A hacky proof of concept way to encrypt and decrypt files using Krypton.
just run npm i && npm run build
kr daemon needs to be running (kr restart
) and krd socket should be placed on the default path. ($HOME/.kr/krd.sock
NOTICE: It only works with RSA key type.
- encryption:
node krcrypt.js encrypt [identifier] [file]
- decryption:
node krcrypt.js decrypt [file]
- to encrypt:
node krcrypt.js encrypt "Bitcoin Wallet" wallet.json
- to decrypt:
node krcrypt.js decrypt wallet.json.krcrypted
Both of those command will show a prompt like this on your device:
- KRCrypt sends a fake ssh login request including the file identifier as username.
- When you approve it, Krypton signs the ssh request and returns the signature.
- The signature is used to derive the encryption Key and IV.
- The Key and IV are used to encrypt your file.
Files are encrypted using id-aes256-GCM
, the key and iv are derived from the signature using HMAC-SHA256
. I'm not a cryptographer but I'm pretty sure it's secure enough for most usages