Wine is a lightweight web framework for quickly writing web applications/services in Go.
$ go get -u -v
Create ./hello.go
package main
import ""
func main() {
s := wine.NewServer(nil)
s.Get("/hello", func(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder {
return wine.Text("Hello, Wine!")
Run and test:
$ go run hello.go
$ curl http://localhost:8000/hello
$ Hello, Wine!
s := wine.NewServer(nil)
s.Get("/time", func(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder {
return wine.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{"time":time.Now().Unix()})
Request.Params() returns all parameters from URL query, post form, cookies, and custom header fields.
s := wine.NewServer(nil)
s.Post("feedback", func(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder {
text := req.Params().String("text")
email := req.Params().String("email")
return wine.Text("Feedback:" + text + " from " + email)
Support parameters in query string
$ curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/feedback?text=crash&"
Support parameters in form
$ curl -X POST -d "text=crash&" http://localhost:8000/feedback
Support parameters in json
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"text":"crash", "email":""}'
Path parameters are also supported in order to provide elegant RESTFul API.
Single parameter in one segment:
s := wine.NewServer(nil) s.Get("/items/{id}", func(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder { id := req.Params().String("id") return wine.Text("item id: " + id) }) s.Run(":8000")
If an endpoint is bound with a model, request's parameters will be unmarshalled into an instance of the same model type.
If the model implements interface wine.Validator, then it will be validated before passed to handler.
type Item struct { ID string `json:"id"` Price float32 `json:"price"` } func (i *Item) Validate() error { if i.ID == "" { return errors.BadRequest("missing id") } if i.Price <= 0 { return errors.BadRequest("missing or invalid price") } return nil } func main() { s := wine.NewServer(nil) s.Post("/items", CreateItem).SetModel(&Item{}) s.Run(":8000") } func CreateItem(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder { // It's safe to get *Item, and item has been validated item := req.Model.(*Item) // TODO: save item into database return item }
Intercept and preprocess requests
func Log(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder { st := time.Now() //pass request to the next handler result := wine.Next(ctx, request) cost := float32((time.Since(st) / time.Microsecond)) / 1000.0 req := request.Request() log.Printf("%.3fms %s %s", cost, req.Method, req.RequestURI) return result }
func main() { s := wine.NewServer(nil) //Log every request r := s.Use(Log) r.Get("/hello", func(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder { return wine.Text("Hello, Wine!") }) s.Run(":8000") }
func CheckSessionID(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder { sid := req.Params().String("sid") //check sid if len(sid) == 0 { return errors.BadRequest("missing sid") } return wine.Next(ctx, request) } func GetUserProfile(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder { //... } func GetUserFriends(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder { //... } func GetServerTime(ctx context.Context, req *wine.Request) wine.Responder { //... } func main() { s := wine.NewServer(nil) //Create "accounts" group and add interceptor CheckSessionID g := s.Group("accounts").Use(CheckSessionID) g.Get("{user_id}/profile", GetUserProfile) g.Get("{user_id}/friends/{page}/{size}", GetUserFriends) s.Get("time", GetServerTime) s.Run(":8000") }
Run it:
Running at :8000 ...
GET /time/ main.GetServerTime
GET /accounts/{user_id}/friends/{page}/{size} main.CheckSessionID, main.GetUserFriends
GET /accounts/{user_id}/profile/ main.CheckSessionID, main.GetUserProfile
It's easy to turn on basic auth.
s := wine.NewServer(nil)
"admin": "123",
"tom": "456",
}, ""))
s.StaticDir("/", "./html")
Wine designed for modular web applications/services is not a general purpose web server. It should be used behind a web server such as Nginx, Caddy which provide compression, security features.