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brings in latest release candidate for the FV3 dycore (NCAR#377)
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This PR brings in the latest release candidate for the FV3 dycore for use in the UFS.  This PR will change answers for regional tests as well as any test using ICs generated from specific sources to chgres (when data_source_fv3gfs=.TRUE. logical within the dycore external_ic)
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bensonr authored Aug 27, 2021
1 parent 2dc03c1 commit 7a97256
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion atmos_cubed_sphere
Submodule atmos_cubed_sphere updated 74 files
+27 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
+19 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
+14 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
+127 −0
+12 −4
+0 −19 docs/
+0 −36 docs/
+0 −52 docs/
+0 −6 docs/
+0 −75 docs/
+0 −42 docs/
+0 −46 docs/
+0 −112 docs/
+0 −65 docs/
+0 −67 docs/
+0 −194 docs/DoxygenLayout.xml
+0 −148 docs/FV3_citations.bib
+0 −7 docs/
+0 −25 docs/
+0 −22 docs/
+0 −2,436 docs/acs_fvGFS
+0 −73 docs/
+0 −25 docs/
+0 −22 docs/
+ docs/doc_source/CDgrid.pdf
+ docs/doc_source/FV3flowchart.pdf
+ docs/doc_source/GFDLLogo.png
+ docs/doc_source/KESpectra.pdf
+ docs/doc_source/PGF.pdf
+1 −0 docs/doc_source/README
+1,653 −0 docs/doc_source/fv3_technical_2021.tex
+ docs/doc_source/fv3logo.png
+1,289 −0 docs/doc_source/fv3references.bib
+ docs/doc_source/gridmetrics1D.pdf
+ docs/doc_source/gridmetricsCoordinates.pdf
+ docs/doc_source/gridmetricsReconstructions.pdf
+ docs/doc_source/phasespeedbad.pdf
+ docs/doc_source/phasespeedgood.pdf
+ docs/doc_source/twowayschematic.pdf
+0 −18 docs/documentation.dox
+464 −0 docs/examples/BCMoist.ipynb
+305 −0 docs/examples/BLvortex.ipynb
+402 −0 docs/examples/BTwave.ipynb
+757 −0 docs/examples/DPSupercell.ipynb
+28 −0 docs/examples/
+279 −0 docs/examples/RHwave.ipynb
+2,280 −0 docs/examples/TC.ipynb
+532 −0 docs/examples/tp_core.ipynb
+ docs/fv3_technical_2021.pdf
+ docs/image/FV3flowchart.png
+ docs/image/UFSLogo.png
+15 −25 driver/fvGFS/atmosphere.F90
+1 −10 driver/fvGFS/fv_nggps_diag.F90
+0 −1 model/a2b_edge.F90
+7 −40 model/boundary.F90
+48 −46 model/fv_arrays.F90
+80 −445 model/fv_control.F90
+58 −124 model/fv_nesting.F90
+251 −137 model/fv_regional_bc.F90
+0 −20 model/sw_core.F90
+207 −102 tools/coarse_grained_restart_files.F90
+1 −1 tools/coarse_graining.F90
+2,123 −2,335 tools/external_ic.F90
+1 −21 tools/fv_diag_column.F90
+6 −125 tools/fv_diagnostics.F90
+66 −11 tools/fv_eta.F90
+154 −153 tools/fv_grid_tools.F90
+562 −287 tools/fv_io.F90
+1 −16 tools/fv_mp_mod.F90
+7 −13 tools/fv_nudge.F90
+77 −61 tools/fv_restart.F90
+3 −13 tools/fv_surf_map.F90
+4 −5 tools/fv_treat_da_inc.F90
+0 −44 tools/test_cases.F90

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