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dbarnett edited this page Nov 25, 2014 · 3 revisions

To release a new version of vroom:

  • Bump the version number in VERSION.txt. We'll refer to this version number as $VERSION below.
    • Check git log for changes since the last release. List them in the long commit message.
    • Push the commit to master. You don't need to bother with a pull request.
  • Click "Draft a new release" on the Releases page.
  • Find your commit under "Recent commits". Label the tag like "v$VERSION".
  • Copy the list of changes from your earlier commit message.
  • Build and upload a deb. See instructions below.
  • Mark any corresponding Milestone on the Milestones page as closed.

Building the deb package

Vroom debs should be built for python3 targeting Ubuntu 12.04. These will work on newer versions of Ubuntu, but due to astraw/stdeb#83 we need to build targeting the earliest version of Ubuntu we want to support, and Travis CI environments run Ubuntu 12.04.

The best way to build proper debs is to use stdeb to build a dsc (Debian source package), and then use pbuilder from any host version of Ubuntu to build packages for Ubuntu Precise (12.04):

  • Add the following into a ~/.pydistutils.cfg file:
command-packages: stdeb.command
  • Install the latest version of stdeb for python3 with pip3 install --user stdeb.
  • From a vroom repository directory, run python3 sdist_dsc.
  • Set up pbuilder if you haven't already:
    • Run sudo apt-get install pbuilder ubuntu-dev-tools.
    • Run pbuilder-dist precise create to create a chroot for building against Ubuntu Precise. This will take several minutes to complete.
  • Run pbuilder-dist precise amd64 build deb_dist/vroom_$VERSION-1.dsc to build the deb.
  • After it's built, upload the deb from ~/pbuilder/precise_result/vroom_$VERSION-1_all.deb to the release page.
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