
or via ssh:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Initialize matrix-docker-ansible-deploy submodule:
git submodule init
Change directory:
cd internal-tools/ansible/inventory
Set your domain:
Copy example config:
cp host_vars/ host_vars/$DOMAIN.yml
Change desired settings and save the file afterwards:
- Interface name of the server
- (static) IPv4 of the server
vim host_vars/$DOMAIN.yml
We use ansible vault to protect secrets on the ansible clients:
Copy example secrets file:
cp vars/vault.example.yml vars/vault.yml
Edit the file and assign strong secrets. Save the file afterwards:
vim vars/vault.yml
Write strong password to a file, remember it (!) and save the file afterwards:
vim /tmp/password_file
Encrypt your secrets with the password file:
python3 ../utils/ -v ../vars/vault.yml -p /tmp/password_file
Remember the password (!) and delete the password file:
rm /tmp/password_file
You will be prompted for the password when running the ansible playbook with --ask-vault-pass
TODO: manual configuration (IP, network device, ...)
Start the playbook with the initial tag to setup sshd, proxmox, iptables and more:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --tags=initial
TODO: additional manual steps necessary?
(This is not yet done via ansible so you have to create the containers manually.)
Use ssh to tunnel the proxmox web interface to your machine:
ssh -L 8080:localhost:8006 $DOMAIN -N
The web interface should now be accessible at https://localhost:8080 in your browser.
Log in to your account and create three containers:
- nginx
- IP:
- keycloak
- IP:
- matrix
- IP:
- TODO: Specs!
Make sure the containers are started and running.
Add host and proxy command to your ssh config to connect to the containers:
echo "
Hostname $DOMAIN
User ansible
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/cm-%r@%h:%p
ControlPersist 5m
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
Host 10.10.10.*
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p $DOMAIN
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/" >> ~/.ssh/config
You should now be able to connect to the containers like this:
Then you can start to install the services to their specific hosts.
Install and start nginx:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=nginx
Connect to the nginx container and make sure nginx is running:
systemctl status nginx
Install and start keycloak:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=keycloak
Connect to the keycloak container and make sure the docker containers for keycloak and it's database are running and
work as expected ("healthy"):
docker ps
Then, you can install matrix (synapse + element) and jitsi:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=matrix --tags=setup-all
If the installation succeeded, start matrix (synapse + element) and jitsi:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=matrix --tags=start
Now make sure everything works as expected with the matrix-docker-ansible-deploy self-check:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=matrix --tags=self-check
Check accessibility of the subdomains in your browser:
- auth.$DOMAIN
- element.$DOMAIN
- jitsi.$DOMAIN
Go to auth.$DOMAIN and login as the admin user.
Click "Users" and then "Add user".
Enter a username, create the user, navigate to "Credentials" and set a (non-temporary) password for the user.
Now go to element.$DOMAIN and click "Sign In" and then "Continue with Keycloak".
Login as the new user and confirm to log into Element with your credentials.
You should now be logged into Element as the new user.
Click "Explore Public Rooms" and change the server to look for rooms to "Matrix rooms (".
Check that a list of public rooms is fetched and join one to confirm that federation is working properly.
You can also test your server's federation at
If you made it until here, everything seems to be working!
In case you want to understand how the services are distributed over the hosts and what the used roles are for, you can find a brief overview here:
- user-initial: make sure that ansible_service_user is present
- ssh-initial: edit sshd config and add ssh keys
- iptables: install iptables and implement NAT rules
- proxmox-initial: install proxmox
- host-users: authorize ssh users
- lxc containers (not yet "ansibleized"): create lxc containers for our services
- nginx
- keycloak
- matrix
- nginx: install the webserver and set up the reverse proxy to our service's containers
- keycloak: install keycloak, create realm and set up synapse client for OpenID Connect
For installing synapse, postgres, element and jitsi we use the roles from the awesome matrix-docker-ansible-deploy repository that we include as a submodule in our repository.
- matrix-postgres: install postgres and set up database for matrix
- matrix-synapse: install synapse and set up OpenID Connect with keycloak
- matrix-client-element: install element client
- matrix-jitsi: install jitsi and configure element to use it for in-chat video and audio calls
- matrix-ma1sd: install ma1sd matrix identity server
- matrix-nginx-proxy: do not install nginx-proxy, but create nginx configuration files for synapse, jitsi and more
- matrix-coturn: install coturn turn server and configure jitsi to use it
If you want to stop the services on one of the hosts, use the stop tag.
Stop nginx:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=nginx --tags=stop
Stop keycloak:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=keycloak --tags=stop
Stop matrix (synapse + element) and jitsi:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=matrix --tags=stop
For (re-)starting the services on one of the hosts, use the start tag.
Start nginx:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=nginx --tags=start
Start keycloak:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=keycloak --tags=start
Start matrix (synapse + element) and jitsi:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory.yml ../initial-playbook.yml --limit=matrix --tags=start
This project makes use of many awesome open source projects!
We want to thank all contributors for their great work and give credit to those who provided the base for this setup.
You can find all used third-party projects and their source and licenses here:
- matrix-docker-ansible-deploy (GitHub, AGPL-3.0 License) which uses:
- Keycloak (GitHub, Apache-2.0 License)
- Postgres (Website, GitHub, License)
- Nginx (Website, GitHub, License)
- Docker (Website, GitHub, Apache-2.0 License)
- Docker Compose (GitHub, Apache-2.0 License)
- Ansible (GitHub, GPL-3.0 License)
- Proxmox VE (Website, Git, AGPL-3.0 License)
- Certbot (GitHub, Apache-2.0 License)
- OpenSSL (GitHub, Apache-2.0 License)
In case we missed acknowledging a third-party project used in our setup, please tell us at or create a pull request!