Bump golang from 688ad7f
to cbee5d2
in /examples/deployment/docker/log_server
This check has been archived and is scheduled for deletion.
Learn more about checks retention
Google Cloud Build / trillian-pr-tests (trillian-opensource-ci)
Jan 12, 2024 in 10m 37s
Build Information
Trigger | trillian-pr-tests |
Build | d9a053a4-c96f-4c52-bfe9-aa40cb934f29 |
Start | 2024-01-11T19:47:36-08:00 |
Duration | 9m44.354s |
Status | SUCCESS |
Step | Status | Duration |
gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker | SUCCESS | 17.529s |
gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker | SUCCESS | 2.257s |
prepare | SUCCESS | 12.286s |
check | SUCCESS | 19.632s |
presubmit | SUCCESS | 3m51.518s |
codecov | SUCCESS | 4m5.8s |
presubmit_batched | SUCCESS | 3m50.605s |
presubmit_pkcs11 | SUCCESS | 3m52.915s |
presubmits_done | SUCCESS | 604ms |
integration | SUCCESS | 1m27.466s |
integration_docker | SUCCESS | 4m40.283s |
integration_etcd | SUCCESS | 1m34.58s |
integration_batched | SUCCESS | 1m27.505s |
integration_pkcs11 | SUCCESS | 1m27.407s |
integration_mariadb | SUCCESS | 1m18.16s |
starting build "d9a053a4-c96f-4c52-bfe9-aa40cb934f29"
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: git branch -m <name>
Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/.git/
From https://github.com/google/trillian
* branch 9d17dd2d4891aa7494a83952c336c0d6aa1b8e15 -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 9d17dd2 Bump golang in /examples/deployment/docker/log_server
Starting Step #0
Step #0: Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
Step #0: latest: Pulling from trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase
Step #0: bc0734b949dc: Already exists
Step #0: b5de22c0f5cd: Already exists
Step #0: 917ee5330e73: Already exists
Step #0: bed956b3d08c: Already exists
Step #0: 1f6137e1fd63: Pulling fs layer
Step #0: 4abe907dfc23: Pulling fs layer
Step #0: 0684562dfdc1: Pulling fs layer
Step #0: 6df5bfc6bb5e: Pulling fs layer
Step #0: 69b2095b6e70: Pulling fs layer
Step #0: c2f4c560a066: Pulling fs layer
Step #0: cc97b0ae25ca: Pulling fs layer
Step #0: 6df5bfc6bb5e: Waiting
Step #0: 69b2095b6e70: Waiting
Step #0: c2f4c560a066: Waiting
Step #0: cc97b0ae25ca: Waiting
Step #0: 0684562dfdc1: Verifying Checksum
Step #0: 0684562dfdc1: Download complete
Step #0: 4abe907dfc23: Verifying Checksum
Step #0: 69b2095b6e70: Verifying Checksum
Step #0: 69b2095b6e70: Download complete
Step #0: 1f6137e1fd63: Verifying Checksum
Step #0: 1f6137e1fd63: Download complete
Step #0: cc97b0ae25ca: Verifying Checksum
Step #0: cc97b0ae25ca: Download complete
Step #0: 6df5bfc6bb5e: Verifying Checksum
Step #0: 6df5bfc6bb5e: Download complete
Step #0: c2f4c560a066: Verifying Checksum
Step #0: c2f4c560a066: Download complete
Step #0: 1f6137e1fd63: Pull complete
Step #0: 4abe907dfc23: Pull complete
Step #0: 0684562dfdc1: Pull complete
Step #0: 6df5bfc6bb5e: Pull complete
Step #0: 69b2095b6e70: Pull complete
Step #0: c2f4c560a066: Pull complete
Step #0: cc97b0ae25ca: Pull complete
Step #0: Digest: sha256:fc27c555c54f68d55b41bd37c5c0c998fc0217a89007fc91d31dfbd7fad24941
Step #0: Status: Downloaded newer image for gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase:latest
Step #0: gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase:latest
Finished Step #0
Starting Step #1
Step #1: Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
Step #1: Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.497MB
Step #1: Step 1/11 : FROM golang:1.21.6-bookworm@sha256:688ad7f282ce711cc28676531f45d5b840790e28a689fbd4e8e4ac181e23e9c4
Step #1: docker.io/library/golang:1.21.6-bookworm@sha256:688ad7f282ce711cc28676531f45d5b840790e28a689fbd4e8e4ac181e23e9c4: Pulling from library/golang
Step #1: bc0734b949dc: Already exists
Step #1: b5de22c0f5cd: Already exists
Step #1: 917ee5330e73: Already exists
Step #1: bed956b3d08c: Already exists
Step #1: 1f6137e1fd63: Already exists
Step #1: 4abe907dfc23: Already exists
Step #1: Digest: sha256:688ad7f282ce711cc28676531f45d5b840790e28a689fbd4e8e4ac181e23e9c4
Step #1: Status: Downloaded newer image for golang:1.21.6-bookworm@sha256:688ad7f282ce711cc28676531f45d5b840790e28a689fbd4e8e4ac181e23e9c4
Step #1: ---> 7dec4c3381a6
Step #1: Step 2/11 : WORKDIR /testbase
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> 0af723e7e908
Step #1: Step 3/11 : ARG GOFLAGS=""
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> c577198a0fc1
Step #1: Step 4/11 : ENV GOFLAGS=$GOFLAGS
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> 64ba902444ff
Step #1: Step 5/11 : ENV GOPATH /go
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> ac5cc9fb5841
Step #1: Step 6/11 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential curl docker-compose lsof mariadb-client netcat-openbsd socat softhsm unzip wget xxd
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> ceca5f3802bc
Step #1: Step 7/11 : RUN curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.55.1
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> 4369960af34b
Step #1: Step 8/11 : RUN curl https://binaries.cockroachdb.com/cockroach-v22.1.11.linux-amd64.tgz | tar -xz && cp -i cockroach-v22.1.11.linux-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin/
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> c937d4bd8209
Step #1: Step 9/11 : RUN mkdir protoc && (cd protoc && PROTOC_VERSION="3.20.1" && PROTOC_ZIP="protoc-${PROTOC_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.zip" && wget "https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v${PROTOC_VERSION}/${PROTOC_ZIP}" && unzip -o ${PROTOC_ZIP} -d /usr/local bin/protoc && unzip -o ${PROTOC_ZIP} -d /usr/local 'include/*' )
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> bdbbf8da509d
Step #1: Step 10/11 : ENV PATH /usr/local/bin:$PATH
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> fa2fa1a11a24
Step #1: Step 11/11 : ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:/testbase/protoc/bin:$PATH
Step #1: ---> Using cache
Step #1: ---> 9691439f9479
Step #1: Successfully built 9691439f9479
Step #1: Successfully tagged gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase:latest
Finished Step #1
Starting Step #2 - "prepare"
Step #2 - "prepare": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase
Step #2 - "prepare": + go install github.com/golang/mock/mockgen google.golang.org/protobuf/proto google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc github.com/pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc/cmd/protoc-gen-doc golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.16.1
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading google.golang.org/protobuf v1.32.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.3.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc v1.5.1
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/golang/mock v1.6.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading google.golang.org/grpc v1.60.1
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading golang.org/x/mod v0.14.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/pseudomuto/protokit v0.2.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/Masterminds/sprig v2.22.0+incompatible
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api v0.0.0-20240102182953-50ed04b92917
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators v0.2.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate v1.0.2
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.16
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.0.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading golang.org/x/crypto v0.18.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/Masterminds/semver v1.5.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/google/uuid v1.5.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/Masterminds/goutils v1.1.1
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/huandu/xstrings v1.2.0
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.1
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2
Step #2 - "prepare": go: downloading google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20231212172506-995d672761c0
Finished Step #2 - "prepare"
Starting Step #3 - "check"
Step #3 - "check": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase
Step #3 - "check": running gofmt
Step #3 - "check": running goimports
Step #3 - "check": running go generate
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/google/go-cmp v0.6.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.120.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/transparency-dev/merkle v0.0.2
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading golang.org/x/sync v0.6.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading contrib.go.opencensus.io/exporter/stackdriver v0.13.14
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opencensus.io v0.24.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.18.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.5.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3 v3.5.11
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc v0.0.0-20240102182953-50ed04b92917
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading bitbucket.org/creachadair/shell v0.0.8
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/go-redis/redis v6.15.9+incompatible
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/apache/beam/sdks/v2 v2.52.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/spanner v1.55.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading google.golang.org/api v0.155.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach-go/v2 v2.3.5
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/lib/pq v1.10.9
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/google/btree v1.1.2
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.7.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware v1.4.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.16.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.19.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.etcd.io/etcd/server/v3 v3.5.11
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jackc/pgx/v4 v4.18.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/go-logr/logr v1.4.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.2.3
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/monitoring v1.16.3
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/trace v1.10.4
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.4.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/prometheus/prometheus v0.47.2
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.23.3
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go v0.111.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.15.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.etcd.io/etcd/api/v3 v3.5.11
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.etcd.io/etcd/client/pkg/v3 v3.5.11
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.uber.org/zap v1.26.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/prometheus/common v0.45.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.2.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/prometheus/procfs v0.12.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jackc/pgconn v1.14.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jackc/pgio v1.0.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jackc/pgtype v1.14.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 v22.5.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.46.4
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jackc/pgproto3/v2 v2.3.2
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/coreos/go-semver v0.3.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2 v2.12.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jackc/chunkreader/v2 v2.0.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jackc/pgpassfile v1.0.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jackc/pgservicefile v0.0.0-20221227161230-091c0ba34f0a
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.14.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions/v2 v2.0.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.uber.org/multierr v1.11.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.21.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.21.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane v0.11.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus v1.2.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway v1.16.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/soheilhy/cmux v0.1.5
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/tmc/grpc-websocket-proxy v0.0.0-20220101234140-673ab2c3ae75
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.8
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.etcd.io/etcd/pkg/v3 v3.5.11
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/google.golang.org/grpc/otelgrpc v0.46.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc v1.20.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk v1.20.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2 v2.2.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.4.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace v1.20.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/cncf/xds/go v0.0.0-20231016030527-8bd2eac9fb4a
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/cncf/udpa/go v0.0.0-20220112060539-c52dc94e7fbe
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.3
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.5.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/v3 v3.5.11
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading golang.org/x/time v0.5.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jonboulle/clockwork v0.4.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.21.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp v1.0.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/xiang90/probing v0.0.0-20221125231312-a49e3df8f510
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.5.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v2 v2.305.11
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.2.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2 v2.18.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading gopkg.in/retry.v1 v1.0.3
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20231006140011-7918f672742d
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.33.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/profiler v0.4.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/docker/docker v24.0.7+incompatible
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20231023181126-ff6d637d2a7b
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.5
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/opencontainers/image-spec v1.1.0-rc5
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/docker/distribution v2.8.3+incompatible
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/docker/go-connections v0.4.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/docker/go-units v0.5.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/distribution/reference v0.5.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.4.0
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/googleapis/enterprise-certificate-proxy v0.3.2
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/google/s2a-go v0.1.7
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.46.1
Step #3 - "check": go: downloading github.com/felixge/httpsnoop v1.0.4
Step #3 - "check": checking git diff is empty
Finished Step #3 - "check"
Starting Step #4 - "presubmit"
Starting Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11"
Starting Step #6 - "presubmit_batched"
Starting Step #5 - "codecov"
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase
Step #4 - "presubmit": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase
Step #5 - "codecov": Already have image (with digest): gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + MYSQL_PORT=3306
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + export MYSQL_HOST=3ac33d75f097_db_1
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + MYSQL_HOST=3ac33d75f097_db_1
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + COMPOSE_CONFIG='-p 3ac33d75f097 -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml'
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + docker-compose -p 3ac33d75f097 -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml up -d
Step #4 - "presubmit": + MYSQL_PORT=3306
Step #4 - "presubmit": + export MYSQL_HOST=aebb7aa28c7b_db_1
Step #4 - "presubmit": + MYSQL_HOST=aebb7aa28c7b_db_1
Step #4 - "presubmit": + COMPOSE_CONFIG='-p aebb7aa28c7b -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml'
Step #4 - "presubmit": + docker-compose -p aebb7aa28c7b -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml up -d
Step #5 - "codecov": + MYSQL_PORT=3306
Step #5 - "codecov": + export MYSQL_HOST=f7889dcc3293_db_1
Step #5 - "codecov": + MYSQL_HOST=f7889dcc3293_db_1
Step #5 - "codecov": + COMPOSE_CONFIG='-p f7889dcc3293 -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml'
Step #5 - "codecov": + docker-compose -p f7889dcc3293 -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml up -d
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + MYSQL_PORT=3306
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + export MYSQL_HOST=c556fd0d840f_db_1
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + MYSQL_HOST=c556fd0d840f_db_1
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + COMPOSE_CONFIG='-p c556fd0d840f -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml'
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + docker-compose -p c556fd0d840f -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml up -d
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": Pulling db (mysql:8.0)...
Step #4 - "presubmit": Pulling db (mysql:8.0)...
Step #5 - "codecov": Pulling db (mysql:8.0)...
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": Pulling db (mysql:8.0)...
Step #4 - "presubmit": 8.0: Pulling from library/mysql
Step #5 - "codecov": 8.0: Pulling from library/mysql
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": 8.0: Pulling from library/mysql
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": 8.0: Pulling from library/mysql
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": Digest: sha256:82b40099c780c15850690bea3a76c73fcc4834ce813313cd048468f1de7c2b06
Step #5 - "codecov": Digest: sha256:82b40099c780c15850690bea3a76c73fcc4834ce813313cd048468f1de7c2b06
Step #4 - "presubmit": Digest: sha256:82b40099c780c15850690bea3a76c73fcc4834ce813313cd048468f1de7c2b06
Step #5 - "codecov": Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:8.0
Step #4 - "presubmit": Status: Image is up to date for mysql:8.0
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:8.0
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": Digest: sha256:82b40099c780c15850690bea3a76c73fcc4834ce813313cd048468f1de7c2b06
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": Status: Image is up to date for mysql:8.0
Step #4 - "presubmit": Creating aebb7aa28c7b_db_1 ...
Step #5 - "codecov": Creating f7889dcc3293_db_1 ...
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": Creating c556fd0d840f_db_1 ...
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": Creating 3ac33d75f097_db_1 ...
Step #4 - "presubmit": Creating aebb7aa28c7b_db_1 ... done
Step #4 - "presubmit": + trap 'docker-compose -p aebb7aa28c7b -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml down' EXIT
Step #4 - "presubmit": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=aebb7aa28c7b_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #4 - "presubmit": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'aebb7aa28c7b_db_1' (115)
Step #4 - "presubmit": + sleep 5
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": Creating c556fd0d840f_db_1 ... done
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + trap 'docker-compose -p c556fd0d840f -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml down' EXIT
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=c556fd0d840f_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'c556fd0d840f_db_1' (115)
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + sleep 5
Step #5 - "codecov": Creating f7889dcc3293_db_1 ... done
Step #5 - "codecov": + trap 'docker-compose -p f7889dcc3293 -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml down' EXIT
Step #5 - "codecov": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=f7889dcc3293_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #5 - "codecov": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'f7889dcc3293_db_1' (115)
Step #5 - "codecov": + sleep 5
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": Creating 3ac33d75f097_db_1 ... done
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + trap 'docker-compose -p 3ac33d75f097 -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml down' EXIT
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=3ac33d75f097_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on '3ac33d75f097_db_1' (115)
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + sleep 5
Step #4 - "presubmit": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=aebb7aa28c7b_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #4 - "presubmit": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'aebb7aa28c7b_db_1' (115)
Step #4 - "presubmit": + sleep 5
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=c556fd0d840f_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'c556fd0d840f_db_1' (115)
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + sleep 5
Step #5 - "codecov": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=f7889dcc3293_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #5 - "codecov": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'f7889dcc3293_db_1' (115)
Step #5 - "codecov": + sleep 5
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=3ac33d75f097_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on '3ac33d75f097_db_1' (115)
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + sleep 5
Step #4 - "presubmit": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=aebb7aa28c7b_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #4 - "presubmit": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'aebb7aa28c7b_db_1' (115)
Step #4 - "presubmit": + sleep 5
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=c556fd0d840f_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'c556fd0d840f_db_1' (115)
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + sleep 5
Step #5 - "codecov": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=f7889dcc3293_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #5 - "codecov": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on 'f7889dcc3293_db_1' (115)
Step #5 - "codecov": + sleep 5
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=3ac33d75f097_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to server on '3ac33d75f097_db_1' (115)
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + sleep 5
Step #4 - "presubmit": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=aebb7aa28c7b_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #4 - "presubmit": Variable_name Value
Step #4 - "presubmit": admin_tls_version TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
Step #4 - "presubmit": immediate_server_version 999999
Step #4 - "presubmit": innodb_version 8.0.35
Step #4 - "presubmit": original_server_version 999999
Step #4 - "presubmit": protocol_version 10
Step #4 - "presubmit": replica_type_conversions
Step #4 - "presubmit": slave_type_conversions
Step #4 - "presubmit": tls_version TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
Step #4 - "presubmit": version 8.0.35
Step #4 - "presubmit": version_comment MySQL Community Server - GPL
Step #4 - "presubmit": version_compile_machine x86_64
Step #4 - "presubmit": version_compile_os Linux
Step #4 - "presubmit": version_compile_zlib 1.2.13
Step #4 - "presubmit": + export 'TEST_MYSQL_URI=root:bananas@tcp(aebb7aa28c7b_db_1:3306)/'
Step #4 - "presubmit": + TEST_MYSQL_URI='root:bananas@tcp(aebb7aa28c7b_db_1:3306)/'
Step #4 - "presubmit": + ./scripts/presubmit.sh --no-linters --no-generate
Step #4 - "presubmit": running go build
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=c556fd0d840f_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": Variable_name Value
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": admin_tls_version TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": immediate_server_version 999999
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": innodb_version 8.0.35
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": original_server_version 999999
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": protocol_version 10
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": replica_type_conversions
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": slave_type_conversions
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": tls_version TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": version 8.0.35
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": version_comment MySQL Community Server - GPL
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": version_compile_machine x86_64
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": version_compile_os Linux
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": version_compile_zlib 1.2.13
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + export 'TEST_MYSQL_URI=root:bananas@tcp(c556fd0d840f_db_1:3306)/'
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + TEST_MYSQL_URI='root:bananas@tcp(c556fd0d840f_db_1:3306)/'
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": + ./scripts/presubmit.sh --no-linters --no-generate
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": running go build
Step #5 - "codecov": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=f7889dcc3293_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #5 - "codecov": Variable_name Value
Step #5 - "codecov": admin_tls_version TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
Step #5 - "codecov": immediate_server_version 999999
Step #5 - "codecov": innodb_version 8.0.35
Step #5 - "codecov": original_server_version 999999
Step #5 - "codecov": protocol_version 10
Step #5 - "codecov": replica_type_conversions
Step #5 - "codecov": slave_type_conversions
Step #5 - "codecov": tls_version TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
Step #5 - "codecov": version 8.0.35
Step #5 - "codecov": version_comment MySQL Community Server - GPL
Step #5 - "codecov": version_compile_machine x86_64
Step #5 - "codecov": version_compile_os Linux
Step #5 - "codecov": version_compile_zlib 1.2.13
Step #5 - "codecov": + export 'TEST_MYSQL_URI=root:bananas@tcp(f7889dcc3293_db_1:3306)/'
Step #5 - "codecov": + TEST_MYSQL_URI='root:bananas@tcp(f7889dcc3293_db_1:3306)/'
Step #5 - "codecov": + ./scripts/presubmit.sh --coverage --no-linters --no-generate
Step #5 - "codecov": running go build
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + mysql --protocol=TCP --host=3ac33d75f097_db_1 --port=3306 --user=root -pbananas -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": Variable_name Value
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": admin_tls_version TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": immediate_server_version 999999
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": innodb_version 8.0.35
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": original_server_version 999999
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": protocol_version 10
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": replica_type_conversions
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": slave_type_conversions
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": tls_version TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": version 8.0.35
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": version_comment MySQL Community Server - GPL
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": version_compile_machine x86_64
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": version_compile_os Linux
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": version_compile_zlib 1.2.13
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + export 'TEST_MYSQL_URI=root:bananas@tcp(3ac33d75f097_db_1:3306)/'
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + TEST_MYSQL_URI='root:bananas@tcp(3ac33d75f097_db_1:3306)/'
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": + ./scripts/presubmit.sh --no-linters --no-generate
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": running go build
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": go: downloading github.com/letsencrypt/pkcs11key/v4 v4.0.0
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": go: downloading github.com/miekg/pkcs11 v1.1.1
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": running go test -timeout=20m ./...
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": go: downloading cloud.google.com/go/longrunning v0.5.4
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": go: downloading github.com/gofrs/flock v0.8.1
Step #4 - "presubmit": running go test -timeout=20m ./...
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": running go test -timeout=20m ./...
Step #5 - "codecov": running go test -timeout=20m -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.txt ./...
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": ? github.com/google/trillian [no test files]
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": ? github.com/google/trillian [no test files]
Step #5 - "codecov": ? github.com/google/trillian [no test files]
Step #4 - "presubmit": ? github.com/google/trillian [no test files]
Step #4 - "presubmit": ? github.com/google/trillian/cmd/deletetree [no test files]
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": ? github.com/google/trillian/cmd/deletetree [no test files]
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11": ? github.com/google/trillian/cmd/internal/serverutil [no test files]
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": ? github.com/google/trillian/cmd/deletetree [no test files]
Step #6 - "presubmit_batched": ? github.com/google/trillian/cmd/internal/serverutil [no test files]
Step #4 - "presubmit": ? github.com/google/trillian/cmd/internal/serverutil [no test files]
Step #5 - "codecov": ? github.com/google/trillian/cmd/deletetree [no test files]
Step #5 - "codecov": ? github.com/google/trillian/cmd/internal/serverutil [no test files]
Step #7 - "presubmit_pkcs11"
[Logs truncated due to log size limitations. For full logs, see https://storage.cloud.google.com/trillian-cloudbuild-logs/log-d9a053a4-c96f-4c52-bfe9-aa40cb934f29.txt.]
2 - "integration_batched": + local pids=
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + kill_pid ''
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + local pids=
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + set +e
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + local count=0
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + kill -INT
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + set -e
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + local file=
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + for file in "${TO_DELETE[@]}"
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + echo 'Deleting on exit'
Step #12 - "integration_batched": Deleting on exit
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + rm -rf
Step #12 - "integration_batched": --- PASS: Log integration test
Step #12 - "integration_batched": + docker-compose -p 8ce4c1cc3c05 -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml down
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": Stopping b5a6f61b8afb_db_1 ...
Step #12 - "integration_batched": Stopping 8ce4c1cc3c05_db_1 ...
Step #9 - "integration": + (( count++ ))
Step #9 - "integration": + local im_still_alive=
Step #9 - "integration": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #9 - "integration": + ps -p 2171
Step #9 - "integration": + im_still_alive+=' 2171'
Step #9 - "integration": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #9 - "integration": + ps -p 514
Step #9 - "integration": Now do kill -KILL 2171 514
Step #9 - "integration": + im_still_alive+=' 514'
Step #9 - "integration": + pids=' 2171 514'
Step #9 - "integration": + '[' -z ' 2171 514' ']'
Step #9 - "integration": + '[' 6 -gt 5 ']'
Step #9 - "integration": + echo 'Now do kill -KILL 2171 514'
Step #9 - "integration": + kill -KILL 2171 514
Step #9 - "integration": + break
Step #9 - "integration": + set -e
Step #9 - "integration": + TO_KILL=()
Step #9 - "integration": /workspace/integration/log_integration_test.sh: line 1: 514 Killed go run ${GOFLAGS} github.com/google/trillian/cmd/trillian_log_server ${ETCD_OPTS} ${pkcs11_opts} ${logserver_opts} --rpc_endpoint="localhost:${port}" --http_endpoint="localhost:${http}" ${LOGGING_OPTS}
Step #9 - "integration": /workspace/integration/log_integration_test.sh: line 1: 2171 Killed go run ${GOFLAGS} github.com/google/trillian/cmd/trillian_log_signer ${ETCD_OPTS} ${pkcs11_opts} ${logsigner_opts} --sequencer_interval="1s" --batch_size=500 --rpc_endpoint="localhost:${port}" --http_endpoint="localhost:${http}" --num_sequencers 2 ${LOGGING_OPTS}
Step #9 - "integration": + '[' 0 '!=' 0 ']'
Step #9 - "integration": + exit 0
Step #9 - "integration": + on_exit
Step #9 - "integration": + local pids=
Step #9 - "integration": + kill_pid ''
Step #9 - "integration": + local pids=
Step #9 - "integration": + set +e
Step #9 - "integration": + local count=0
Step #9 - "integration": + kill -INT
Step #9 - "integration": + set -e
Step #9 - "integration": + local file=
Step #9 - "integration": + for file in "${TO_DELETE[@]}"
Step #9 - "integration": + echo 'Deleting on exit'
Step #9 - "integration": + rm -rf
Step #9 - "integration": Deleting on exit
Step #9 - "integration": --- PASS: Log integration test
Step #9 - "integration": + docker-compose -p a135afcdb664 -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml down
Step #9 - "integration": Stopping a135afcdb664_db_1 ...
Step #12 - "integration_batched": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:00 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Step #12 - "integration_batched": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:00 connection.go:173: driver: bad connection
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:00 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:00 connection.go:173: driver: bad connection
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": ok github.com/google/trillian/integration 29.441s
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + RESULT=0
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + set -e
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + popd
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + true
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + log_stop_test
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local pids
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Stopping Log signers (pids 1301)'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + pids+=' 1301'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Stopping Log RPC servers (pids 1049)'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + pids+=' 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + [[ '' != '' ]]
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill_pid 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local 'pids=1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + set +e
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": /workspace
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Stopping Log signers (pids 1301)
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Stopping Log RPC servers (pids 1049)
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local count=0
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + sleep 1
Step #12 - "integration_batched": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:01 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Step #12 - "integration_batched": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:01 connection.go:173: driver: bad connection
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:01 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:01 connection.go:173: driver: bad connection
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + (( count++ ))
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local im_still_alive=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1301
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1301'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + pids=' 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' -z ' 1301 1049' ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' 1 -gt 5 ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Retry kill -INT 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Retry kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + sleep 1
Step #9 - "integration": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:02 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Step #9 - "integration": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:02 connection.go:173: driver: bad connection
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + (( count++ ))
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local im_still_alive=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1301
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1301'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + pids=' 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' -z ' 1301 1049' ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' 2 -gt 5 ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Retry kill -INT 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Retry kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + sleep 1
Step #9 - "integration": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:03 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Step #9 - "integration": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:03 connection.go:173: driver: bad connection
Step #9 - "integration": Stopping a135afcdb664_db_1 ... done
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": Stopping b5a6f61b8afb_db_1 ... done
Step #12 - "integration_batched": Stopping 8ce4c1cc3c05_db_1 ... done
Step #9 - "integration": Removing a135afcdb664_db_1 ...
Step #12 - "integration_batched": Removing 8ce4c1cc3c05_db_1 ...
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": Removing b5a6f61b8afb_db_1 ...
Step #9 - "integration": Removing a135afcdb664_db_1 ... done
Step #9 - "integration": Network cloudbuild is external, skipping
Step #12 - "integration_batched": Removing 8ce4c1cc3c05_db_1 ... done
Step #12 - "integration_batched": Network cloudbuild is external, skipping
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": Removing b5a6f61b8afb_db_1 ... done
Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11": Network cloudbuild is external, skipping
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + (( count++ ))
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local im_still_alive=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1301
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1301'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + pids=' 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' -z ' 1301 1049' ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' 3 -gt 5 ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Retry kill -INT 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + sleep 1
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Retry kill -INT 1301 1049
Finished Step #13 - "integration_pkcs11"
Finished Step #9 - "integration"
Finished Step #12 - "integration_batched"
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + (( count++ ))
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local im_still_alive=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1301
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1301'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Retry kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + pids=' 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' -z ' 1301 1049' ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' 4 -gt 5 ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Retry kill -INT 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + sleep 1
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + (( count++ ))
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local im_still_alive=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1301
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1301'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + pids=' 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' -z ' 1301 1049' ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' 5 -gt 5 ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Retry kill -INT 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Retry kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill -INT 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + sleep 1
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + (( count++ ))
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local im_still_alive=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1301
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1301'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for pid in ${pids}
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + ps -p 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + im_still_alive+=' 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + pids=' 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' -z ' 1301 1049' ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' 6 -gt 5 ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Now do kill -KILL 1301 1049'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill -KILL 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Now do kill -KILL 1301 1049
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + break
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + set -e
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + TO_KILL=()
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + '[' 0 '!=' 0 ']'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + exit 0
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + on_exit
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local pids=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill_pid ''
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local pids=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + set +e
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local count=0
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + kill -INT
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + set -e
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + local file=
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + for file in "${TO_DELETE[@]}"
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Deleting on exit
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + echo 'Deleting on exit'
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + rm -rf
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": --- PASS: Log integration test
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": + docker-compose -p dcdee34f52bb -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.mysql.yml -f ./integration/cloudbuild/docker-compose.network.yml down
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Stopping dcdee34f52bb_db_1 ...
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:08 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:08 connection.go:173: driver: bad connection
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:09 packets.go:122: closing bad idle connection: EOF
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": [mysql] 2024/01/12 03:54:09 connection.go:173: driver: bad connection
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Stopping dcdee34f52bb_db_1 ... done
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Removing dcdee34f52bb_db_1 ...
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Removing dcdee34f52bb_db_1 ... done
Step #11 - "integration_etcd": Network cloudbuild is external, skipping
Finished Step #11 - "integration_etcd"
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing intermediate container 474a32880a6c
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 9fa34de0e063
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 9/13 : RUN go run github.com/google/go-licenses save ./cmd/trillian_log_server --save_path /THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in 09faea0703da
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[91mW0112 03:54:24.329796 1247 library.go:101] "golang.org/x/sys/unix" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/sys@v0.16.0/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:54:27.401360 1247 library.go:101] "github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2@v2.2.0/xxhash_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:54:29.591051 1247 library.go:101] "golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/crypto@v0.18.0/chacha20poly1305/chacha20poly1305_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:54:29.610714 1247 library.go:101] "golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/crypto@v0.18.0/internal/poly1305/sum_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:54:29.617243 1247 library.go:101] "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/sys@v0.16.0/cpu/cpu_x86.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:54:35.679890 1247 library.go:101] "github.com/modern-go/reflect2" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/modern-go/reflect2@v1.0.2/reflect2_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/modern-go/reflect2@v1.0.2/relfect2_mips64x.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/modern-go/reflect2@v1.0.2/relfect2_mipsx.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/modern-go/reflect2@v1.0.2/relfect2_ppc64x.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:54:36.165004 1247 library.go:101] "github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate/validate" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate@v1.0.2/validate/validate.h
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0mRemoving intermediate container 09faea0703da
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> d45fc5f92e57
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 10/13 : FROM gcr.io/distroless/base-debian12@sha256:0a93daa199e7c6e387cea8cf03fac676146735caf6965d276d86ebd3a441f27e
Step #10 - "integration_docker": gcr.io/distroless/base-debian12@sha256:0a93daa199e7c6e387cea8cf03fac676146735caf6965d276d86ebd3a441f27e: Pulling from distroless/base-debian12
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 62a9f8728f85: Already exists
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2b776ada0341: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 3996ddec0b81: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": fcb6f6d2c998: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": e8c73c638ae9: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1e3d9b7d1452: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 4aa0ea1413d3: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2fa82a9c76b2: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 672354a91bfa: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1b26523ec020: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ad7888c7ea2f: Pulling fs layer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2fa82a9c76b2: Waiting
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 672354a91bfa: Waiting
Step #10 - "integration_docker": e8c73c638ae9: Waiting
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1b26523ec020: Waiting
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1e3d9b7d1452: Waiting
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2b776ada0341: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 3996ddec0b81: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": e8c73c638ae9: Verifying Checksum
Step #10 - "integration_docker": e8c73c638ae9: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": fcb6f6d2c998: Verifying Checksum
Step #10 - "integration_docker": fcb6f6d2c998: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1e3d9b7d1452: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2b776ada0341: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 4aa0ea1413d3: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2fa82a9c76b2: Verifying Checksum
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2fa82a9c76b2: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 672354a91bfa: Verifying Checksum
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 672354a91bfa: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ad7888c7ea2f: Verifying Checksum
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ad7888c7ea2f: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1b26523ec020: Verifying Checksum
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1b26523ec020: Download complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 3996ddec0b81: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": fcb6f6d2c998: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": e8c73c638ae9: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1e3d9b7d1452: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 4aa0ea1413d3: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2fa82a9c76b2: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 672354a91bfa: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 1b26523ec020: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ad7888c7ea2f: Pull complete
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Digest: sha256:0a93daa199e7c6e387cea8cf03fac676146735caf6965d276d86ebd3a441f27e
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Status: Downloaded newer image for gcr.io/distroless/base-debian12@sha256:0a93daa199e7c6e387cea8cf03fac676146735caf6965d276d86ebd3a441f27e
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> ef48e4564bd8
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 11/13 : COPY --from=build /go/bin/trillian_log_server /
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 1978686a1842
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 12/13 : COPY --from=build /THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES /THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 668e292bda00
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 13/13 : ENTRYPOINT ["/trillian_log_server"]
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in 9281a0c8c489
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing intermediate container 9281a0c8c489
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 208a30942c76
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Successfully built 208a30942c76
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Successfully tagged deployment_trillian-log-server:latest
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Building trillian-log-signer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.824MB
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 1/13 : FROM golang:1.21.6-bookworm@sha256:688ad7f282ce711cc28676531f45d5b840790e28a689fbd4e8e4ac181e23e9c4 as build
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 7dec4c3381a6
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 2/13 : WORKDIR /trillian
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in 4ee01879a335
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing intermediate container 4ee01879a335
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 7fd089911f1d
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 3/13 : ARG GOFLAGS=""
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in 7d50e1904be4
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing intermediate container 7d50e1904be4
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 06378dbfe579
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 4/13 : ENV GOFLAGS=$GOFLAGS
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in 04cd778a4c44
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing intermediate container 04cd778a4c44
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> cfcdd7be14a5
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 5/13 : COPY go.mod go.sum ./
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> c4280fd0bc63
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 6/13 : RUN go mod download
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in f64b6a9d01bd
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing intermediate container f64b6a9d01bd
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 40b8c8a2261e
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 7/13 : COPY . .
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> ecbdc29e5b06
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 8/13 : RUN go install ./cmd/trillian_log_signer
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in 1ba743201a4c
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing intermediate container 1ba743201a4c
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> f0414a408382
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 9/13 : RUN go run github.com/google/go-licenses save ./cmd/trillian_log_signer --save_path /THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in 1950f395375a
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[91mW0112 03:55:46.523250 1186 library.go:101] "golang.org/x/sys/unix" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/sys@v0.16.0/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:55:49.500515 1186 library.go:101] "github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2@v2.2.0/xxhash_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:55:51.845837 1186 library.go:101] "golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/crypto@v0.18.0/chacha20poly1305/chacha20poly1305_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:55:51.863842 1186 library.go:101] "golang.org/x/crypto/internal/poly1305" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/crypto@v0.18.0/internal/poly1305/sum_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:55:51.870512 1186 library.go:101] "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/sys@v0.16.0/cpu/cpu_x86.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:55:57.696150 1186 library.go:101] "github.com/modern-go/reflect2" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/modern-go/reflect2@v1.0.2/reflect2_amd64.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/modern-go/reflect2@v1.0.2/relfect2_mips64x.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/modern-go/reflect2@v1.0.2/relfect2_mipsx.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/modern-go/reflect2@v1.0.2/relfect2_ppc64x.s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0m�[91mW0112 03:55:58.177548 1186 library.go:101] "github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate/validate" contains non-Go code that can't be inspected for further dependencies:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /go/pkg/mod/github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate@v1.0.2/validate/validate.h
Step #10 - "integration_docker": �[0mRemoving intermediate container 1950f395375a
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> da112c025d93
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 10/13 : FROM gcr.io/distroless/base-debian12@sha256:0a93daa199e7c6e387cea8cf03fac676146735caf6965d276d86ebd3a441f27e
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> ef48e4564bd8
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 11/13 : COPY --from=build /go/bin/trillian_log_signer /
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> a94a8eec26ef
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 12/13 : COPY --from=build /THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES /THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 22d12c45786a
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Step 13/13 : ENTRYPOINT ["/trillian_log_signer"]
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> Running in d31af51a052a
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing intermediate container d31af51a052a
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ---> 5ac823e206b7
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Successfully built 5ac823e206b7
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Successfully tagged deployment_trillian-log-signer:latest
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Creating deployment_mysql_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Creating deployment_mysql_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Creating deployment_trillian-log-signer_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Creating deployment_trillian-log-server_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Creating deployment_trillian-log-signer_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Creating deployment_trillian-log-server_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": --2024-01-12 03:56:08-- http://deployment_trillian-log-server_1:8091/healthz
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Resolving deployment_trillian-log-server_1 (deployment_trillian-log-server_1)...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Connecting to deployment_trillian-log-server_1 (deployment_trillian-log-server_1)||:8091... failed: Connection refused.
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Retrying.
Step #10 - "integration_docker":
Step #10 - "integration_docker": --2024-01-12 03:56:09-- (try: 2) http://deployment_trillian-log-server_1:8091/healthz
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Connecting to deployment_trillian-log-server_1 (deployment_trillian-log-server_1)||:8091... failed: Connection timed out.
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Retrying.
Step #10 - "integration_docker":
Step #10 - "integration_docker": --2024-01-12 03:56:41-- (try: 3) http://deployment_trillian-log-server_1:8091/healthz
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Connecting to deployment_trillian-log-server_1 (deployment_trillian-log-server_1)||:8091... connected.
Step #10 - "integration_docker": HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Length: 2 [text/plain]
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Saving to: 'STDOUT'
Step #10 - "integration_docker":
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 0K 100% 340K=0s
Step #10 - "integration_docker":
Step #10 - "integration_docker": 2024-01-12 03:56:41 (340 KB/s) - written to stdout [2/2]
Step #10 - "integration_docker":
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Health: ok
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Provision log
Step #10 - "integration_docker": I0112 03:56:41.709652 280 main.go:110] Creating tree tree_state:ACTIVE tree_type:LOG max_root_duration:{seconds:3600}
Step #10 - "integration_docker": W0112 03:56:41.709891 280 rpcflags.go:36] Using an insecure gRPC connection to Trillian
Step #10 - "integration_docker": I0112 03:56:41.710319 280 admin.go:50] CreateTree...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": I0112 03:56:41.723400 280 admin.go:95] Initialising Log 476152259312401708...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": I0112 03:56:41.740683 280 admin.go:106] Initialised Log (476152259312401708) with new SignedTreeHead:
Step #10 - "integration_docker": log_root:"\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 \xe3\xb0\xc4B\x98\xfc\x1c\x14\x9a\xfb\xf4șo\xb9$'\xaeA\xe4d\x9b\x93L\xa4\x95\x99\x1bxR\xb8U\x17\xa9}c\xd9)ҵ\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Created tree 476152259312401708
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Running test
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /workspace/integration /workspace
Step #10 - "integration_docker": ok github.com/google/trillian/integration 21.033s
Step #10 - "integration_docker": /workspace
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Stopping deployment_trillian-log-server_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Stopping deployment_trillian-log-signer_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Stopping deployment_mysql_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Stopping deployment_trillian-log-server_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Stopping deployment_trillian-log-signer_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Stopping deployment_mysql_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing deployment_trillian-log-server_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing deployment_trillian-log-signer_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing deployment_mysql_1 ...
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing deployment_mysql_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing deployment_trillian-log-server_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing deployment_trillian-log-signer_1 ... done
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Removing network deployment_default
Step #10 - "integration_docker": Network deployment_default not found.
Finished Step #10 - "integration_docker"
Pushing gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase:latest
The push refers to repository [gcr.io/trillian-opensource-ci/trillian_testbase]
2218c0621492: Preparing
be8ef0672536: Preparing
4abf424c47ba: Preparing
e9dc3ee56832: Preparing
b1af04d994ef: Preparing
0bc0db775d18: Preparing
fc9ad2f235d9: Preparing
50e120e69bfc: Preparing
209de9f22f2f: Preparing
777ac9f3cbb2: Preparing
ae134c61b154: Preparing
fc9ad2f235d9: Waiting
50e120e69bfc: Waiting
ae134c61b154: Waiting
209de9f22f2f: Waiting
0bc0db775d18: Waiting
4abf424c47ba: Layer already exists
b1af04d994ef: Layer already exists
e9dc3ee56832: Layer already exists
0bc0db775d18: Layer already exists
fc9ad2f235d9: Layer already exists
2218c0621492: Layer already exists
50e120e69bfc: Layer already exists
be8ef0672536: Layer already exists
209de9f22f2f: Layer already exists
777ac9f3cbb2: Layer already exists
ae134c61b154: Layer already exists
latest: digest: sha256:fc27c555c54f68d55b41bd37c5c0c998fc0217a89007fc91d31dfbd7fad24941 size: 2640