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Retain Select Classes, Disable Split Words

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@pfiller pfiller released this 02 Jul 22:06
· 920 commits to main since this release

Add an option to inherit initial select classes

When enabled, this option will grab any class names off the initial select and add them to Chosen's container div:


<select id="copyClasses" classes="this-class-comes-with">


$("#copyClasses").chosen({ inherit_select_classes: true; });


<div id="copyClasses_chzn" class="... this-class-comes-with">


Add an option to disable searching split words

By default, Chosen will attempt to search across words by splitting option text at a space. For example, a search of "Stat" will match "United States". This can now be disabled:

$("select").chosen({ enable_split_word_search: false });

(#824, #940)