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GitAuto AI


1. What is GitAuto

GitAuto is a GitHub coding agent that opens pull requests from backlog tickets for software engineering managers to complete more bug fixes and feature requests. Assign tasks to GitAuto first, and have people work on more complex tickets.

2. How to use GitAuto

  1. Install GitAuto to your repositories from GitHub Marketplace.
    1. Choose the repositories where you want to use GitAuto.
    2. You can change the repositories later.
  2. Create a new issue, then GitAuto shows up in the issue comment.
    1. Or create a new issue with a template.
    2. Or pick up an existing issue.
  3. Check the checkbox to assign GitAuto to the issue, then GitAuto starts to work on the issue.
    1. Or label the issue with gitauto, which also assigns GitAuto to the issue.
  4. Check the progress of GitAuto in the bottom of the issue comment. You will get a notification once GitAuto completes the PR.
  5. Review the PR and merge it if it looks good.
  6. If not, update the issue with more details and re-run GitAuto by checking the checkbox again.

3. How to run GitAuto locally

3-1. Create your GitHub app for local development

  1. Go to
  2. Click New GitHub App.
  3. Fill in GitHub App name like GitAuto Dev {Your Name} e.g. GitAuto Dev John.
  4. Fill in Homepage URL like http://localhost:8000.
  5. Fill in Webhook URL like GitHub requires HTTPS for the webhook URL, so we need to use ngrok or something similar instead of localhost. GitHub sends webhook events (e.g. an issue is created) to the webhook URL and ngrok tunnels to localhost. You can update this URL later after setting up the ngrok tunnel.
  6. Fill in Webhook secret with your preferred secret.
  7. Fill in Repository permissions
    • Actions: Read & Write
    • Checks: Read & Write
    • Commit statuses: Read & Write
    • Contents: Read & Write
    • Issues: Read & Write
    • Pull requests: Read & Write
    • Secrets: Read & Write
    • Variables: Read & Write
    • Workflows: Read & Write
  8. Fill in Organization permissions
    • Members: Read-only
  9. Fill in Subscribe to events
    • Installation target: Checked
    • Metadata: Checked
    • Check run: Checked
    • Commit comment: Checked
    • Issue comment: Checked
    • Issues: Checked
    • Pull request: Checked
    • Pull request review: Checked
    • Pull request review comment: Checked
    • Pull request review thread: Checked
    • Push: Checked
    • Status: Checked
  10. Check Where can this GitHub App be installed? and select Only on this account.
  11. Click Create GitHub App
  12. Click Generate a private key and download the private key.

3-2. Install your GitHub app to a repository where you want to test

  1. Go to GitHub Apps in the GitHub Developer Settings.
  2. Choose your local GitHub app and go to the Install App page.
  3. Install the app to the repository where you want to test.
  4. Or directly go to{your-github-app-name}/installations such as

3-3. Tunnel GitHub webhook events to your localhost with ngrok

GitHub allows only a HTTPS URL for webhook events, so we need to use ngrok or something similar service to tunnel/forward the GitHub webhook events to your localhost.

  1. Create a new ngrok configuration file ngrok.yml in the root directory. It should contain authtoken: YOUR_NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN and version: 2.
  2. Get your own auth token from Your Authtoken on the dashboard or ask @hiroshinishio about the paid ngrok auth token.
  3. Get your own endpoint URL from Endpoints on the dashboard. For free users, it varies every time you create a new ngrok tunnel. (Yes, it is really annoying.)
  4. Open a new terminal in the root directory in your IDE.
  5. Run ngrok http --config=ngrok.yml --domain={your-endpoint-url} 8000. Replace {your-endpoint-url} with your own endpoint URL, so it looks like ngrok http --config=ngrok.yml 8000.
  6. ngrok starts tunneling to http://localhost:8000.
  7. Use {your-endpoint-url}/webhook like as the webhook URL in the GitHub app settings as GitHub requires HTTPS for the webhook URL instead of HTTP.

3-4. Create a virtual Python dependency environment in your local machine

  1. Run deactivate to deactivate the virtual environment if you have activated it and not sure where you are.
  2. Run rm -rf venv to remove the virtual environment if you have created it and not sure what's in it.
  3. Run python3 -m venv --upgrade-deps venv to create a virtual environment.
  4. Run source venv/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment. You will see (venv) in the terminal. Note that you need to activate the virtual environment every time you open a new terminal.
  5. Run which python, which pip, and python --version to check the Python version and make sure it points to the virtual environment.
  6. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.

3-5. Get the .env file

  1. Ask for the .env file from @hiroshinishio.
  2. Put the .env file in the root directory.

3-6. How to encode a GitHub app private key to base64

In .env file, you need to set your own GH_PRIVATE_KEY. Here's the step:

  1. Go to Choose your local GitHub app.
  2. Go to General tab on the left.
  3. Scroll down to Private key section. Generate a private key.
  4. Run base64 -i your/path/to/private-key.pem to encode the private key to base64.
  5. Copy the output and paste it in the GH_PRIVATE_KEY field in your .env file.

3-7. How to run the code

  1. Run uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8000 --log-level warning to start the ASGI server and run with app as the FastAPI instance.
    1. --reload is for auto-reloading the server when the code changes.
    2. --log-level warning is to suppress the INFO logs.
  2. Let's see if it works and there are no errors! Here's the success message if your log-level is set to info (default):
(venv) rwest@Roshis-MacBook-Pro gitauto % uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8000
INFO:     Will watch for changes in these directories: ['/Users/rwest/Repositories/gitauto']
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:     Started reloader process [63742] using WatchFiles
INFO:     Started server process [63744]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.

3-8. Other information

For communication (Slack), database (Supabase), payment (Stripe), and serverless functions (AWS Lambda), provide your preferred email to @hiroshinishio so that he can invite you to the local development environment.