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Multi-Modal Data Processing System

Environment setter

On Linux and macOS, one should set environment variable MMDPS_ROOTDIR at ~/.bashrc or similar profile file. On Windows, the environment variable MMDPS_ROOTDIR should be set at computer->properties->advanced->environment variable. User environment variable is enough.

The MMDPS_ROOTDIR should point to the root dir of mmdps system.

New Data Process Pipeline

  1. Import Data

  2. Process

    • T1: run configjob_main_t1.json. Note: one should modify configpara_unatlased_t1_project.json and configpara_atlased_t1_project.json for the appropriate folder list.

    • DWI: run configjob_main_dwi.json. Note: one should modify configpara_dwi_project.json and configpara_atlased_dwi_project.json for the appropriate folder list.

    • BOLD: run configpara_bold_project.json. Remember to modify FolderList.

Parallel mechanism

  • Set env set MMDPS_CPU_COUNT=n to force the cpu count to n.

Featured functionalities


  • Use loadsave.load_txt to read in a txt file line by line and obtain a list of strings. Each string is one row in the txt file.

  • Use loadsave.load_csvmat to read in a matrix saved as csv format.


  • Use this module to load networks/graph metrics or other features of a list of subjects/scans

  • loader.Loader.generate_mriscans is used to generate a list of mriscans from a list of subject names. This is useful if one want to load all (up to) first/second... scans of some subjects.

  • loader.Loader.loadvstackmulti is used to load attributes for a list of scans. The returned value is a list of Attrs.



Windows installation

Open a Windows command prompt/interpreter (cmd.exe) as an Administrator, and run the following command:

./mongod.exe -f /path/to/mongod.cfg --install 
net start MongoDB


Open a Windows command prompt/interpreter (cmd.exe) and run the following:

mongorestore.exe --host -u <username> -p <password> --authenticationDatabase admin -d <database> -c <collection> --dir "/path/to/xxx.bson"


The python module mmdps requires the following python dependencies:

  • nibabel for reading nii files. The version does not seem to influence result. Version 3.1.0 is tested.

  • dipy for DWI and DTI processing and feature extraction. This module has changed since the development of mmdps, which relied on version 0.11.0. Several modules and functions have been deprecated and removed.

  • pydicom for reading dicom files.

  • anytree for GUI related modules.

  • pymongo==3.10.1, redis and sqlalchemy for mmdpdb support.

  • numpy, scipy etc that are installed with anaconda

The process pipeline also needs other toolboxes, including:

  • DPARSFA for fMRI preprocessing. Its version does not seems to influence result.

  • spm for fMRI preprocessing and T1 feature extraction. Its version INFLUENCE process result (be careful). The version on HPC at the lab is spm12_v6470. When using spm12_v6906, the BOLD network result can have a maximum of 1e-5 difference. When using spm12_v7771, however, the difference of BOLD network result would reach 0.05 - 0.10, which would influence network analysis result.

  • fsl for DWI/DTI preprocessing and feature extraction. fsl 5.0 or fsl 6.0 does not seem to influence feature extraction result.


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Contributors 3
