Package generate runs go generate recursively on a specified path or environment variable like $GOPATH and can filter by regex
When ready to compile your application, you may need to do a bunch of setup, run some scripts or even embed static resources and instead of programming that all into a build script just add all that into //go:generate statements then run this to recursively go through and run all the setup for you.
To be the best friend of which automatically embeds the go:generate statement that embeds the static resources, but it could be used for anything.
Use go get.
go get
or to update
go get -u
Then import the generate package into your own code.
import ""
Please see for detailed usage docs.
- NOTE: this would be from a bash prompt, hence the escaping
generate -i=$GOPATH -ignore=/\. -match=/
run generate -h for all options
Distributed under MIT License, please see license file in code for more details.