This repo holds all the content (and other bits) for the most-excellent Riak wiki, located at
We are using Gollum and Gollum-Site to generate the wiki. Gollum is a great piece of open source software released by the GitHub team that lets you maintain and build wikis from the contents of a Git repo.
generates html from pages written in any format supported by Gollum (ASCIIDoc, Creole, Markdown, Textile, etc.).
Part of the reason we switched to Gollum and GitHub for the Riak Wiki was to make it easier for people to contribute. So, treat this repo much like you would a code repo: If you have a change (be a minor edit or an entirely new page full of Python client code snippets), simply:
Create a new Branch:
git checkout -b <branch-name>
Add your changes
Run the specs and fix any formatting issues
rake spec
Commit changes to your branch
If it's a small or obvious change, we're likely to merge it right away. If we have questions, we'll communicate with you using the pull request's issue page.
The Gollum README provides a great introduction to using the wiki system.
Anyone can contribute to the Riak Wiki via the process outlined above. That said, there is a group of non-Basho developers who have commit access to this repo and can edit it directly. We call them Community Wiki Committers. See this page if you're interested in becoming one.
## Building the Wiki LocallyIf you want to build and view the Riak Wiki locally, here is what you need to do:
Clone this repo:
git clone git://
Ensure that you have Bundler installed:
gem install bundler
Install all pre-requisite gems:
bundle install
Generate the site and start a local server (This will take a minute. Don't fret.)
gollum-site generate # Will generate the files gollum-site serve # Will start the gollum-site server gollum-site serve --watch # Will start the gollum-site server and will regenerate the site # when changes are made
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/ (Default) to access a fully-functional copy of the Riak Wiki.
After adding new content or updating existing content in the wiki repo, it then needs to be pushed live to We do this using a post-receive hook (written by Basho's Dan Reverri) and the "publish" branch. Here's the process to update the live site. (Only people who have commit access to this repo will be able to do this.)
Make sure lastest changes are merged or committed to master branch
Checkout "publish" branch
git checkout publish
Merge changes from master into publish
git merge master
Push changes back to publish branch
git push origin publish
After you merge your changes into publish and push them back to the repo, the post-receive hook will fire and should be updated within several minutes.
## Issues, Questions, Comments, Etc.-
Send Email to
Use the Riak Mailing List
Create a new Issue
Includes icons from famfamfam.