Bourrasque is a fictional aircraft designed to enjoy flying !!!
It is usable in FlightGear open source flight simulator.
It is agile and powerful, can fly fast and do short takeoffs and landings. It's a suitable aircraft to discover the whole world of FlightGear (entirely earth is available) with its radio-navigation instruments and autopilot. Thanks to its HUD-showing-target-position feature, it's easy to find an aircraft in the sky and fly in formation with your friends on FlightGear multiplayer servers.
Still in development but fully usable.
- Detailed model
- Animated controls (ailerons, elevons, slats, canard)
- Other animations : opening canopy, retracting gears, lights, gears suspension
- Choice of liveries
- Ground equipments, external stores (fuel tanks, smoke pods, refuelling pod)
- Usable and clickable instruments with tooltips : VOR, PFD, Nav Display, hsi, asi, etc
- Instruments adjustable lighting
- Autostart/autostop and fast start shortcuts
- HUD + mini-HUD + HUD canvas
- A lot of instrument shortcuts
- Autopilot
- Automatic hippodrome driven by autopilot
- 4 mods (TAXI, APP, NAV, VFR) changing HUD and MFD configuration
- Start/stop procedure
- Refuelling capability (enable in menu and see :
- Carrier landing and takeoff capability
- Multiplayer back-seat : fly as passenger !
- If you start in the air, brsq starts automatically systems and engines and enables autopilot
- ATC assistance to reach closest airport
- Sounds (engines, wind, rain, avionics, gears)
- Reheat effects (enable ALS)
- 3d shadow (enable ALS)
- Atmosphere effects : wingtips, contrails
- Light effects : landing lights, flashlight (enable ALS)
- Rain effects : raindrops on canopy and fuselage, particles on ground
- Smoke pods
- 2 wingmen AI demo - see README
- Timed loop AI demo over French Alps (takeoff LFLG : Grenoble le Versoud) - see README
- Add a new tanker beside the A330MRTT : Rafale Marine buddy-buddy - see README
- Tool to record a timed loop - see README
- Assistance to reach clostest airport (ATC orders)
Camera effects :
Reheat effects, different colors depending on the time :
Ground equipment, crew, canopy animation, 1250L tanks :
Fuel truck and EPU ground equipment, 1250L tanks :
Suspension, 3d shadow, strobe lights :
Animated pilots models, specific views :
Cockpit, usable and clickable instruments :
Enlightened cockpit, takeoff/approach hud configuration :
HUD showing target position and informations, VFR HUD configuration :
Radar on SFD :
Map displayed on knee-tablet, overlay text for each instrument :
Carrier takeoff and landing capacity, mini-HUD :
Refuelling capability :
LFLG timed loop (need a copy to AI/ to install) :
AI Rafale Marine tanker (need a copy to AI/ to install) :
Digital livery :
Steppe livery :
Standard livery :
Russian livery :
Flecktarn livery :
Arid livery :
FlightGear livery :
Serpent livery :
Furtiv night livery :
Tiger livery :
B01 livery :
C01 livery :
Wingmen scenario, contrail effects, 2000L tanks :
Wingmen scenario, landing light :
Rain effects at differents speeds, taxi hud configuration (left image) :
Wheels rain effects :
Exhaust rain effects when rotating :
Touchdown smoke effects :
4 tanks configuration :
High altitude navigation :