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@hastinbe hastinbe released this 01 Nov 03:33
· 48 commits to master since this release


Auto-detect notification method (requires DBus)
Ability to play an event sound when volume changed
Support for libcanberra for playing event sounds
Repects server capabilities of your notification server

Auto-detect notification method

i3-volume use to default to libnotify when a notification method was not
specified. When using a libnotify compatible notification daemon like
notify-osd or dunst, this is a non-issue. Now if DBus is available this is no longer the case. When available, i3-volume will ask what your notification server is, if supported it will send notifications to that server, if not supported it will fallback to libnotify and try anyway.

Customize notification sound

The sound played during volume change events can be set by the
SOUND_VOLUME_CHANGED environment variable. It currently defaults to the
freedesktop sound theme (sound-theme-freedesktop package). If you wish
to use a custom sound, you can specify it like so:

env SOUND_VOLUME_CHANGED=/path/to/soundfile.oga ~/i3-volume/volume -P up 5

Currently i3-volume does not support XDG sound theming spec and requires path
to the full sound file. The exception of this is when using libcanberra
(-C) which does support XDG. However, by default i3-volume tells
libcanberra to play the sound file instead of a sound event id. To get
libcanberra to use the sound event id instead, we need to set
SOUND_VOLUME_CHANGED to a non-existent file like so:

env SOUND_VOLUME_CHANGED= ~/i3-volume/volume -CP up 5


When discoverable the capabilities of the notification server is
requested. Currently this is limited to libnotify compatible servers. If
icons are supported, i3-volume will display a volume icon. If the
notification server can handle sound, i3-volume will play volume change
sound events if enabled (-P) through the notification server instead of