Awwwards is an attempt to clone the Awwwards platform using a Django backend and an Angular Frontend. I plan on continuing with the project to make it fully functional. I am open to contributions. Reach out via the channels below. Here's a screenshot of the website as it is now
- You need a good perfoming computer/laptop: Core i3 or equivalent with high resolution display
- Clone from Github
- Open terminal on the cloned folder
- Export necessary dependecies i.e secret_key
- Run python3 runserver
- Easy Peasy😉
- Alternatively, go here
There are no known bugs currently but I look forward to improving the overall user experience
This site was made using:
- Angular 12 (TS)
- Python|Django
- PostgreSQL
- Bootstrap
I'd love to chat! Ping me on Twitter should any issues arise, or just say Hi!
MIT Licence Copyright © 2022 Kelvin Gitahi