Start the dev server for local development. Before you've created your database, the webserver will break because it can't find the database.
docker-compose up
Create the database user and databae. Load up the database
docker exec --user=postgres -it wazimap-ng_db_1 createuser wazimap_ng -W
docker exec --user=postgres wazimap-ng_db_1 createdb -O wazimap_ng wazimap_ng
curl | gunzip -c | docker exec -i wazimap-ng_db_1 pg_restore -U postgres -d wazimap_ng
If this is the first time you're running this, bring the containers down, then up again
docker-compose down
docker-compose up
To build a new image:
Note, this currently logs into adieyal on docker-hub. This will be moved to the OpenUp account in future.