Mail Manager: A web application where users can login and send recurring mails to the recipients.
##Description This website is used to send recurring mails with an option to choose among different schedules. #####Features
- A user can register(sign up)/login in this website. To register the email has to be verified by clicking on the activation link sent on the given mail.
- General mail features are included such as To, Subject, Schedule Selector, Mail Body, Send Mail Button.
- Scheduling features have different types such as recurring schedule (send mail after every 30 second), weekly schedule, monthly schedule and yearly schedule.
- Text size can be modified by writing h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 html tags.
- Text can be made bold by using b html tag and italics by em html tag around the desired text.
- History Page has the list of mails sent till now.
- Home Page has the list of all the mails scheduled for future.
####Installation To install the dependencies and packages required for the project use the following command after going into the preferred directory.
npm i
To run the application use the command
node app.js
or use this to run the application
npm run start