Limetrans can be regarded as a configuration frame for the use of Metafacture for library purposes. It makes use of a JSON configuration scheme and can be abstracted as:
"input" : {
"transformation-rules" : "...",
"output": {
Input is generally configured like this:
"input" : {
"queue" : {
"path" : "a/path/to/your/input/file/",
"pattern" : "your-marc-xml-input-file.xml",
"sort_by" : "lastmodified",
"order" : "desc",
"max" : 1,
"normalize-unicode" : false,
"processor" : "MARC21"
is the default value for 'processor'
thus 'processor'
can be omitted when processing MARCXML data.
"transformation-rules" : "a/path/to/your/transformation/metafacture/rules/file.xml"
By now, Limetrans is written to be used with Elasticsearch. Therefore, the output object mainly contains an Elasticsearch configuration, besides a JSON output option.
"output": {
"json" : "a/path/to/your/jsonlines/output/file.jsonl",
"elasticsearch" : {
"cluster": "elasticsearch-01",
"host": ["localhost:9300"],
"index" : {
"type" : "title",
"name" : "choose-your-own-index-name",
"timewindow" : "yyyyMMdd",
"settings" : "a/path/to/your/elasticsearch/settings.json",
"mapping" : "a/path/to/your/elasticsearch/mapping.json",
"idKey" : "the-id-field-name-configured-in-your-metafacture-rules-file"
"update" : false,
"delete" : false,
"bulkAction" : "index",
"maxbulkactions" : 100000
"pretty-printing" : false
"type" : "title"
is a suggestion, assuming you might want to transform and store book title information.
"catalogid" : "choose-your-own-catalog-id",
"collection" : "choose-your-own-collection"
Please find examples for the configuration of Limetrans in the source code.
$ git clone
$ cd third-party
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd elasticsearch-2.1.1
$ bin/elasticsearch
Check with curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/
if all is well.
Make sure you have configured the cluster name in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
according to your Limetrans configuration.
Optionally, you may want to install the head plugin
$ cd third-party/elasticsearch-2.4.0
$ bin/plugin install mobz/elasticsearch-head
Indent blocks by four spaces and wrap lines at 100 characters. For more details, refer to the Google Java Style Guide.
Please file bugs as an issue labeled "Bug" here.