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bmatch.gateway Microservice

The bmatch.gateway microservice serves as a gateway for various applications, ensuring routing, as well as user registration, authentication, and profile management.

Core Features:

  • Gateway: Routes requests to the appropriate microservices.
  • Registration & Authentication: Handles user account creation and authentication.
  • Profile Management: Fetches and stores user profiles in Redis.

API Endpoints:

  • /api/user/login - User login.
  • /api/user/create - Register a new user.
  • /api/user/profile - Fetch a user's profile.
  • /api/user/** - Routes user-related requests to the bmatch-user microservice.

Security Configurations:

  • Routes prefixed with /api/admin/** require ADMINISTRATOR role.
  • Paths /api/user/create, /api/user/login, and /api/user/profile are publicly accessible.
  • Access to /api/user/** and /api/restaurant/** requires PLAYER authority.
  • /actuator/health is publicly accessible for service health checks.

Environment Variables:

The microservice configuration uses the following environment variables:

  • Database Configurations:

    • DB_USERNAME: Database username. Default - bmatch.
    • DB_PASSWORD: Database password. Default - newpassword.
    • DB_SCHEME: Database name. Default - bmatch.
    • DB_HOST: Database host. Default - localhost.
  • Redis Configurations:

    • REDIS_PORT: Redis port. Default - 6379.
    • REDIS_HOST: Redis host. Default - localhost.
  • JWT & Production Settings:

    • IS_PROD: Indicates if the environment is production. Default - false.
    • JWT_TOKEN: Secret key for JWT token. Default - YourSecretKeyShouldBeVerySecureAndNotPublic.
  • SSL Configuration:

    • SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: Keystore password. Default - mypassword
    • SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE: Keystore path. Default - file:./keystore.jks
  • Consul Configuration:

    • SPRING_CLOUD_CONSUL_HOST: Consul host. Default - localhost.

Generating SSL Certificate:

To generate a self-signed SSL certificate for development or testing:

  1. Generate a keystore:
keytool -genkeypair -v -keystore keystore.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 365 -alias bmatch.gateway -dname "CN=localhost, OU=MyOrg, O=MyOrg, L=City, ST=State, C=Country" -storepass mypassword -keypass mypassword
  1. For API testing tools like Insomnia that require a PEM format:
    a. Export the certificate from keystore in DER format:
    keytool -export -keystore keystore.jks -alias bmatch.gateway -file mycert.der -storepass mypassword
    b. Convert DER format to PEM:
    openssl x509 -inform der -in mycert.der -out mycert.pem

Setup & Launch:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Ensure all required dependencies are installed and appropriate environment variables are set.
  3. Launch the microservices (Redis, Consul, Postgresql) using docker
  4.  gradle clean build -x test --no-daemon


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