thumbor in a Docker container.
Inspired by the blog post How to install the Thumbor image CDN by Katie Hempenius, this details both the process to put thumbor in a container (even though there are better containers out there, such as minimalcompact/thumbor) and how to use Google Cloud Platform to build and host thumbor.
Use the container directly as published at ghchinoy/thumbor or build and deploy it as per below.
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e ALLOW_UNSAFE_URL=True ghchinoy/thumbor
If you want to use the HMAC security, supply your own SECRET_KEY environment variable, sort of like this (and remember it, since you'll have to use that to encode your URLs):
SECURITY_KEY=$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 13)
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e SECURITY_KEY=${SECURITY_KEY} ghchinoy/thumbor
Use the included Dockerfile to build the container in the standard manner:
docker build -t thumbor .
Or, use the Google Cloud Platform Cloud Build service to build the container for you. The first 120 build-minutes per day are free, even though you have to enable billing for your GCP account. See also the container registry pricing for storage of and security scanning of containers.
Use the included cloudbuild.yaml which uses an environment variable to specify your project, i.e. do something like this first: export PROJECT_ID=thumbor-container
(substituting your own project name, of course).
View build logs at your project name, ex. thubmor-container
# prerequisites
export PROJECT_ID=thumbor-container
# create a gcp project
gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID
# enable billing, find via `gcloud alpha billing account list`
gcloud alpha billing projects link $PROJECT_ID --billing-account YOUR-ACCT-NUMB
# enable cloud build service
gcloud services enable
# build step
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
One can run the container from Docker hub registry, as above, or use Cloud Run to serve up the container!
Choose a region and allow unauthenticated access, when asked.
# enable the API
gcloud services enable
# deploy to cloud run
gcloud beta run deploy --image$PROJECT_ID/thumbor --platform managed --set-env-vars=ALLOW_UNSAFE_URL=True
After this is deployed, you'll see something like the following.
Deploying container to Cloud Run service [thumbor] in project [thumbor-container] region [us-central1]
✓ Deploying... Done.
✓ Creating Revision...
✓ Routing traffic...
Service [thumbor] revision [thumbor-xh4h4] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic at
Test with URLs in the blog posts Optimize images with Thumbor or How to install the Thumbor image CDN.