The extra fast DI (Dependency Injection) library running on Unity Game Engine.
"V" means making Unity's initial "U" more thinner and solid ... !
- Fast Resolve: Basically 5-10x faster than Zenject.
- Minimum GC Allocation: In Resolve, we have zero allocation without spawned instances.
- Small code size: Few internal types and few .callvirt.
- Assisting correct DI way: Provides simple and transparent API, and carefully select features. This prevents the DI declaration from becoming overly complex.
- Immutable Container: Thread safety and robustness.
- Constructor Injection / Method Injection / Property & Field Injection
- Dispatch own PlayerLoopSystem
- Flexible scoping
- Application can freely create nested Lifetime Scope with any async way for you like.
- Accelerated mode with SourceGenerator (Optional)
- Diagnositcs window on unity editor
- UniTask Integration
- ECS Integration beta
Visit to view the full documentation.
Requires Unity 2018.4+
- Navigate to your project's Packages folder and open the manifest.json file.
- Add this line below the "dependencies": { line
"jp.hadashikick.vcontainer": "",
- UPM should now install the package.
- The package is available on the openupm registry. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli.
- Execute the openum command.
openupm add jp.hadashikick.vcontainer
- Download the .unitypackage from releases page.
- Open VContainer.x.x.x.unitypackage
First, create a scope. References are automatically resolved for types registered here.
public class GameLifetimeScope : LifetimeScope
public override void Configure(IContainerBuilder builder)
builder.Register<IRouteSearch, AStarRouteSearch>(Lifetime.Singleton);
Where definitions of classes are
public interface IRouteSearch
public class AStarRouteSearch : IRouteSearch
public class CharacterService
readonly IRouteSearch routeSearch;
public CharacterService(IRouteSearch routeSearch)
this.routeSearch = routeSearch;
public class ActorsView : MonoBehaviour
public class ActorPresenter : IStartable
readonly CharacterService service;
readonly ActorsView actorsView;
public ActorPresenter(
CharacterService service,
ActorsView actorsView)
this.service = service;
this.actorsView = actorsView;
void IStartable.Start()
// Scheduled at Start () on VContainer's own PlayerLoopSystem.
- In this example, the routeSearch of CharacterService is automatically set as the instance of AStarRouteSearch when CharacterService is resolved.
- Further, VContainer can have a Pure C# class as an entry point. (Various timings such as Start, Update, etc. can be specified.) This facilitates "separation of domain logic and presentation".
LifetimeScope can dynamically create children. This allows you to deal with the asynchronous resource loading that often occurs in games.
public void LoadLevel()
// ... Loading some assets
// Create a child scope
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChild();
// Create a child scope with LifetimeScope prefab
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChildFromPrefab(lifetimeScopePrefab);
// Create a child with additional registration
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChildFromPrefab(
builder =>
// Extra Registrations ...
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChild(builder =>
// ExtraRegistrations ...
instantScope = currentScope.CreateChild(extraInstaller);
public void UnloadLevel()
In addition, you can create a parent-child relationship with LifetimeScope in an Additive scene.
class SceneLoader
readonly LifetimeScope currentScope;
public SceneLoader(LifetimeScope currentScope)
this.currentScope = currentScope; // Inject the LifetimeScope to which this class belongs
IEnumerator LoadSceneAsync()
// LifetimeScope generated in this block will be parented by `this.lifetimeScope`
using (LifetimeScope.EnqueueParent(currentScope))
// If this scene has a LifetimeScope, its parent will be `parent`.
var loading = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("...", LoadSceneMode.Additive);
while (!loading.isDone)
yield return null;
// UniTask example
async UniTask LoadSceneAsync()
using (LifetimeScope.EnqueueParent(parent))
await SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("...", LoadSceneMode.Additive);
// LifetimeScopes generated during this block will be additionally Registered.
using (LifetimeScope.Enqueue(builder =>
// Register for the next scene not yet loaded
// Loading the scene..
See scoping for more information.
public class FooController : IAsyncStartable
public async UniTask StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellation)
await LoadSomethingAsync(cancellation);
await ...
See integrations for more information.
See diagnostics for more information.
VContainer is inspired by: