docker pull abarth/divand_rest
docker run --detach --name=divand_rest_container -it -p 8002:8002 abarth/divand_rest
Run docker rm divand_rest_container
if the container already exists.
The tool jq
needs to be installed to parse JSON from the shell.
In Debian/Ubuntu, it can be installed by:
sudo apt-get install jq
The tests can be run with:
git clone
cd test
./ # takes some time (~ minutes)
The analysis takes about 4 GB of RAM with the sample data. The first excution takes about 3 minutes and following requests about 1 minute for the sample data.
Open http://localhost:8002/ in your web browser, for the web user interface.
Inspect logs with:
docker logs divand_rest_container
*. start Julia and the DIVAnd server with include(joinpath("src","DIVAndREST.jl"))
from the source directory
*. start nginx:
/usr/sbin/nginx -c /home/DIVAnd/DIVAnd-REST/utils/nginx.conf
- run the test script
Open with with username and password (see
Web user-interface: