This pack provides integration with Foreman lifecycle management tool. Actions within this pack mirror the Foreman API and Katello API (a Foreman plugin).
Install the pack
st2 pack install foreman
Execute an action (example: list all Organizations)
st2 run foreman.organizations_index server=foreman.domain.tld username=admin password=xxx
The configuration for this pack is used to specify connection information for
all Foreman servers you'll be communicating with. The location for the config file
is /opt/stackstorm/config/foreman.yaml
Note : st2 pack config
doesn't handle schemas references very well (known bug)
so it's best to create the configuration file yourself and copy it into
then run st2ctl reload --register-configs
server: <hostname or ip of the Foreman server>
username: <username@domain.tld (preferred) or domain\username>
password: <password for username>
server: <hostname or ip of the Foreman server>
username: <username@domain.tld (preferred) or domain\username>
password: <password for username>
... # note: multiple connections can be specified!
username: stackstorm_svc@dev.domain.tld
password: DevPassword
server: foreman.stage.domain.tld
username: stackstorm_svc@stage.domain.tld
password: stagePassword
username: stackstorm_svc@prod.domain.tld
password: SuperSecret
Note : All actions allow you to specify a connection
name parameter that will
reference the connection information in the config. Alternatively
all actions allow you to override these connection parameters
so a config isn't required. See the Actions for more
The following example demonstrates running the foreman.organizations_index
using connection information specified as action input parameters.
$ st2 run foreman.organizations_index server=foreman.domain.tld username=admin password=xxx
id: 59df9d7ba814c06fcd5d9cc7
status: succeeded
password: '***'
username: admin
exit_code: 0
page: 1
per_page: 20
- created_at: 2016-12-19 06:02:07 UTC
description: ''
id: 1
label: Example_Organization
name: Example Organization
title: Example Organization
updated_at: 2017-10-12 14:56:50 UTC
search: null
by: null
order: null
subtotal: 1
total: 1
stderr: ''
stdout: ''
The basic example is great and allows for quick testing from the commandline and/or one-off commands in a workflow. However, specifying the same connection information over/over can become tedious and repetitive, luckily there is a better way.
This pack is designed to store commonly used connection information in the pack's
config file located in /opt/stackstorm/config/foreman.yaml
. The connection
info is specified in the config once, and then referenced by name within an
action and/or workflow.
Using the action from the basic example, we can enter this connection information in our config:
$ cat /opt/stackstorm/configs/foreman.yaml
server: foreman.domain.tld
username: administrator
password: xxx
Now we can reference this connection (by name) when executing our action:
$ st2 run foreman.organizations_index connection=prod
This pays off big time when running multiple commands in sequence.
Finding things using the Foreman API works using a collection's index
API endpoint.
For example if we wanted to list all of the hosts that Foreman knows about we would
use the foreman.hosts_index
where hosts
is the collection and index
is the endpoint.
On these foreman.xx_index
actions there is a parameter called search
. This
parameter is used to filter the results of the index query using the
Foreman Search API.
Here's a simple example where we are finding a host by name using the query
name = somehost.domain.tld
[root@stackstorm ~]# st2 run foreman.hosts_index server=foreman.domain.tld username=admin password=xxx search='name = somehost.domain.tld'
id: 59dfa3b2a814c06fcd5d9cd0
status: succeeded
password: '********'
search: name = somehost.domain.tld
server: foreman.domain.tld
username: admin
exit_code: 0
page: 1
per_page: 20
- architecture_id: 1
architecture_name: x86_64
build: false
- build
- image
certname: somehost.domain.tld
comment: null
compute_profile_id: null
compute_profile_name: null
compute_resource_id: 3
compute_resource_name: esxhost2.domain.tld
configuration_status: 4
configuration_status_label: Active
id: 2
name: RHEL_7
content_view_id: 2
content_view_name: RHEL_7
bugfix: 0
enhancement: 0
security: 0
total: 0
id: 400
id: 2
name: Development
lifecycle_environment_id: 2
lifecycle_environment_name: Development
uuid: xxx
content_host_id: 542
created_at: 2017-06-01 19:21:47 UTC
disk: null
domain_id: 1
domain_name: domain.tld
enabled: true
environment_id: 1
environment_name: production
errata_status: 0
errata_status_label: All errata applied
global_status: 0
global_status_label: OK
hostgroup_id: 49
hostgroup_name: RHEL_7_Dev
hostgroup_title: Managed Services/RHEL/RHEL_7_Dev
id: 518
image_file: ''
image_id: null
image_name: null
installed_at: null
last_compile: 2017-10-12 17:03:37 UTC
last_report: 2017-10-12 17:03:44 UTC
location_id: 2
location_name: United States
mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
managed: false
medium_id: null
medium_name: null
model_id: 2
model_name: VMware Virtual Platform
name: somehost.domain.tld
operatingsystem_id: 8
operatingsystem_name: RHEL Server 7.4
organization_id: 1
organization_name: Example Organization
owner_id: 1
owner_type: User
provision_method: build
ptable_id: null
ptable_name: null
puppet_ca_proxy_id: 1
puppet_proxy_id: 1
puppet_status: 4
realm_id: null
realm_name: null
sp_ip: null
sp_mac: null
sp_name: null
sp_subnet_id: null
subnet_id: null
subnet_name: null
autoheal: true
id: 538
last_checkin: 2017-10-12 15:43:45 UTC
registered_at: 2017-06-01 20:06:46 UTC
release_version: null
service_level: null
user: null
uuid: xxx
subscription_status: 0
subscription_status_label: Fully entitled
updated_at: 2017-10-12 17:03:49 UTC
use_image: null
uuid: xxx
search: name = somehost.domain.tld
by: null
order: null
subtotal: 1
total: 99
stderr: ''
stdout: ''
Actions in this pack are auto-generated from the Foreman API using the python-foreman module.
Action | Foreman API | Description |
activation_keys.add_host_collections | POST /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/host_collections | |
activation_keys.add_subscriptions | PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/add_subscriptions | Attach a subscription |
activation_keys.available_host_collections | GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/host_collections/available | List host collections the activation key does not belong to |
activation_keys.available_releases | GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/releases | Show release versions available for an activation key |
activation_keys.content_override | PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/content_override | Override content for activation_key |
activation_keys.copy | POST /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/copy | Copy an activation key |
activation_keys.create | POST /katello/api/activation_keys | Create an activation key |
activation_keys.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/activation_keys/:id | Destroy an activation key |
activation_keys.host_collections_index | GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:activation_key_id/host_collections | List host collections in an activation key |
activation_keys.index | GET /katello/api/activation_keys | List activation keys |
activation_keys.product_content | GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/product_content | Show content available for an activation key |
activation_keys.products_index | GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:activation_key_id/products | List of subscription products in an activation key |
activation_keys.remove_host_collections | PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/host_collections | |
activation_keys.remove_subscriptions | PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/remove_subscriptions | Unattach a subscription | | GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:id | Show an activation key |
activation_keys.subscriptions_create | POST /katello/api/activation_keys/:activation_key_id/subscriptions | Add a subscription to an activation key |
activation_keys.subscriptions_index | GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:activation_key_id/subscriptions | List an activation key's subscriptions |
activation_keys.update | PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id | Update an activation key |
api.home_index | GET /api | Show available API links |
architectures.create | POST /api/architectures | Create an architecture |
architectures.destroy | DELETE /api/architectures/:id | Delete an architecture |
architectures.images_l -_id_showimages | GET /api/architectures/:architecture_id/images/:id | Show an image |
architectures.images_index | GET /api/architectures/:architecture_id/images | List all images for architecture |
architectures.index | GET /api/architectures | List all architectures |
architectures.operatingsystems_index | GET /api/architectures/:architecture_id/operatingsystems | List all operating systems for nested architecture | | GET /api/architectures/:id | Show an architecture |
architectures.update | PUT /api/architectures/:id | Update an architecture |
audits.index | GET /api/audits | List all audits | | GET /api/audits/:id | Show an audit |
auth_source_externals.index | GET /api/auth_source_externals | List external authentication sources | | GET /api/auth_source_externals/:id | Show an external authentication source |
auth_source_externals.update | PUT /api/auth_source_externals/:id | Update an external authentication source |
auth_source_externals.users_index | GET /api/auth_source_externals/:auth_source_external_id/users | List all users for external authentication source |
auth_source_internals.index | GET /api/auth_source_internals | List internal authentication sources | | GET /api/auth_source_internals/:id | Show an internal authentication source |
auth_source_ldaps.create | POST /api/auth_source_ldaps | Create an LDAP authentication source |
auth_source_ldaps.destroy | DELETE /api/auth_source_ldaps/:id | Delete an LDAP authentication source |
auth_source_ldaps.external_usergroups_auth_source_ldap_id_external_showusergroups | GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/:auth_source_ldap_id/external_usergroups/:id | Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source |
auth_source_ldaps.external_usergroups_index | GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/:auth_source_ldap_id/external_usergroups | List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source |
auth_source_ldaps.index | GET /api/auth_source_ldaps | List all LDAP authentication sources | | GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/:id | Show an LDAP authentication source |
auth_source_ldaps.test | PUT /api/auth_source_ldaps/:id/test | Test LDAP connection |
auth_source_ldaps.update | PUT /api/auth_source_ldaps/:id | Update an LDAP authentication source |
auth_source_ldaps.users_index | GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/:auth_source_ldap_id/users | List all users for LDAP authentication source |
auth_sources.index | GET /api/auth_sources | List all authentication sources |
bookmarks.create | POST /api/bookmarks | Create a bookmark |
bookmarks.destroy | DELETE /api/bookmarks/:id | Delete a bookmark |
bookmarks.index | GET /api/bookmarks | List all bookmarks | | GET /api/bookmarks/:id | Show a bookmark |
bookmarks.update | PUT /api/bookmarks/:id | Update a bookmark |
capsules.capsule_content_add_lifecycle_environment | POST /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/lifecycle_environments | Add lifecycle environments to the capsule |
capsules.capsule_content_apsules | DELETE /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/lifecycle_environments/:environment_id | Remove lifecycle environments from the capsule |
capsules.capsule_content_available_lifecycle_environments | GET /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/available_lifecycle_environments | List the lifecycle environments not attached to the capsule |
capsules.capsule_content_cancel_sync | DELETE /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/sync | Cancel running capsule synchronization |
capsules.capsule_content_lifecycle_environments | GET /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/lifecycle_environments | List the lifecycle environments attached to the capsule |
capsules.capsule_content_sync | POST /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/sync | Synchronize the content to the capsule |
capsules.capsule_content_sync_status | GET /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/sync | Get current capsule synchronization status |
capsules.index | GET /katello/api/capsules | List all capsules that have content | | GET /katello/api/capsules/:id | Show the capsule details |
common_parameters.create | POST /api/common_parameters | Create a global parameter |
common_parameters.destroy | DELETE /api/common_parameters/:id | Delete a global parameter |
common_parameters.index | GET /api/common_parameters | List all global parameters | | GET /api/common_parameters/:id | Show a global parameter |
common_parameters.update | PUT /api/common_parameters/:id | Update a global parameter |
compliance.arf_reports_destroy | DELETE /api/compliance/arf_reports/:id | Delete an ARF Report |
compliance.arf_reports_download | GET /api/compliance/arf_reports/:id/download | Download bzipped ARF report |
compliance.arf_reports_download_html | GET /api/compliance/arf_reports/:id/download_html | Download ARF report in HTML |
compliance.arf_reports_index | GET /api/compliance/arf_reports | List ARF reports |
compliance.arf_reports_rf | POST /api/compliance/arf/:cname/:policy_id/:date | Upload an ARF report |
compliance.arf_reports_show | GET /api/compliance/arf_reports/:id | Show an ARF report |
compliance.policies_content | GET /api/compliance/policies/:id/content | Show a policy's SCAP content |
compliance.policies_create | POST /api/compliance/policies | Create a Policy |
compliance.policies_destroy | DELETE /api/compliance/policies/:id | Delete a Policy |
compliance.policies_index | GET /api/compliance/policies | List Policies |
compliance.policies_show | GET /api/compliance/policies/:id | Show a Policy |
compliance.policies_tailoring | GET /api/compliance/policies/:id/tailoring | Show a policy's Tailoring file |
compliance.policies_update | PUT /api/compliance/policies/:id | Update a Policy |
compliance.scap_contents_create | POST /api/compliance/scap_contents | Create SCAP content |
compliance.scap_contents_destroy | DELETE /api/compliance/scap_contents/:id | Deletes an SCAP content |
compliance.scap_contents_index | GET /api/compliance/scap_contents | List SCAP contents |
compliance.scap_contents_show | GET /api/compliance/scap_contents/:id | Show an SCAP content |
compliance.scap_contents_update | PUT /api/compliance/scap_contents/:id | Update an SCAP content |
compliance.scap_contents_xml | GET /api/compliance/scap_contents/:id/xml | Download an SCAP content as XML |
compliance.tailoring_files_create | POST /api/compliance/tailoring_files | Create a Tailoring file |
compliance.tailoring_files_destroy | DELETE /api/compliance/tailoring_files/:id | Deletes a Tailoring file |
compliance.tailoring_files_index | GET /api/compliance/tailoring_files | List Tailoring files |
compliance.tailoring_files_show | GET /api/compliance/tailoring_files/:id | Show a Tailoring file |
compliance.tailoring_files_update | PUT /api/compliance/tailoring_files/:id | Update a Tailoring file |
compliance.tailoring_files_xml | GET /api/compliance/tailoring_files/:id/xml | Download a Tailoring file as XML |
compute_attributes.create | POST /api/compute_attributes | Create a compute attributes set |
compute_attributes.update | PUT /api/compute_attributes/:id | Update a compute attributes set |
compute_profiles.compute_attributes_compute_profile_id_compute_createresources | POST /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes | Create a compute attributes set |
compute_profiles.compute_attributes_compute_profile_id_compute_updateattributes | PUT /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes/:id | Update a compute attributes set |
compute_profiles.compute_attributes_compute_profile_id_compute_updateresources | PUT /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes/:id | Update a compute attributes set |
compute_profiles.compute_attributes_create | POST /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes | Create a compute attributes set |
compute_profiles.create | POST /api/compute_profiles | Create a compute profile |
compute_profiles.destroy | DELETE /api/compute_profiles/:id | Delete a compute profile |
compute_profiles.index | GET /api/compute_profiles | List of compute profiles | | GET /api/compute_profiles/:id | Show a compute profile |
compute_profiles.update | PUT /api/compute_profiles/:id | Update a compute profile |
compute_resources.associate | PUT /api/compute_resources/:id/associate | Associate VMs to Hosts |
compute_resources.available_clusters | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_clusters | List available clusters for a compute resource |
compute_resources.available_flavors | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_flavors | List available flavors for a compute resource |
compute_resources.available_folders | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_folders | List available folders for a compute resource |
compute_resources.available_images | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_images | List available images for a compute resource |
compute_resources.available_networks | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_networks | List available networks for a compute resource |
compute_resources.available_security_groups | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_security_groups | List available security groups for a compute resource |
compute_resources.available_storage_domains | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_storage_domains | List storage domains for a compute resource |
compute_resources.available_storage_pods | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_storage_pods | List storage pods for a compute resource |
compute_resources.available_zones | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_zones | List available zone for a compute resource |
compute_resources.compute_attributes_compute_resource_id_compute_createprofiles | POST /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes | Create a compute attributes set |
compute_resources.compute_attributes_compute_resource_id_compute_updateattributes | PUT /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes/:id | Update a compute attributes set |
compute_resources.compute_attributes_compute_resource_id_compute_updateprofiles | PUT /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes/:id | Update a compute attributes set |
compute_resources.compute_attributes_create | POST /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes | Create a compute attributes set |
compute_resources.create | POST /api/compute_resources | Create a compute resource |
compute_resources.destroy | DELETE /api/compute_resources/:id | Delete a compute resource |
compute_resources.id_available_available_networksclusters | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_clusters/:cluster_id/available_networks | List available networks for a compute resource cluster |
compute_resources.id_available_available_resource_poolsclusters | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_clusters/:cluster_id/available_resource_pools | List resource pools for a compute resource cluster |
compute_resources.id_available_storage_available_storage_domainsdomains | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_storage_domains/:storage_domain | List attributes for a given storage domain |
compute_resources.id_available_storage_available_storage_podspods | GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_storage_pods/:storage_pod | List attributes for a given storage pod |
compute_resources.images_compute_resource_id_destroyimages | DELETE /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images/:id | Delete an image |
compute_resources.images_compute_resource_id_showimages | GET /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images/:id | Show an image |
compute_resources.images_compute_resource_id_updateimages | PUT /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images/:id | Update an image |
compute_resources.images_create | POST /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images | Create an image |
compute_resources.images_index | GET /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images | List all images for a compute resource |
compute_resources.index | GET /api/compute_resources | List all compute resources |
compute_resources.refresh_cache | PUT /api/compute_resources/:id/refresh_cache | Refresh Compute Resource Cache | | GET /api/compute_resources/:id | Show a compute resource |
compute_resources.update | PUT /api/compute_resources/:id | Update a compute resource |
config_groups.create | POST /api/config_groups | Create a config group |
config_groups.destroy | DELETE /api/config_groups/:id | Delete a config group |
config_groups.index | GET /api/config_groups | List of config groups | | GET /api/config_groups/:id | Show a config group |
config_groups.update | PUT /api/config_groups/:id | Update a config group |
config_reports.create | POST /api/config_reports | Create a report |
config_reports.destroy | DELETE /api/config_reports/:id | Delete a report |
config_reports.index | GET /api/config_reports | List all reports | | GET /api/config_reports/:id | Show a report |
config_templates.build_pxe_default | POST /api/config_templates/build_pxe_default | Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers |
config_templates.clone | POST /api/config_templates/:id/clone | Clone a provision template |
config_templates.create | POST /api/config_templates | Create a provisioning template |
config_templates.destroy | DELETE /api/config_templates/:id | Delete a provisioning template |
config_templates.index | GET /api/config_templates | List provisioning templates |
config_templates.operatingsystems_index | GET /api/config_templates/:config_template_id/operatingsystems | List all operating systems for nested provisioning template |
config_templates.os_default_templates_index | GET /api/config_templates/:config_template_id/os_default_templates | List operating systems where this template is set as a default |
config_templates.revision | GET /api/config_templates/revision | | | GET /api/config_templates/:id | Show provisioning template details |
config_templates.template_combinations_config_template_id_template_showcombinations | GET /api/config_templates/:config_template_id/template_combinations/:id | Show template combination |
config_templates.template_combinations_config_template_id_template_updatecombinations | PUT /api/config_templates/:config_template_id/template_combinations/:id | Update template combination |
config_templates.template_combinations_create | POST /api/config_templates/:config_template_id/template_combinations | Add a template combination |
config_templates.template_combinations_index | GET /api/config_templates/:config_template_id/template_combinations | List template combination |
config_templates.update | PUT /api/config_templates/:id | Update a provisioning template |
content_credentials.content | GET /katello/api/content_credentials/:id/content | Return the content of a content credential, used directly by yum |
content_credentials.create | POST /katello/api/content_credentials | Create a content credential |
content_credentials.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/content_credentials/:id | Destroy a content credential |
content_credentials.index | GET /katello/api/content_credentials | List content credentials |
content_credentials.set_content | POST /katello/api/content_credentials/:id/content | Upload content credential contents | | GET /katello/api/content_credentials/:id | Show a content credential |
content_credentials.update | PUT /katello/api/content_credentials/:id | Update a content credential |
content_view_filters.content_view_filter_rules_create | POST /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules | Create a filter rule. The parameters included should be based upon the filter type. |
content_view_filters.content_view_filter_rules_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules | List filter rules |
content_view_filters.content_view_filter_rules_ontent_view_destroyfilters | DELETE /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules/:id | Delete a filter rule |
content_view_filters.content_view_filter_rules_ontent_view_showfilters | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules/:id | Show filter rule info |
content_view_filters.content_view_filter_rules_ontent_view_updatefilters | PUT /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules/:id | Update a filter rule. The parameters included should be based upon the filter type. |
content_view_filters.create | post /katello/api/content_view_filters | create a filter for a content view |
content_view_filters.debs_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/debs | List debs |
content_view_filters.destroy | delete /katello/api/content_view_filters/:id | delete a filter |
content_view_filters.docker_manifest_lists_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/docker_manifest_lists | List docker_manifest_lists |
content_view_filters.docker_manifests_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/docker_manifests | List docker_manifests |
content_view_filters.docker_tags_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/docker_tags | List docker_tags |
content_view_filters.file_units_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/files | List files |
content_view_filters.index | get /katello/api/content_view_filters | list filters |
content_view_filters.module_streams_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/module_streams | List module_streams |
content_view_filters.ostree_branches_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/ostree_branches | List ostree_branches |
content_view_filters.package_groups_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/package_groups | List package_groups |
content_view_filters.packages_ontent_view_indexfilters | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/:resource_id | List :resource_id |
content_view_filters.puppet_modules_index | GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/puppet_modules | List puppet_modules | | get /katello/api/content_view_filters/:id | show filter info |
content_view_filters.update | put /katello/api/content_view_filters/:id | update a filter |
content_view_versions.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id | Remove content view version |
content_view_versions.errata_available_errata | GET /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id/available_errata | Return errata that can be added to the Content View Version via an Incremental Update |
content_view_versions.export | POST /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id/export | Export a content view version |
content_view_versions.incremental_update | POST /katello/api/content_view_versions/incremental_update | Perform an Incremental Update on one or more Content View Versions |
content_view_versions.index | GET /katello/api/content_view_versions | List content view versions |
content_view_versions.promote | POST /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id/promote | Promote a content view version |
content_view_versions.republish_repositories | PUT /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id/republish_repositories | Forces a republish of the version's repositories' metadata | | GET /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id | Show content view version |
content_view_versions.update | PUT /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id | Update a content view version |
content_views.available_puppet_module_names | GET /katello/api/content_views/:id/available_puppet_module_names | Get puppet modules names that are available to be added to the content view |
content_views.available_puppet_modules | GET /katello/api/content_views/:id/available_puppet_modules | Get puppet modules that are available to be added to the content view |
content_views.content_view_components_add_components | PUT /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components/add | Add components to the content view |
content_views.content_view_components_index | GET /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components | List components attached to this content view |
content_views.content_view_components_ontent_showviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components/:id | Show a content view component |
content_views.content_view_components_ontent_updateviews | PUT /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components/:id | Update a component associated with the content view |
content_views.content_view_components_remove_components | PUT /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components/remove | Remove components from the content view |
content_views.content_view_filters_create | post /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters | create a filter for a content view |
content_views.content_view_filters_index | get /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters | list filters |
content_views.content_view_filters_ontent_destroyviews | delete /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:id | delete a filter |
content_views.content_view_filters_ontent_showviews | get /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:id | show filter info |
content_views.content_view_filters_ontent_updateviews | put /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:id | update a filter |
content_views.content_view_histories_index | GET /katello/api/content_views/:id/history | Show a content view's history |
content_views.content_view_puppet_modules_create | POST /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/content_view_puppet_modules | Add a puppet module to the content view |
content_views.content_view_puppet_modules_index | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/content_view_puppet_modules | List content view puppet modules |
content_views.content_view_puppet_modules_ontent_destroyviews | DELETE /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/content_view_puppet_modules/:id | Remove a puppet module from the content view |
content_views.content_view_puppet_modules_ontent_showviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/content_view_puppet_modules/:id | Show a content view puppet module |
content_views.content_view_puppet_modules_ontent_updateviews | PUT /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/content_view_puppet_modules/:id | Update a puppet module associated with the content view |
content_views.content_view_versions_index | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/content_view_versions | List content view versions |
content_views.copy | POST /katello/api/content_views/:id/copy | Make copy of a content view |
content_views.create | POST /katello/api/content_views | Create a content view |
content_views.debs_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/debs | List debs |
content_views.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/content_views/:id | Delete a content view |
content_views.docker_manifest_lists_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/docker_manifest_lists | List docker_manifest_lists |
content_views.docker_manifests_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/docker_manifests | List docker_manifests |
content_views.docker_tags_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/docker_tags | List docker_tags |
content_views.file_units_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/files | List files |
content_views.index | GET /katello/api/content_views | List content views |
content_views.module_streams_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/module_streams | List module_streams |
content_views.ontent_remove_from_environmentviews | DELETE /katello/api/content_views/:id/environments/:environment_id | Remove a content view from an environment |
content_views.ostree_branches_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/ostree_branches | List ostree_branches |
content_views.package_groups_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/package_groups | List package_groups |
content_views.packages_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/:resource_id | List :resource_id |
content_views.publish | POST /katello/api/content_views/:id/publish | Publish a content view |
content_views.puppet_modules_ontent_indexviews | GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/puppet_modules | List puppet_modules |
content_views.remove | PUT /katello/api/content_views/:id/remove | Remove versions and/or environments from a content view and reassign systems and keys |
content_views.repositories_index | GET /katello/api/content_views/:id/repositories | List of repositories for a content view | | GET /katello/api/content_views/:id | Show a content view |
content_views.update | PUT /katello/api/content_views/:id | Update a content view |
dashboard.index | GET /api/dashboard | Get dashboard details | | GET /katello/api/debs/compare | List debs |
debs.index | GET /katello/api/debs | List debs | | GET /katello/api/debs/:id | Show a deb |
discovered_hosts.auto_provision | POST /api/v2/discovered_hosts/:id/auto_provision | Execute rules against a discovered host |
discovered_hosts.auto_provision_all | POST /api/v2/discovered_hosts/auto_provision_all | Execute rules against all currently discovered hosts |
discovered_hosts.create | POST /api/v2/discovered_hosts | Create a discovered host for testing (use /facts to create new hosts) |
discovered_hosts.destroy | DELETE /api/v2/discovered_hosts/:id | Delete a discovered host |
discovered_hosts.facts | POST /api/v2/discovered_hosts/facts | Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required |
discovered_hosts.index | GET /api/v2/discovered_hosts | List all discovered hosts |
discovered_hosts.reboot | PUT /api/v2/discovered_hosts/:id/reboot | Rebooting a discovered host |
discovered_hosts.reboot_all | PUT /api/v2/discovered_hosts/reboot_all | Rebooting all discovered hosts |
discovered_hosts.refresh_facts | PUT /api/v2/discovered_hosts/:id/refresh_facts | Refreshing the facts of a discovered host | | GET /api/v2/discovered_hosts/:id | Show a discovered host |
discovered_hosts.update | PUT /api/v2/discovered_hosts/:id | Provision a discovered host |
discovery_rules.create | POST /api/v2/discovery_rules | Create a discovery rule |
discovery_rules.destroy | DELETE /api/v2/discovery_rules/:id | Delete a rule |
discovery_rules.index | GET /api/v2/discovery_rules | List all discovery rules | | GET /api/v2/discovery_rules/:id | Show a discovery rule |
discovery_rules.update | PUT /api/v2/discovery_rules/:id | Update a rule | | GET /katello/api/docker_manifest_lists/compare | List docker_manifest_lists |
docker_manifest_lists.index | GET /katello/api/docker_manifest_lists | List docker_manifest_lists | | GET /katello/api/docker_manifest_lists/:id | Show a docker manifest list | | GET /katello/api/docker_manifests/compare | List docker_manifests |
docker_manifests.index | GET /katello/api/docker_manifests | List docker_manifests | | GET /katello/api/docker_manifests/:id | Show a docker manifest | | GET /katello/api/docker_tags/compare | List docker_tags |
docker_tags.index | GET /katello/api/docker_tags | List docker_tags | | GET /katello/api/docker_tags/:id | Show a docker tag |
domains.create | POST /api/domains | Create a domain |
domains.destroy | DELETE /api/domains/:id | Delete a domain |
domains.index | GET /api/domains | List of domains |
domains.interfaces_index | GET /api/domains/:domain_id/interfaces | List all interfaces for domain |
domains.parameters_create | POST /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters | Create a nested parameter for a domain |
domains.parameters_domain_id_destroyparameters | DELETE /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters/:id | Delete a nested parameter for a domain |
domains.parameters_domain_id_showparameters | GET /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters/:id | Show a nested parameter for a domain |
domains.parameters_domain_id_updateparameters | PUT /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters/:id | Update a nested parameter for a domain |
domains.parameters_index | GET /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters | List all parameters for a domain |
domains.parameters_reset | DELETE /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters | Delete all nested parameters for a domain | | GET /api/domains/:id | Show a domain |
domains.subnets_index | GET /api/domains/:domain_id/subnets | List of subnets for a domain |
domains.update | PUT /api/domains/:id | Update a domain |
environments.activation_keys_index | GET /katello/api/environments/:environment_id/activation_keys | |
environments.create | POST /api/environments | Create an environment |
environments.destroy | DELETE /api/environments/:id | Delete an environment |
environments.environment_id_smart_import_puppetclassesproxies | POST /api/environments/:environment_id/smart_proxies/:id/import_puppetclasses | Import puppet classes from puppet Capsule for an environment |
environments.hosts_index | GET /api/environments/:environment_id/hosts | List hosts per environment |
environments.index | GET /api/environments | List all environments |
environments.lifecycle_environments_create | POST /katello/api/environments | Create an environment |
environments.lifecycle_environments_destroy | DELETE /katello/api/environments/:id | Destroy an environment |
environments.lifecycle_environments_index | GET /katello/api/environments | List environments in an organization |
environments.lifecycle_environments_show | GET /katello/api/environments/:id | Show an environment |
environments.lifecycle_environments_update | PUT /katello/api/environments/:id | Update an environment |
environments.puppetclasses_environment_id_showpuppetclasses | GET /api/environments/:environment_id/puppetclasses/:id | Show a Puppet class for an environment |
environments.puppetclasses_index | GET /api/environments/:environment_id/puppetclasses | List all Puppet classes for an environment |
environments.repositories_nvironments | GET /katello/api/environments/:environment_id/products/:product_id/repositories | List of repositories belonging to a product in an environment | | GET /api/environments/:id | Show an environment |
environments.smart_class_parameters_environment_id_indexpuppetclasses | GET /api/environments/:environment_id/puppetclasses/:puppetclass_id/smart_class_parameters | List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination |
environments.smart_class_parameters_index | GET /api/environments/:environment_id/smart_class_parameters | List of smart class parameters for a specific environment |
environments.smart_proxies_environment_id_smart_import_puppetclassesproxies | POST /api/environments/:environment_id/smart_proxies/:id/import_puppetclasses | Import puppet classes from puppet Capsule for an environment |
environments.template_combinations_create | POST /api/environments/:environment_id/template_combinations | Add a template combination |
environments.template_combinations_environment_id_template_showcombinations | GET /api/environments/:environment_id/template_combinations/:id | Show template combination |
environments.template_combinations_environment_id_template_updatecombinations | PUT /api/environments/:environment_id/template_combinations/:id | Update template combination |
environments.template_combinations_index | GET /api/environments/:environment_id/template_combinations | List template combination |
environments.update | PUT /api/environments/:id | Update an environment | | GET /katello/api/errata/compare | List errata |
errata.index | GET /katello/api/errata | List errata | | GET /katello/api/errata/:id | Show an erratum |
fact_values.index | GET /api/fact_values | List all fact values |
files.file_units_compare | GET /katello/api/files/compare | List files |
files.file_units_index | GET /katello/api/files | List files |
files.file_units_show | GET /katello/api/files/:id | Show a file |
filters.create | POST /api/filters | Create a filter |
filters.destroy | DELETE /api/filters/:id | Delete a filter |
filters.index | GET /api/filters | List all filters | | GET /api/filters/:id | Show a filter |
filters.update | PUT /api/filters/:id | Update a filter |
gpg_keys.content | GET /katello/api/gpg_keys/:id/content | Return the content of a gpg key, used directly by yum |
gpg_keys.create | POST /katello/api/gpg_keys | Create a gpg key |
gpg_keys.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/gpg_keys/:id | Destroy a gpg key |
gpg_keys.index | GET /katello/api/gpg_keys | List gpg keys |
gpg_keys.set_content | POST /katello/api/gpg_keys/:id/content | Upload gpg key contents | | GET /katello/api/gpg_keys/:id | Show a gpg key |
gpg_keys.update | PUT /katello/api/gpg_keys/:id | Update a repository |
host_collections.add_hosts | PUT /katello/api/host_collections/:id/add_hosts | Add host to the host collection |
host_collections.copy | POST /katello/api/host_collections/:id/copy | Make copy of a host collection |
host_collections.create | POST /katello/api/host_collections | Create a host collection |
host_collections.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/host_collections/:id | Destroy a host collection |
host_collections.index | GET /katello/api/host_collections | List host collections |
host_collections.remove_hosts | PUT /katello/api/host_collections/:id/remove_hosts | Remove hosts from the host collection | | GET /katello/api/host_collections/:id | Show a host collection |
host_collections.update | PUT /katello/api/host_collections/:id | Update a host collection |
hostgroups.ansible_roles | GET /api/hostgroups/:id/ansible_roles | List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup |
hostgroups.clone | POST /api/hostgroups/:id/clone | Clone a host group |
hostgroups.create | POST /api/hostgroups | Create a host group |
hostgroups.destroy | DELETE /api/hostgroups/:id | Delete a host group |
hostgroups.hostgroup_classes_create | POST /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/puppetclass_ids | Add a Puppet class to host group |
hostgroups.hostgroup_classes_hostgroup_id_puppetclass_destroyids | DELETE /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/puppetclass_ids/:id | Remove a Puppet class from host group |
hostgroups.hostgroup_classes_index | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/puppetclass_ids | List all Puppet class IDs for host group |
hostgroups.hosts_index | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/hosts | List all hosts for a host group |
hostgroups.index | GET /api/hostgroups | List all host groups |
hostgroups.multiple_play_roles | POST /api/hostgroups/multiple_play_roles | Plays Ansible roles on hostgroups |
hostgroups.parameters_create | POST /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters | Create a nested parameter for a host group |
hostgroups.parameters_hostgroup_id_destroyparameters | DELETE /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters/:id | Delete a nested parameter for a host group |
hostgroups.parameters_hostgroup_id_showparameters | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters/:id | Show a nested parameter for a host group |
hostgroups.parameters_hostgroup_id_updateparameters | PUT /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters/:id | Update a nested parameter for a host group |
hostgroups.parameters_index | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters | List all parameters for a host group |
hostgroups.parameters_reset | DELETE /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters | Delete all nested parameters for a host group |
hostgroups.play_roles | POST /api/hostgroups/:id/play_roles | Plays Ansible roles on a hostgroup |
hostgroups.puppetclasses_hostgroup_id_showpuppetclasses | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/puppetclasses/:id | Show a Puppet class for a host group |
hostgroups.puppetclasses_index | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/puppetclasses | List all Puppet classes for a host group |
hostgroups.rebuild_config | PUT /api/hostgroups/:id/rebuild_config | Rebuild orchestration config | | GET /api/hostgroups/:id | Show a host group |
hostgroups.smart_class_parameters_index | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/smart_class_parameters | List of smart class parameters for a specific host group |
hostgroups.smart_variables_index | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/smart_variables | List of smart variables for a specific host group |
hostgroups.template_combinations_create | POST /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/template_combinations | Add a template combination |
hostgroups.template_combinations_hostgroup_id_template_showcombinations | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/template_combinations/:id | Show template combination |
hostgroups.template_combinations_hostgroup_id_template_updatecombinations | PUT /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/template_combinations/:id | Update template combination |
hostgroups.template_combinations_index | GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/template_combinations | List template combination |
hostgroups.update | PUT /api/hostgroups/:id | Update a host group |
hosts.ansible_roles | GET /api/hosts/:id/ansible_roles | List all Ansible roles for a host |
hosts.audits_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/audits | List all audits for a given host |
hosts.boot | PUT /api/hosts/:id/boot | Boot host from specified device |
hosts.config_reports_last | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/config_reports/last | Show the last report for a host |
hosts.create | POST /api/hosts | Create a host |
hosts.destroy | DELETE /api/hosts/:id | Delete a host |
hosts.disassociate | PUT /api/hosts/:id/disassociate | Disassociate the host from a VM |
hosts.enc | GET /api/hosts/:id/enc | Get ENC values of host |
hosts.fact_values_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/facts | List all fact values of a given host |
hosts.facts | POST /api/hosts/facts | Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required |
hosts.host_classes_create | POST /api/hosts/:host_id/puppetclass_ids | Add a Puppet class to host |
hosts.host_classes_host_id_puppetclass_destroyids | DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/puppetclass_ids/:id | Remove a Puppet class from host |
hosts.host_classes_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/puppetclass_ids | List all Puppet class IDs for host |
hosts.host_collections | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/host_collections | Alter a hosts host collections |
hosts.host_errata_applicability | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/errata/applicability | Force regenerate applicability. |
hosts.host_errata_apply | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/errata/apply | Schedule errata for installation |
hosts.host_errata_host_id_showerrata | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/errata/:id | Retrieve a single errata for a host |
hosts.host_errata_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/errata | List errata available for the content host |
hosts.host_module_streams_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/module_streams | List module streams available to the host |
hosts.host_packages_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/packages | List packages installed on the host |
hosts.host_packages_install | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/packages/install | Install packages remotely |
hosts.host_packages_remove | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/packages/remove | Uninstall packages remotely |
hosts.host_packages_upgrade | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/packages/upgrade | Update packages remotely |
hosts.host_packages_upgrade_all | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/packages/upgrade_all | Update packages remotely |
hosts.host_subscriptions_add_subscriptions | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/add_subscriptions | Add a subscription to a host |
hosts.host_subscriptions_auto_attach | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/auto_attach | Trigger an auto-attach of subscriptions |
hosts.host_subscriptions_available_release_versions | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/available_release_versions | Show releases available for the content host |
hosts.host_subscriptions_content_override | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/content_override | Set content overrides for the host |
hosts.host_subscriptions_create | POST /api/hosts/subscriptions | Register a host with subscription and information |
hosts.host_subscriptions_destroy | DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions | Unregister the host as a subscription consumer |
hosts.host_subscriptions_events | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/events | List subscription events for the host |
hosts.host_subscriptions_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions | List a host's subscriptions |
hosts.host_subscriptions_product_content | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/product_content | Get content and overrides for the host |
hosts.host_subscriptions_remove_subscriptions | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/remove_subscriptions | |
hosts.host_tracer_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/traces | List services that need restarting on the host |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_add_subscriptions | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/add_subscriptions | Add subscriptions to one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_applicable_errata | POST /api/hosts/bulk/applicable_errata | Fetch applicable errata for a host. |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_auto_attach | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/auto_attach | Trigger an auto-attach of subscriptions on one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_available_incremental_updates | POST /api/hosts/bulk/available_incremental_updates | Given a set of hosts and errata, lists the content view versions and environments that need updating. |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_bulk_add_host_collections | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/add_host_collections | Add one or more host collections to one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_bulk_remove_host_collections | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/remove_host_collections | Remove one or more host collections from one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_content_overrides | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/content_overrides | Set content overrides to one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_destroy_hosts | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/destroy | Destroy one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_environment_content_view | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/environment_content_view | Assign the environment and content view to one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_install_content | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/install_content | Install content on one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_installable_errata | POST /api/hosts/bulk/installable_errata | Fetch installable errata for a host. |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_module_streams | POST /api/hosts/bulk/module_streams | Fetch available module streams for hosts. |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_release_version | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/release_version | Assign the release version to one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_remove_content | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/remove_content | Remove content on one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_remove_subscriptions | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/remove_subscriptions | Remove subscriptions from one or more hosts |
hosts.hosts_bulk_actions_update_content | PUT /api/hosts/bulk/update_content | Update content on one or more hosts |
hosts.id_get_statusstatus | GET /api/hosts/:id/status/:type | Get status of host |
hosts.id_templatetemplate | GET /api/hosts/:id/template/:kind | Preview rendered provisioning template content |
hosts.index | GET /api/hosts | List all hosts |
hosts.interfaces_create | POST /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces | Create an interface on a host |
hosts.interfaces_host_id_destroyinterfaces | DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces/:id | Delete a host's interface |
hosts.interfaces_host_id_showinterfaces | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces/:id | Show an interface for host |
hosts.interfaces_host_id_updateinterfaces | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces/:id | Update a host's interface |
hosts.interfaces_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces | List all interfaces for host |
hosts.multiple_play_roles | POST /api/hosts/multiple_play_roles | Plays Ansible roles on hosts |
hosts.parameters_create | POST /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters | Create a nested parameter for a host |
hosts.parameters_host_id_destroyparameters | DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters/:id | Delete a nested parameter for a host |
hosts.parameters_host_id_showparameters | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters/:id | Show a nested parameter for a host |
hosts.parameters_host_id_updateparameters | PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters/:id | Update a nested parameter for a host |
hosts.parameters_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters | List all parameters for a host |
hosts.parameters_reset | DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters | Delete all nested parameters for a host |
hosts.play_roles | POST /api/hosts/:id/play_roles | Plays Ansible roles on a host |
hosts.power | PUT /api/hosts/:id/power | Run a power operation on host |
hosts.puppet_hosts_puppetrun | PUT /api/hosts/:id/puppetrun | Force a Puppet agent run on the host |
hosts.puppetclasses_host_id_showpuppetclasses | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/puppetclasses/:id | Show a Puppet class for host |
hosts.puppetclasses_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/puppetclasses | List all Puppet classes for a host |
hosts.rebuild_config | PUT /api/hosts/:id/rebuild_config | Rebuild orchestration config |
hosts.reports_last | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/reports/last | Show the last report for a host | | GET /api/hosts/:id | Show a host |
hosts.smart_class_parameters_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/smart_class_parameters | List of smart class parameters for a specific host |
hosts.smart_variables_index | GET /api/hosts/:host_id/smart_variables | List of smart variables for a specific host |
hosts.status | GET /api/hosts/:id/status | Get configuration status of host |
hosts.update | PUT /api/hosts/:id | Update a host |
hosts.vm_compute_attributes | GET /api/hosts/:id/vm_compute_attributes | Get vm attributes of host |
http_proxies.create | POST /api/http_proxies | Create an HTTP Proxy |
http_proxies.destroy | DELETE /api/http_proxies/:id | Delete an HTTP Proxy |
http_proxies.index | GET /api/http_proxies | List of HTTP Proxies | | GET /api/http_proxies/:id | Show an HTTP Proxy |
http_proxies.update | PUT /api/http_proxies/:id | Update an HTTP Proxy |
job_invocations.cancel | POST /api/job_invocations/:id/cancel | Cancel job invocation |
job_invocations.create | POST /api/job_invocations | Create a job invocation |
job_invocations.id_outputhosts | GET /api/job_invocations/:id/hosts/:host_id | Get output for a host |
job_invocations.id_raw_outputhosts | GET /api/job_invocations/:id/hosts/:host_id/raw | Get raw output for a host |
job_invocations.index | GET /api/job_invocations | List job invocations |
job_invocations.rerun | POST /api/job_invocations/:id/rerun | Rerun job on failed hosts | | GET /api/job_invocations/:id | Show job invocation |
job_invocations.template_invocations_template_invocations | GET /api/job_invocations/:job_invocation_id/template_invocations | List template invocations belonging to job invocation |
job_templates.clone | POST /api/job_templates/:id/clone | Clone a provision template |
job_templates.create | POST /api/job_templates | Create a job template |
job_templates.destroy | DELETE /api/job_templates/:id | Delete a job template |
job_templates.export | GET /api/job_templates/:id/export | Export a job template to ERB |
job_templates.import_ | POST /api/job_templates/import | Import a job template from ERB |
job_templates.index | GET /api/job_templates | List job templates |
job_templates.revision | GET /api/job_templates/revision | | | GET /api/job_templates/:id | Show job template details |
job_templates.update | PUT /api/job_templates/:id | Update a job template |
locations.auth_source_externals_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/auth_source_externals | List external authentication sources per location |
locations.auth_source_ldaps_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/auth_source_ldaps | List LDAP authentication sources per location |
locations.auth_sources_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/auth_sources | List all authentication sources per location |
locations.config_templates_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/config_templates | List provisioning templates per location |
locations.create | POST /api/locations | Create a location |
locations.destroy | DELETE /api/locations/:id | Delete a location |
locations.domains_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/domains | List of domains per location |
locations.environments_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/environments | List environments per location |
locations.hostgroups_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/hostgroups | List all host groups per location |
locations.hosts_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/hosts | List hosts per location |
locations.index | GET /api/locations | List all locations |
locations.job_templates_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/job_templates | List job templates per location |
locations.media_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/media | List all media per location |
locations.parameters_create | POST /api/locations/:location_id/parameters | Create a nested parameter for a location |
locations.parameters_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/parameters | List all parameters for a location |
locations.parameters_location_id_destroyparameters | DELETE /api/locations/:location_id/parameters/:id | Delete a nested parameter for a location |
locations.parameters_location_id_showparameters | GET /api/locations/:location_id/parameters/:id | Show a nested parameter for a location |
locations.parameters_location_id_updateparameters | PUT /api/locations/:location_id/parameters/:id | Update a nested parameter for a location |
locations.parameters_reset | DELETE /api/locations/:location_id/parameters | Delete all nested parameter for a location |
locations.provisioning_templates_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/provisioning_templates | List provisioning templates per location |
locations.ptables_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/ptables | List all partition tables per location |
locations.report_templates_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/report_templates | List all report templates per location | | GET /api/locations/:id | Show a location |
locations.subnets_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/subnets | List of subnets per location |
locations.update | PUT /api/locations/:id | Update a location |
locations.users_index | GET /api/locations/:location_id/users | List all users for location |
mail_notifications.index | GET /api/mail_notifications | List of email notifications | | GET /api/mail_notifications/:id | Show an email notification |
media.create | POST /api/media | Create a medium |
media.destroy | DELETE /api/media/:id | Delete a medium |
media.index | GET /api/media | List all installation media |
media.operatingsystems_index | GET /api/media/:medium_id/operatingsystems | List all operating systems for nested medium | | GET /api/media/:id | Show a medium |
media.update | PUT /api/media/:id | Update a medium |
models.create | POST /api/models | Create a hardware model |
models.destroy | DELETE /api/models/:id | Delete a hardware model |
models.index | GET /api/models | List all hardware models | | GET /api/models/:id | Show a hardware model |
models.update | PUT /api/models/:id | Update a hardware model | | GET /katello/api/module_streams/compare | List module_streams |
module_streams.index | GET /katello/api/module_streams | List module_streams | | GET /katello/api/module_streams/:id | Show a module stream |
operatingsystems.architectures_index | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/architectures | List all architectures for operating system |
operatingsystems.bootfiles | GET /api/operatingsystems/:id/bootfiles | List boot files for an operating system |
operatingsystems.config_templates_index | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/config_templates | List provisioning templates per operating system |
operatingsystems.create | POST /api/operatingsystems | Create an operating system |
operatingsystems.destroy | DELETE /api/operatingsystems/:id | Delete an operating system |
operatingsystems.images_index | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/images | List all images for operating system |
operatingsystems.images_operatingsystem_id_showimages | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/images/:id | Show an image |
operatingsystems.index | GET /api/operatingsystems | List all operating systems |
operatingsystems.media_index | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/media | List all media for an operating system |
operatingsystems.os_default_templates_create | POST /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates | Create a default template combination for an operating system |
operatingsystems.os_default_templates_index | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates | List default templates combinations for an operating system |
operatingsystems.os_default_templates_operatingsystem_id_os_default_destroytemplates | DELETE /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates/:id | Delete a default template combination for an operating system |
operatingsystems.os_default_templates_operatingsystem_id_os_default_showtemplates | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates/:id | Show a default template combination for an operating system |
operatingsystems.os_default_templates_operatingsystem_id_os_default_updatetemplates | PUT /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates/:id | Update a default template combination for an operating system |
operatingsystems.parameters_create | POST /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters | Create a nested parameter for an operating system |
operatingsystems.parameters_index | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters | List all parameters for an operating system |
operatingsystems.parameters_operatingsystem_id_destroyparameters | DELETE /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters/:id | Delete a nested parameter for an operating system |
operatingsystems.parameters_operatingsystem_id_showparameters | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters/:id | Show a nested parameter for an operating system |
operatingsystems.parameters_operatingsystem_id_updateparameters | PUT /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters/:id | Update a nested parameter for an operating system |
operatingsystems.parameters_reset | DELETE /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters | Delete all nested parameters for an operating system |
operatingsystems.provisioning_templates_index | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/provisioning_templates | List provisioning templates per operating system |
operatingsystems.ptables_index | GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/ptables | List all partition tables for an operating system | | GET /api/operatingsystems/:id | Show an operating system |
operatingsystems.update | PUT /api/operatingsystems/:id | Update an operating system |
orchestration.tasks_index | GET /api/orchestration/:id/tasks | List all tasks for a given orchestration event |
organizations.activation_keys_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/activation_keys | |
organizations.auth_source_externals_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/auth_source_externals | List external authentication sources per organization |
organizations.auth_source_ldaps_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/auth_source_ldaps | List LDAP authentication sources per organization |
organizations.auth_sources_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/auth_sources | List all authentication sources per organization |
organizations.autoattach_subscriptions | POST /katello/api/organizations/:id/autoattach_subscriptions | Auto-attach available subscriptions to all hosts within an organization. Asynchronous operation. |
organizations.cancel_repo_discover | PUT /katello/api/organizations/:label/cancel_repo_discover | Cancel repository discovery |
organizations.config_templates_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/config_templates | List provisioning templates per organization |
organizations.content_views_create | POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/content_views | Create a content view |
organizations.content_views_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/content_views | List content views |
organizations.create | POST /katello/api/organizations | Create organization |
organizations.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/organizations/:id | Delete an organization |
organizations.domains_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/domains | List of domains per organization |
organizations.download_debug_certificate | GET /katello/api/organizations/:label/download_debug_certificate | Download a debug certificate |
organizations.environments_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/environments | List environments per organization |
organizations.host_collections_create | POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/host_collections | Create a host collection |
organizations.host_collections_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/host_collections | List host collections within an organization |
organizations.hostgroups_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/hostgroups | List all host groups per organization |
organizations.hosts_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/hosts | List hosts per organization |
organizations.index | GET /katello/api/organizations | List all organizations |
organizations.job_templates_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/job_templates | List job templates per organization |
organizations.lifecycle_environments_create | POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments | Create an environment in an organization |
organizations.lifecycle_environments_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments | List environments in an organization |
organizations.lifecycle_environments_paths | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments/paths | List environment paths |
organizations.lifecycle_environments_rganizations | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments/:environment_id | Show an environment |
organizations.media_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/media | List all media per organization |
organizations.parameters_create | POST /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters | Create a nested parameter for an organization |
organizations.parameters_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters | List all parameters for an organization |
organizations.parameters_organization_id_destroyparameters | DELETE /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters/:id | Delete a nested parameter for an organization |
organizations.parameters_organization_id_showparameters | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters/:id | Show a nested parameter for an organization |
organizations.parameters_organization_id_updateparameters | PUT /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters/:id | Update a nested parameter for an organization |
organizations.parameters_reset | DELETE /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters | Delete all nested parameter for an organization |
organizations.products_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/products | List of products in an organization |
organizations.products_rganizations | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:sync_plan_id/products | List of Products for sync plan |
organizations.provisioning_templates_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/provisioning_templates | List provisioning templates per organization |
organizations.ptables_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/ptables | List all partition tables per organization |
organizations.redhat_provider | GET /katello/api/organizations/:id/redhat_provider | List all :resource_id |
organizations.releases | GET /katello/api/organizations/:id/releases | List available releases in the organization |
organizations.repo_discover | PUT /katello/api/organizations/:id/repo_discover | Discover Repositories |
organizations.report_templates_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/report_templates | List all report templates per organization |
organizations.repositories_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/repositories | List of repositories in an organization |
organizations.repositories_rganizations | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments/:environment_id/repositories | List repositories in the environment | | GET /katello/api/organizations/:id | Show organization |
organizations.subnets_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/subnets | List of subnets per organization |
organizations.subscriptions_delete_manifest | POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/delete_manifest | Delete manifest from Red Hat provider |
organizations.subscriptions_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions | List organization subscriptions |
organizations.subscriptions_manifest_history | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/manifest_history | obtain manifest history for subscriptions |
organizations.subscriptions_refresh_manifest | PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/refresh_manifest | Refresh previously imported manifest for Red Hat provider |
organizations.subscriptions_rganizations | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/:id | Show a subscription |
organizations.subscriptions_upload | POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/upload | Upload a subscription manifest |
organizations.sync_plans_create | POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans | Create a sync plan |
organizations.sync_plans_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans | |
organizations.sync_plans_rganizations | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id | Show a sync plan |
organizations.sync_rganizations | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/products/:product_id/sync | Get status of repo synchronisation for given product |
organizations.update | PUT /katello/api/organizations/:id | Update organization |
organizations.upstream_subscriptions_create | POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions | Add subscriptions consumed by a manifest from Red Hat Subscription Management |
organizations.upstream_subscriptions_destroy | DELETE /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions | Remove one or more subscriptions from an upstream subscription allocation |
organizations.upstream_subscriptions_index | GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions | List available subscriptions from Red Hat Subscription Management |
organizations.upstream_subscriptions_update | PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions | Update the quantity of one or more subscriptions on an upstream allocation |
organizations.users_index | GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/users | List all users for organization | | GET /katello/api/ostree_branches/compare | List ostree_branches |
ostree_branches.index | GET /katello/api/ostree_branches | List ostree_branches | | GET /katello/api/ostree_branches/:id | Show an ostree branch |
package_group.package_groups_create | POST /katello/api/package_group | Create a package group |
package_group.package_groups_destroy | DELETE /katello/api/package_group | Delete a package group | | GET /katello/api/package_groups/compare | List package_groups |
package_groups.index | GET /katello/api/package_groups | List package_groups | | GET /katello/api/package_groups/:id | Show a package group | | GET /katello/api/packages/compare | List packages |
packages.index | GET /katello/api/packages | List packages | | GET /katello/api/packages/:id | Show a package |
permissions.index | GET /api/permissions | List all permissions |
permissions.resource_types | GET /api/permissions/resource_types | List available resource types | | GET /api/permissions/:id | Show a permission |
ping.index | GET /katello/api/ping | Shows status of system and it's subcomponents |
products.create | POST /katello/api/products | Create a product |
products.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/products/:id | Destroy a product |
products.index | GET /katello/api/products | List products |
products.products_bulk_actions_destroy_products | PUT /katello/api/products/bulk/destroy | Destroy one or more products |
products.products_bulk_actions_sync_products | PUT /katello/api/products/bulk/sync | Sync one or more products |
products.products_bulk_actions_update_sync_plans | PUT /katello/api/products/bulk/sync_plan | Sync one or more products |
products.repositories_index | GET /katello/api/products/:product_id/repositories | List of repositories for a product |
products.repository_sets_index | GET /katello/api/products/:product_id/repository_sets | List repository sets for a product. |
products.repository_sets_roducts | GET /katello/api/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id | Get info about a repository set | | GET /katello/api/products/:id | Show a product |
products.sync | POST /katello/api/products/:id/sync | Sync all repositories for a product |
products.update | PUT /katello/api/products/:id | Updates a product |
provisioning_templates.build_pxe_default | POST /api/provisioning_templates/build_pxe_default | Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers |
provisioning_templates.clone | POST /api/provisioning_templates/:id/clone | Clone a provision template |
provisioning_templates.create | POST /api/provisioning_templates | Create a provisioning template |
provisioning_templates.destroy | DELETE /api/provisioning_templates/:id | Delete a provisioning template |
provisioning_templates.export | GET /api/provisioning_templates/:id/export | Export a provisioning template to ERB |
provisioning_templates.import_ | POST /api/provisioning_templates/import | Import a provisioning template |
provisioning_templates.index | GET /api/provisioning_templates | List provisioning templates |
provisioning_templates.operatingsystems_index | GET /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/operatingsystems | List all operating systems for nested provisioning template |
provisioning_templates.os_default_templates_index | GET /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/os_default_templates | List operating systems where this template is set as a default |
provisioning_templates.revision | GET /api/provisioning_templates/revision | | | GET /api/provisioning_templates/:id | Show provisioning template details |
provisioning_templates.template_combinations_create | POST /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/template_combinations | Add a template combination |
provisioning_templates.template_combinations_index | GET /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/template_combinations | List template combination |
provisioning_templates.template_combinations_provisioning_template_id_template_showcombinations | GET /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/template_combinations/:id | Show template combination |
provisioning_templates.template_combinations_provisioning_template_id_template_updatecombinations | PUT /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/template_combinations/:id | Update template combination |
provisioning_templates.update | PUT /api/provisioning_templates/:id | Update a provisioning template |
ptables.clone | POST /api/ptables/:id/clone | Clone a template |
ptables.create | POST /api/ptables | Create a partition table |
ptables.destroy | DELETE /api/ptables/:id | Delete a partition table |
ptables.export | GET /api/ptables/:id/export | Export a partition template to ERB |
ptables.import_ | POST /api/ptables/import | Import a provisioning template |
ptables.index | GET /api/ptables | List all partition tables |
ptables.operatingsystems_index | GET /api/ptables/:ptable_id/operatingsystems | List all operating systems for nested partition table |
ptables.revision | GET /api/ptables/revision | | | GET /api/ptables/:id | Show a partition table |
ptables.update | PUT /api/ptables/:id | Update a partition table | | GET /katello/api/puppet_modules/compare | List puppet_modules |
puppet_modules.index | GET /katello/api/puppet_modules | List puppet_modules | | GET /katello/api/puppet_modules/:id | Show a puppet module |
puppetclasses.create | POST /api/puppetclasses | Create a Puppet class |
puppetclasses.destroy | DELETE /api/puppetclasses/:id | Delete a Puppet class |
puppetclasses.environments_index | GET /api/puppetclasses/:puppetclass_id/environments | List environments of Puppet class |
puppetclasses.hostgroups_index | GET /api/puppetclasses/:puppetclass_id/hostgroups | List all host groups for a Puppet class |
puppetclasses.index | GET /api/puppetclasses | List all Puppet classes | | GET /api/puppetclasses/:id | Show a Puppet class |
puppetclasses.smart_class_parameters_index | GET /api/puppetclasses/:puppetclass_id/smart_class_parameters | List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class |
puppetclasses.smart_variables_index | GET /api/puppetclasses/:puppetclass_id/smart_variables | List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class |
puppetclasses.update | PUT /api/puppetclasses/:id | Update a Puppet class |
realms.create | POST /api/realms | Create a realm |
realms.destroy | DELETE /api/realms/:id | Delete a realm |
realms.index | GET /api/realms | List of realms | | GET /api/realms/:id | Show a realm |
realms.update | PUT /api/realms/:id | Update a realm |
remote_execution_features.index | GET /api/remote_execution_features | List remote execution features | | GET /api/remote_execution_features/:id | Show remote execution feature |
remote_execution_features.update | PUT /api/remote_execution_features/:id | Update a job template |
report_templates.clone | POST /api/report_templates/:id/clone | Clone a template |
report_templates.create | POST /api/report_templates | Create a report template |
report_templates.destroy | DELETE /api/report_templates/:id | Delete a report template |
report_templates.export | GET /api/report_templates/:id/export | Export a report template to ERB |
report_templates.generate | POST /api/report_templates/:id/generate | Generate a report template |
report_templates.import_ | POST /api/report_templates/import | Import a report template |
report_templates.index | GET /api/report_templates | List all report templates |
report_templates.revision | GET /api/report_templates/revision | | | GET /api/report_templates/:id | Show a report template |
report_templates.update | PUT /api/report_templates/:id | Update a report template |
reports.create | POST /api/reports | Create a report |
reports.destroy | DELETE /api/reports/:id | Delete a report |
reports.index | GET /api/reports | List all reports | | GET /api/reports/:id | Show a report |
repositories.content_uploads_create | POST /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/content_uploads | Create an upload request |
repositories.content_uploads_epositories | PUT /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/content_uploads/:id | Upload a chunk of the file's content |
repositories.create | POST /katello/api/repositories | Create a custom repository |
repositories.debs_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/debs/:id | Show a deb |
repositories.debs_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/debs | List debs |
repositories.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/repositories/:id | Destroy a custom repository |
repositories.docker_manifest_lists_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_manifest_lists/:id | Show a docker manifest list |
repositories.docker_manifest_lists_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_manifest_lists | List docker_manifest_lists |
repositories.docker_manifests_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_manifests/:id | Show a docker manifest |
repositories.docker_manifests_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_manifests | List docker_manifests |
repositories.docker_tags_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_tags/:id | Show a docker tag |
repositories.docker_tags_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_tags | List docker_tags |
repositories.errata_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/errata/:id | Show an erratum |
repositories.export | POST /katello/api/repositories/:id/export | Export a repository |
repositories.file_units_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/files/:id | Show a file |
repositories.file_units_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/files | List files |
repositories.gpg_key_content | GET /katello/api/repositories/:id/gpg_key_content | Return the content of a repo gpg key, used directly by yum |
repositories.import_uploads | PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id/import_uploads | Import uploads into a repository |
repositories.index | GET /katello/api/repositories | List of enabled repositories |
repositories.module_streams_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/module_streams/:id | Show a module stream |
repositories.module_streams_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/module_streams | List module_streams |
repositories.ostree_branches_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/ostree_branches/:id | Show an ostree branch |
repositories.ostree_branches_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/ostree_branches | List ostree_branches |
repositories.package_groups_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/package_groups/:id | Show a package group |
repositories.package_groups_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/package_groups | List package_groups |
repositories.packages_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/:resource_id | List :resource_id |
repositories.puppet_modules_epositories | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/puppet_modules/:id | Show a puppet module |
repositories.puppet_modules_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/puppet_modules | List puppet_modules |
repositories.remove_content | PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id/remove_packages | |
repositories.repositories_bulk_actions_destroy_repositories | PUT /katello/api/repositories/bulk/destroy | Destroy one or more repositories |
repositories.repositories_bulk_actions_sync_repositories | POST /katello/api/repositories/bulk/sync | Synchronize repository |
repositories.repository_types | GET /katello/api/repositories/repository_types | Show the available repository types |
repositories.republish | PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id/republish | Forces a republish of the specified repository, regenerating metadata and symlinks on the filesystem. | | GET /katello/api/repositories/:id | Show a repository |
repositories.sync | POST /katello/api/repositories/:id/sync | Sync a repository |
repositories.sync_index | GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/sync | Get status of synchronisation for given repository |
repositories.update | PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id | Update a repository |
repositories.upload_content | POST /katello/api/repositories/:id/upload_content | Upload content into the repository |
repository_sets.available_repositories | GET /katello/api/repository_sets/:id/available_repositories | Get list of available repositories for the repository set |
repository_sets.disable | PUT /katello/api/repository_sets/:id/disable | Disable a repository from the set |
repository_sets.enable | PUT /katello/api/repository_sets/:id/enable | Enable a repository from the set |
repository_sets.index | GET /katello/api/repository_sets | List repository sets. | | GET /katello/api/repository_sets/:id | Get info about a repository set |
roles.clone | POST /api/roles/:id/clone | Clone a role |
roles.create | POST /api/roles | Create a role |
roles.destroy | DELETE /api/roles/:id | Delete a role |
roles.index | GET /api/roles | List all roles | | GET /api/roles/:id | Show a role |
roles.update | PUT /api/roles/:id | Update a role |
roles.users_index | GET /api/roles/:role_id/users | List all users for role |
settings.index | GET /api/settings | List all settings | | GET /api/settings/:id | Show a setting |
settings.update | PUT /api/settings/:id | Update a setting |
smart_class_parameters.index | GET /api/smart_class_parameters | List all smart class parameters |
smart_class_parameters.override_values_create | POST /api/smart_class_parameters/:smart_class_parameter_id/override_values | Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter |
smart_class_parameters.override_values_index | GET /api/smart_class_parameters/:smart_class_parameter_id/override_values | List of override values for a specific smart class parameter |
smart_class_parameters.override_values_smart_class_parameter_id_override_destroyvalues | DELETE /api/smart_class_parameters/:smart_class_parameter_id/override_values/:id | Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter |
smart_class_parameters.override_values_smart_class_parameter_id_override_showvalues | GET /api/smart_class_parameters/:smart_class_parameter_id/override_values/:id | Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter |
smart_class_parameters.override_values_smart_class_parameter_id_override_updatevalues | PUT /api/smart_class_parameters/:smart_class_parameter_id/override_values/:id | Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter | | GET /api/smart_class_parameters/:id | Show a smart class parameter |
smart_class_parameters.update | PUT /api/smart_class_parameters/:id | Update a smart class parameter |
smart_proxies.autosign_create | POST /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/autosign | Create autosign entry |
smart_proxies.autosign_index | GET /api/smart_proxies/smart_proxy_id/autosign | List all autosign entries |
smart_proxies.autosign_smart_proxy_id_destroyautosign | DELETE /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/autosign/:id | Delete autosign entry |
smart_proxies.create | POST /api/smart_proxies | Create a capsule |
smart_proxies.destroy | DELETE /api/smart_proxies/:id | Delete a capsule |
smart_proxies.environments_import_puppetclasses | POST /api/smart_proxies/:id/import_puppetclasses | Import puppet classes from puppet Capsule |
smart_proxies.environments_smart_proxy_id_import_puppetclassesenvironments | POST /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/environments/:id/import_puppetclasses | Import puppet classes from puppet Capsule for an environment |
smart_proxies.import_puppetclasses | POST /api/smart_proxies/:id/import_puppetclasses | Import puppet classes from puppet Capsule |
smart_proxies.index | GET /api/smart_proxies | List all capsules |
smart_proxies.refresh | PUT /api/smart_proxies/:id/refresh | Refresh capsule features | | GET /api/smart_proxies/:id | Show a capsule |
smart_proxies.smart_proxy_id_import_puppetclassesenvironments | POST /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/environments/:id/import_puppetclasses | Import puppet classes from puppet Capsule for an environment |
smart_proxies.update | PUT /api/smart_proxies/:id | Update a capsule |
smart_variables.create | POST /api/smart_variables | Create a smart variable |
smart_variables.destroy | DELETE /api/smart_variables/:id | Delete a smart variable |
smart_variables.index | GET /api/smart_variables | List all smart variables |
smart_variables.override_values_create | POST /api/smart_variables/:smart_variable_id/override_values | Create an override value for a specific smart variable |
smart_variables.override_values_index | GET /api/smart_variables/:smart_variable_id/override_values | List of override values for a specific smart variable |
smart_variables.override_values_smart_variable_id_override_destroyvalues | DELETE /api/smart_variables/:smart_variable_id/override_values/:id | Delete an override value for a specific smart variable |
smart_variables.override_values_smart_variable_id_override_showvalues | GET /api/smart_variables/:smart_variable_id/override_values/:id | Show an override value for a specific smart variable |
smart_variables.override_values_smart_variable_id_override_updatevalues | PUT /api/smart_variables/:smart_variable_id/override_values/:id | Update an override value for a specific smart variable | | GET /api/smart_variables/:id | Show a smart variable |
smart_variables.update | PUT /api/smart_variables/:id | Update a smart variable |
statistics.index | GET /api/statistics | Get statistics |
status.home_status | GET /api/status | Show status |
status.ping_server_status | GET /katello/api/status | Shows version information |
subnets.create | POST /api/subnets | Create a subnet |
subnets.destroy | DELETE /api/subnets/:id | Delete a subnet |
subnets.domains_index | GET /api/subnets/:subnet_id/domains | List of domains per subnet |
subnets.freeip | GET /api/subnets/:id/freeip | Provides an unused IP address in this subnet |
subnets.index | GET /api/subnets | List of subnets |
subnets.interfaces_index | GET /api/subnets/:subnet_id/interfaces | List all interfaces for subnet |
subnets.parameters_create | POST /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters | Create a nested parameter for a subnet |
subnets.parameters_index | GET /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters | List all parameters for a subnet |
subnets.parameters_reset | DELETE /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters | Delete all nested parameters for a subnet |
subnets.parameters_subnet_id_destroyparameters | DELETE /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters/:id | Delete a nested parameter for a subnet |
subnets.parameters_subnet_id_showparameters | GET /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters/:id | Show a nested parameter for a subnet |
subnets.parameters_subnet_id_updateparameters | PUT /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters/:id | Update a nested parameter for a subnet | | GET /api/subnets/:id | Show a subnet |
subnets.update | PUT /api/subnets/:id | Update a subnet |
subscriptions.index | GET /katello/api/subscriptions | |
subscriptions.products_index | GET /katello/api/subscriptions/:subscription_id/products | List of subscription products in a subscription | | GET /katello/api/subscriptions/:id | Show a subscription |
sync_plans.destroy | DELETE /katello/api/sync_plans/:id | Destroy a sync plan |
sync_plans.index | GET /katello/api/sync_plans | List sync plans |
sync_plans.products_index | GET /katello/api/sync_plans/:sync_plan_id/products | List of Products for sync plan | | GET /katello/api/sync_plans/:id | Show a sync plan |
sync_plans.sync | PUT /katello/api/sync_plans/:id/sync | Initiate a sync of the products attached to the sync plan |
sync_plans.update | PUT /katello/api/sync_plans/:id | Update a sync plan |
template_combinations.destroy | DELETE /api/template_combinations/:id | Delete a template combination | | GET /api/template_combinations/:id | Show template combination |
template_kinds.index | GET /api/template_kinds | List all template kinds |
templates.foreign_input_sets_create | POST /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets | Create a foreign input set |
templates.foreign_input_sets_index | GET /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets | List foreign input sets |
templates.foreign_input_sets_template_id_foreign_input_destroysets | DELETE /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id | Delete a foreign input set |
templates.foreign_input_sets_template_id_foreign_input_showsets | GET /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id | Show foreign input set details |
templates.foreign_input_sets_template_id_foreign_input_updatesets | PUT /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id | Update a foreign input set |
templates.template_export | POST /api/templates/export | Initiate Export |
templates.template_import_ | POST /api/templates/import | Initiate Import |
templates.template_inputs_create | POST /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs | Create a template input |
templates.template_inputs_index | GET /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs | List template inputs |
templates.template_inputs_template_id_template_destroyinputs | DELETE /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs/:id | Delete a template input |
templates.template_inputs_template_id_template_showinputs | GET /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs/:id | Show template input details |
templates.template_inputs_template_id_template_updateinputs | PUT /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs/:id | Update a template input |
trends.create | POST /api/trends | Create a trend counter |
trends.destroy | DELETE /api/trends/:id | Delete a trend counter |
trends.index | GET /api/trends | List of trends counters | | GET /api/trends/:id | Show a trend |
usergroups.create | POST /api/usergroups | Create a user group |
usergroups.destroy | DELETE /api/usergroups/:id | Delete a user group |
usergroups.external_usergroups_create | POST /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups | Create an external user group linked to a user group |
usergroups.external_usergroups_index | GET /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups | List all external user groups for user group |
usergroups.external_usergroups_usergroup_id_external_destroyusergroups | DELETE /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups/:id | Delete an external user group |
usergroups.external_usergroups_usergroup_id_external_refreshusergroups | PUT /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups/:id/refresh | Refresh external user group |
usergroups.external_usergroups_usergroup_id_external_showusergroups | GET /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups/:id | Show an external user group for user group |
usergroups.external_usergroups_usergroup_id_external_updateusergroups | PUT /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups/:id | Update external user group |
usergroups.index | GET /api/usergroups | List all user groups | | GET /api/usergroups/:id | Show a user group |
usergroups.update | PUT /api/usergroups/:id | Update a user group |
usergroups.users_index | GET /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/users | List all users for user group |
users.create | POST /api/users | Create a user |
users.destroy | DELETE /api/users/:id | Delete a user |
users.index | GET /api/users | List all users |
users.personal_access_tokens_create | POST /api/users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens | Create a Personal Access Token for a user |
users.personal_access_tokens_index | GET /api/users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens | List all Personal Access Tokens for a user |
users.personal_access_tokens_user_id_personal_access_destroytokens | DELETE /api/users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens/:id | Revoke a Personal Access Token for a user |
users.personal_access_tokens_user_id_personal_access_showtokens | GET /api/users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens/:id | Show a Personal Access Token for a user | | GET /api/users/:id | Show a user |
users.ssh_keys_create | POST /api/users/:user_id/ssh_keys | Add an SSH key for a user |
users.ssh_keys_index | GET /api/users/:user_id/ssh_keys | List all SSH keys for a user |
users.ssh_keys_user_id_ssh_destroykeys | DELETE /api/users/:user_id/ssh_keys/:id | Delete an SSH key for a user |
users.ssh_keys_user_id_ssh_showkeys | GET /api/users/:user_id/ssh_keys/:id | Show an SSH key from a user |
users.table_preferences_create | POST /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences | Creates a table preference for a given table |
users.table_preferences_index | GET /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences | List of table preferences for a user |
users.table_preferences_user_id_table_destroypreferences | DELETE /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences/:name | Delete a table preference for a given table |
users.table_preferences_user_id_table_showpreferences | GET /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences/:name | Table preference details of a given table |
users.table_preferences_user_id_table_updatepreferences | PUT /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences/:name | Updates a table preference for a given table |
users.update | PUT /api/users/:id | Update a user |
Pack Version | Foreman Version | Satellite Version | Katello Version | API Definition |
1.2.0 | 1.20.1 | 6.5 | 3.10.0 | etc/api_definitions_2019_09_10/ |
1.1.0 | 1.15.6 | 6.3 | 3.4.5 | etc/api_definitions_2018_05_29/ |
0.3.0 | 1.11.0 | 6.2 | 3.0.0 | etc/api_definitions_2017_09_15/ |