A Patricia/Radix Tree for Swift.
Patrician, being the aristocrat that it is, prefers iOS 8. However, since there are no external dependencies, it can coaxed into working on iOS 7 fairly easily.
Patricia trees have a number of benefits over typical dictionaries when it comes to using string keys. Peruse this wikipedia entry for a more complete story.
Carthage is the prefered method of installation. Add the follwing to your Cartfile:
github "haveahennessy/Patrician"
And then run:
$ carthage update
Patrician will be built as a dynamic framework, which can then be added to your application.
Patrician provides a single type: RadixTree
can be used just as you would use the built in Dictionary
type, with one caveat: Keys have to be strings.
While Patrician currently serves its intended purpose, it still requires some grooming. Issues, Pull-requests, fan mail, and elitist/patrician hate mail are all welcome.
Patrician Library © Copyright 2014, Matt Isaacs.
Licensed under the MIT license.