A Lubuntu based vagrant box provisioned with the cordova development environment for the android platform. All you have to do is to clone the repository, fire vagrant up
and add your android device to VirtualBox. After that you are ready to begin your cordova project.
This box is configured to work with the yeoman generator generator-angularjs-cordova and adds the tools required to generate a skeleton project.
- install vagrant http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/installation/index.html
- run
git clone https://github.com/jonaseck2/angularjs-cordova-box.git
- run
cd angularjs-cordova-box
- run
vagrant up
npm commands on shared folders do not work, even with symlink support or --no-bin-links. Currently the only workaround is to install npm in windows and run the commands on the windows host. Copying or cloning the generated project to a windows share and running npm install works fine.
- Plug the device
- VirtualBox -> angularjs-cordova-box -> Settings -> Ports -> USB -> Add Filter -> (Select your android device)
- (your device) Settings -> Developer Options -> USB Debugging (remark if it alreday marked)
- (your device) A prompt to allow the virtual machine will appear. Click ok.
- Plug and unplug the USB device.
- (vagrant) run
adb devices
. You now should see your device on the list.
In order to resolve the ?????? no permissions
- sudo -s
- adb kill-server
- adb start-server
- adb devices
- run
vagrant ssh
- run
cd /vagrant
- run
cordova create folder-name -n ProjectName
- run
cd folder-name
- run
yo angularjs-cordova
- run
sed -i -e s/localhost/' Gruntfile.js
To host a development web server: - run
grunt serve
To emulate on device: - run
cordova build
- run
cordova emulate android
That's it.
- run
grunt build
- run
cordova build android
The apk file is created in `platform/android/<project name>.apk
This box will install and configure the following:
- Vim
- Git
- Node.js
- Npm
- Java SDK
- Android SDK
- Ant
- grunt-cli
- bower
- yo
- cordova
- chromium
- webstorm and sublime