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Update to Dart/Flutter team lints and fix #69

Update to Dart/Flutter team lints and fix

Update to Dart/Flutter team lints and fix #69

Workflow file for this run

# A CI configuration to auto-publish pub packages.
name: Publish
# Trigger on pull requests that target the default branch.
branches: [ master ]
# Also, trigger when tags are pushed to the repo.
tags: [ 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+*' ]
# The script below will perform publishing checks (version checks, publishing
# dry run, ...) when run on a PR, and perform an actual pub publish when run as
# a result of a git tag event.

Check failure on line 17 in .github/workflows/publish.yaml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Publish

Invalid workflow file

The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/publish.yaml (Line: 17, Col: 3): Error calling workflow 'dart-lang/ecosystem/.github/workflows/publish.yaml@main'. The nested job 'validate' is requesting 'pull-requests: write', but is only allowed 'pull-requests: none'. .github/workflows/publish.yaml (Line: 17, Col: 3): Error calling workflow 'dart-lang/ecosystem/.github/workflows/publish.yaml@main'. The nested job 'publish' is requesting 'id-token: write', but is only allowed 'id-token: none'.
if: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'google' }}
uses: dart-lang/ecosystem/.github/workflows/publish.yaml@main
write-comments: false