Quick overview:
- I work as Backend developer
- I am currently learning 3d shaders
- I admire Lua and LÖVE
- I support ldump, a powerful serialization library for Lua
- I have a habit of compulsively developing games. My current one is Fallen, adventure/RPG on LÖVE, inspired by and compatible with the most popular tabletop RPG. Check it out.
- It also has a massive precursor: Fallen (on python), detail-focused TUI mini-RPG. I revisited my ECS library a year after I wrote it, and its quality did not cause me to cry, so I was kind of inspired to try and build something on top of it. The project was a bit more about beauty of the code behind the game than the game itself. I got a bit overzealous and wrote too much high-level functionality and very moderate amount of features.
- I am quite proud of my own interpretation of ECS in form of python library. System are functions with annotation-based syntax, that are applied to cartesian product of entities that match arguments' annotations. Almost dynamic (you can dynamically add a component to the entity, but you can not dynamically add a system), somewhat asynchronous (it uses yield instead of await because it fits better).
- Another one of my games is Rex Astra, very very simple RTS built with LOVE.
- I wrote Tiny Storage -- a minimalistic YAML config management library for Python, that is often quite helpful.
- I am open to collaborations. I would love to write something open-source in a team. Contact me on my telegram @girvel, discord Girvel#7522 and email widauka@ya.ru.