Overview | Features | Installation | Updating | Setup | Structure | Credits | License
This repository contains configuration files I use on Linux systems which have been inspired by the rest of the dotfiles community.
Current programs that I use: Xmonad, Xmobar, Urxvtc, Neovim, Tmux.
XMonad | Win |
i3wm | Win |
Tmux | CTRL-Space |
Vim | Space |
Action | Keybinding (M=META) |
Open program | M-p |
Change program | M-Ctrl-p |
Minimize window | M-m |
Restore window | M-Ctrl-m |
Maximize window | M-f |
Close window | M-Ctrl-c |
- Use of ZSH.
- ZSH plugin manager:
- Use of aliases.
- Plugins:
- enhancd:A next-generation cd command with an interactive filter.
- zsh-history-substring-search: Zsh port of Fish shell's history search feature. https://sunaku.github.io/switching-from-fish-to-zsh.html
- zsh-syntax-highlighting: Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
- zsh-autosuggestions: Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh.
- zsh-completions: Additional completion definitions for Zsh.
- Colorscheme: Gruvbox Gruvbox:
- fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go.
- Use of Neovim
- Set
to a single<space>
. - Plugin manager: Vim-Plug
- Status Bar: Lightline
- Colorscheme: Base16-vim
- Switch between the last two files with space-space.
- Essential plugins:
- EasyMotion: Vim motions on speed!.
- fzf.vim: Things you can do with fzf and Vim.
- IndentLine: A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines.
- Deoplete: Asynchronous completion framework for Neovim.
- UltiSnips: The ultimate snippet solution for Vim.
- Neomake: Asynchronous :make using Neovim's job-control functionality.
- Vim-test: Run your tests at the speed of thought.
- Fugitive: fugitive.vim: a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal.
- Vim-Projectionist:projectionist.vim: project configuration
- Vim-Repeat: repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with ".".
- Vim-Sleuth: sleuth.vim: Heuristically set buffer options
- Vim-gitgutter: Shows a git diff in the gutter (sign column) and stages/reverts hunks.
- Limelight: Hyperfocus-writing in Vim.
- Goyo: Distraction-free writing in Vim.
- gv: A git commit browser.
- vim-devicons: Adds font icons.
- vimwiki: Personal Wiki for Vim.
- Set prefix to
- Plugin manager: TPM
- Session manager: Tmuxinator
- Plugins:
- tmux-sessionist: Lightweight tmux utils for manipulating tmux sessions.
- tmux-yank: Tmux plugin for copying to system clipboard.
- tmux-copycat: A plugin that enhances tmux search.
- tmux-resurrect: Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
- tmux-continuum: Continuous saving of tmux environment. Automatic restore when tmux is started. Automatic tmux start when computer is turned on.
- Set prefix to
- Scripts used:
- i3-alternating-layout: Scripts to open new windows in i3wm using alternating layouts (splith/splitv) for each new window.
Open up a terminal, type the installation command below: Run the following command to set up a new machine:
$ git clone https://github.com/gmartinezramirez/dotfiles.git
$ cd ~/dotfiles && make install
$ cd ~/.dotfiles && git update
Copyright (c) 2016 "Gonzalo Martinez Ramirez" gmartinezramirez
Licensed under the MIT license.
Unless attributed otherwise, everything is under the MIT licence. Some stuff is not from me, and without attribution, and I no longer remember where I got it from. I apologize for that.