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Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task (dotnet#8102)
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* Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 17928: Build ID 7867587
* Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 17928: Build ID 7876664
* Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 17928: Build ID 7899656
* Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 17928: Build ID 7902488
  • Loading branch information
1 parent 4cd7360 commit 4125c0c
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Showing 26 changed files with 209 additions and 52 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/Resources.cs.resx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>No se encontró el recurso de Android '{0}'. Actualice @(AndroidResource) para agregar el recurso que falta.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/Resources.ja.resx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Android リソース '{0}' が見つかりませんでした。不足しているリソースを追加するには、@(AndroidResource) を更新してください。</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/Resources.ko.resx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Não foi possível encontrar o recurso Android '{0}'. Atualize @(AndroidResource) para adicionar o recurso ausente.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Не удалось найти ресурс Android "{0}". Обновите @(AndroidResource), чтобы добавить отсутствующий ресурс.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>'{0}' Android Kaynağı bulunamadı. Lütfen eksik kaynağı eklemek için @(AndroidResource) kaynağını güncelleştirin.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>找不到 Android 资源“{0}”。请更新 @(AndroidResource)以添加缺少的资源。</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,4 +122,10 @@
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</comment>
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.cs.resx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ Změňte hodnotu na název typu kvalifikovaného sestavení, který dědí z: {1
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: 'BundleAssemblies', 'AndroidUseAssemblyStore', 'AndroidEnableAssemblyCompression'</comment>
<data name="XA1036" xml:space="preserve">
<value>AndroidManifest.xml //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion '{0}' does not match the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value '{1}' in the project file (if there is no $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value in the project file, then a default value has been assumed).
Either change the value in the AndroidManifest.xml to match the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value, or remove the value in the AndroidManifest.xml (and add a $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value to the project file if it doesn't already exist).</value>
<value>AndroidManifest.xml //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion {0}“ neodpovídá hodnotě $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) {1}“ v souboru projektu (pokud v souboru projektu není žádná hodnota $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion), předpokládá se výchozí hodnota).
Buď změňte hodnotu v souboru AndroidManifest.xml tak, aby odpovídala hodnotě $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion), nebo odeberte hodnotu v souboru AndroidManifest.xml (a přidejte do souboru projektu hodnotu $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion), pokud ještě neexistuje).</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AndroidManifest.xml, //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion, $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{0} - The minimum SDK version number
{1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value</comment>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,13 +616,13 @@ Either change the value in the AndroidManifest.xml to match the $(SupportedOSPla
{1} - The managed type name</comment>
<data name="XA4216_SupportedOSPlatformVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The deployment target '{0}' is not supported (the minimum is '{1}'). Please increase the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) property value in your project file.</value>
<value>Cíl nasazení „{0}“ se nepodporuje (minimum je „{1}). Zvyšte hodnotu vlastnosti $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) ve vašem souboru projektu.</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Microsoft.Android, $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{0} - The value of $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{1} - The minimum $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) supported by this version of the SDK</comment>
<data name="XA4216_MinSdkVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The deployment target '{0}' is not supported (the minimum is '{1}'). Please increase (or remove) the //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion value in your AndroidManifest.xml.</value>
<value>Cíl nasazení „{0}“ se nepodporuje (minimum je „{1}). Zvyšte (nebo odeberte) hodnotu //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion ve vašem souboru AndroidManifest.xml.</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Microsoft.Android, //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion, AndroidManifest.xml
{0} - The value of //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion
{1} - The minimum $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) supported by this version of the SDK</comment>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,4 +933,10 @@ Pokud chcete pro sestavení z příkazového řádku použít vlastní cestu JDK
{1} - A Filename.
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ Bitte ändern Sie den Wert in einen Assembly-basierten Typnamen, der von „{1}
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: 'BundleAssemblies', 'AndroidUseAssemblyStore', 'AndroidEnableAssemblyCompression'</comment>
<data name="XA1036" xml:space="preserve">
<value>AndroidManifest.xml //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion '{0}' does not match the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value '{1}' in the project file (if there is no $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value in the project file, then a default value has been assumed).
Either change the value in the AndroidManifest.xml to match the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value, or remove the value in the AndroidManifest.xml (and add a $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value to the project file if it doesn't already exist).</value>
<value>AndroidManifest.xml //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion "{0}" stimmt nicht mit dem $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)-Wert "{1}" in der Projektdatei überein (wenn in der Projektdatei kein $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)-Wert vorhanden ist, wurde ein Standardwert angenommen).
Ändern Sie entweder den Wert in "AndroidManifest.xml" so, dass er mit dem Wert $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) übereinstimmt, oder entfernen Sie den Wert in der Datei "AndroidManifest.xml" (und fügen Sie der Projektdatei einen $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)-Wert hinzu, falls er noch nicht vorhanden ist.</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AndroidManifest.xml, //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion, $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{0} - The minimum SDK version number
{1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value</comment>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,13 +616,13 @@ Either change the value in the AndroidManifest.xml to match the $(SupportedOSPla
{1} - The managed type name</comment>
<data name="XA4216_SupportedOSPlatformVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The deployment target '{0}' is not supported (the minimum is '{1}'). Please increase the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) property value in your project file.</value>
<value>Das Bereitstellungsziel "{0}" wird nicht unterstützt (der Mindestwert ist "{1}"). Erhöhen Sie den $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)-Eigenschaftswert in Ihrer Projektdatei.</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Microsoft.Android, $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{0} - The value of $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{1} - The minimum $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) supported by this version of the SDK</comment>
<data name="XA4216_MinSdkVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The deployment target '{0}' is not supported (the minimum is '{1}'). Please increase (or remove) the //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion value in your AndroidManifest.xml.</value>
<value>Das Bereitstellungsziel "{0}" wird nicht unterstützt (der Mindestwert ist "{1}"). Erhöhen (oder entfernen) Sie den Wert von "//uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion" in Ihrer Datei "AndroidManifest.xml".</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Microsoft.Android, //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion, AndroidManifest.xml
{0} - The value of //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion
{1} - The minimum $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) supported by this version of the SDK</comment>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,4 +933,10 @@ Um einen benutzerdefinierten JDK-Pfad für einen Befehlszeilenbuild zu verwenden
{1} - A Filename.
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Could not find Android Resource '{0}'. Please update @(AndroidResource) to add the missing resource.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ Cambie el valor a un nombre de tipo de ensamblado que herede de "{1}" o quite la
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: 'BundleAssemblies', 'AndroidUseAssemblyStore', 'AndroidEnableAssemblyCompression'</comment>
<data name="XA1036" xml:space="preserve">
<value>AndroidManifest.xml //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion '{0}' does not match the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value '{1}' in the project file (if there is no $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value in the project file, then a default value has been assumed).
Either change the value in the AndroidManifest.xml to match the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value, or remove the value in the AndroidManifest.xml (and add a $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) value to the project file if it doesn't already exist).</value>
<value>AndroidManifest.xml //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion '{0}' no coincide con el valor $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) '{1}' en el archivo de proyecto (si no hay ningún valor $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) en el archivo de proyecto, se supone un valor predeterminado).
Cambie el valor de AndroidManifest.xml para que coincida con el valor $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) o quite el valor de AndroidManifest.xml (y agregue un valor $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) al archivo de proyecto si aún no existe).</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AndroidManifest.xml, //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion, $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{0} - The minimum SDK version number
{1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value</comment>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,13 +616,13 @@ Either change the value in the AndroidManifest.xml to match the $(SupportedOSPla
{1} - The managed type name</comment>
<data name="XA4216_SupportedOSPlatformVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The deployment target '{0}' is not supported (the minimum is '{1}'). Please increase the $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) property value in your project file.</value>
<value>No se admite el destino de implementación '{0}' (el mínimo es {1}''). Aumente el valor de la propiedad $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) en el archivo del proyecto.</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Microsoft.Android, $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{0} - The value of $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion)
{1} - The minimum $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) supported by this version of the SDK</comment>
<data name="XA4216_MinSdkVersion" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The deployment target '{0}' is not supported (the minimum is '{1}'). Please increase (or remove) the //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion value in your AndroidManifest.xml.</value>
<value>No se admite el destino de implementación '{0}' (el mínimo es '{1}'). Aumente (o quite) el valor //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion en androidManifest.xmlen su AndroidManifest.xml.</value>
<comment>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Microsoft.Android, //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion, AndroidManifest.xml
{0} - The value of //uses-sdk/@android:minSdkVersion
{1} - The minimum $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) supported by this version of the SDK</comment>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,4 +933,10 @@ Para usar una ruta de acceso de JDK personalizada para una compilación de líne
{1} - A Filename.
<data name="XA8000" xml:space="preserve">
<value>No se encontró el recurso de Android '{0}'. Actualice @(AndroidResource) para agregar el recurso que falta.</value>
{0} - An Android Resource Identifier.

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