Curated list of awesome projects implemeting Nostr Wallet Connect (NWC).
Any comments, suggestions? Let us know! We love PRs :)
NWC is an open protocol to be implemented by bitcoin lightning wallets and any app to add bitcoin payment functionality. Users connect wallets instantly – no Nostr account required. Apps orchestrate payments between these wallets without ever touching funds.
- Alby Hub - Self-custodial lightning node with wallet and most seamless NWC service
- Bankify - Turn any cashu mint into a lightning wallet with NWC support
- - eCash-based Cashu wallet PWA
- Coinos - Free custodial web wallet and payment page
- LNbits - Powerful suite of bitcoin tools that has Nostr Wallet Connect plugin
- LN Node - Innovative service designed to simplify the setup and management of a lightning node
- Minibits - eCash wallet with a focus on performance and usability
- Mutiny - Self-custodial lightning wallet that is targeting the web browser first
- Primal - Custodial wallet integrated with Primal's mobile Nostr client
- Rizful - Instant, disposable Lightning nodes, optimized for education
- Unraid - Operating system for self-hosted servers, apps and storage
Those below support at least one of NWC wallets in their official appstores:
- CasaOS - Open-source personal cloud system
- Raspiblitz - Bitcoin & Lightning Fullnode running on a RaspberryPi
- Start9 - Linux-based operating system optimized for running a personal server and bitcoin node
- Umbrel - A beautiful home server OS for self-hosting apps and your bitcoin node
- Unraid - Operating system for self-hosted servers and network-attached storage
- Alby Cloud - 1-click cloud deployment of Alby Hub that comes with a lightning address
- Nodana - 1-click deployment of Alby Hub, LNbits (with NWC) and other services in the cloud
- Eggstr - Easy deployment of Nostr & Bitcoin apps with own domain
The following nodes or lightning backends can be used by at least one of the NWC wallets:
- Breez SDK - Experimental
- Cashu - Experimental
- Greenlight - Greenlight Rust Go bindings
- LND - Nostr Wallet Connect for LND nodes
- LDK - LDK Rust Go bindings (WIP)
- phoenixd - Nostr Wallet Connect for phoenixd
The following apps are NWC wallet services with access to the APIs of the wallets they serve and let users create connection strings:
- Core Lightning NWC Plugin - NWC plugin for CLN
- LNbits NWC Service - Nostr Wallet Connect service using LNbits API (experimental)
- Strike NWC Service - NWC service using Strike API (experimental)
- - Chat interface to open-source LLM models, file support and DVMs
- Geyser - Crowdfunding ideas, projects and product sales, p2p with bitcoin
- Kanbanstr - Kanban boards over Nostr, with zaps
- PlebDevs - Online courses on Bitcoin & Lightning code development
- Pull that up, Jamie! - Search engine powered with AI
- BitcoinLink - Create URL vouchers to send sats from your wallet
- Bringin - Sell bitcoin from your wallet directly to IBAN accounts
- BTCPay Server - Open-source payment processor
- BuzzPay PoS - Super simple self-custodial PoS
- Clams - Dedicated accounting platform for your wallet
- Flash - Instant & multi-feature lightning payment gateway
- ZapPlanner - Send regular payments to your favorite publisher
- ZapplePay - Smart app to zap from any nostr client & auto-zaps
- Satoshi Settlers - Settle and develop the blocks of Bitcoin on a shared world map
- Zappy Bird - Super fun version of Flappy Bird
- HiveTalk - Videocalls, messaging and screensharing with Nostr login and zaps
- Corny Chat - Audio & chat rooms with zaps, over Nostr
- Zap.Stream - Slick website for live streaming and chat with zaps
- Bitcoin Lightning Publisher - A Wordpress plugin to accept donations and set paywalls on websites
- Habla - Read, write, curate and monetize long form content over Nostr
- Highlighter - Highlighter stands out by offering creators true ownership of their audience
- YakiHonne - A well-designed decentralized long-form content media platform
- 0xChat - Chat app built on the Nostr protocol with encrypted group chats
- Wavlake - Music streaming app with direct contributions to creators
- Amethyst - Feature-rich Nostr client for Android
- Coracle - Web client for the Nostr protocol
- Damus - Excellent Nostr client for iOS
- Freerse - Nostr client for Android and iOS
- FreeFrom - Closed-source, twitter like client for Androis and iOS
- Lume - Multi-purpose nostr client for Desktop
- More Speech - A desktop client for the Nostr protocol
- Nostr Kiwi - Place for you to share notes & curate content in communities
- NoStrudel - Platform for notes and streaming over Nostr
- Nostur - Top-notch Nostr client for iOS
- Nostter - Lightweight, elegant client with NWC
- Olas - Instagram-like Nostr app for iOS
- Primal - Fast and easy Nostr client for web, Android and iOS
- Snort - Feature-packed Nostr web client
- Stacker News - Internet communities that let you upvote content and pay you bitcoin
- Whereostr - Explore where your Nostr friends are located
- Yana - Yet another Nostr app for Android and iOS
- Zapddit - Choose topics to follow and join communities
- ThunderTip - Telegram tipping bot via your own connected wallet
- Zap Bot - Discord tipping bot via your own connected wallet
- ZapGram - Bitcoin Lightning wallet in Telegram
- Alby Account - Web wallet interface and lightning address to NWC wallets with ability to log in with OAuthto many apps (eg. Podcasting 2.0)
- Alby Browser Extension - Connect your wallet and surf the web of bitcon apps
- Alby Go - Slick mobile interface with multi wallet support
- Brick Wallet - A web frontend for NWC
- Nostr Pay - Simple Android wallet connecting to your NWC wallet [not maintained]
- Vortex - Raycast extension, the fastest way to use bitcoin on macOS
- Zeus - Mobile multi-wallet with embedded node, LNDhub and NWC connections (from 0.10)
- Bullish Bulletin - Post a message on a public board
- Nostrcheck Server - Comprehensive toolbox for Nostr, with NIP-05 registration, file uploads, gallery, profile management and more
- Spring Browser - Purpose-built browser to explore the universe of Nostr apps
- Zapper - Bulk zap payments, to any Nostr event
- Zapstore - Open, permissionless app store with zaps
- Discord - Discord channel for developers building apps and wallets with Nostr Wallet Connect
- Alby Discord - Users, friends and team of Alby, with NWC as preferred app<>wallet connection protocol
- Bitcoin Design Discord - Open source community of Bitcoin designers
- Dwadzieścia Jeden Telegram - Community of Polish bitcoiners
- Plebnet Discord - A Bitcoin-centric group dedicated to shaping the future through open source Bitcoin and lightning infrastructure.
These tools and libraries help apps to integrate the NWC protocol and enable in-app payments
- $prism - API for apps to connect to wallet services
- Alby JS SDK - JavaScript SDK for apps to handle NWC connection strings
- Bitcoin Connect - Easy to integrate components for web apps that let users connect their lightning wallets with a full payment flow UX
- Dart Package - A Dart package that simplifies the integration of Nostr Wallet Connect into client applications
- Flutter Package - A Flutter package that takes care of the wallet service side of the NWC
- Lightning Address Server - Request lightning invoices from your wallet via NWC
- NDK - Nostr Development Kit
- NWC HTTP API - HTTP API to communicate NWC payment requests without the need of websockets
- nwcjs - Vanilla Javascript library
- NWC Tester (Simple) - Test NWC Connection Secrets
- NWC Tester (Advanced) - Check NWC Connection Secrets' permissions, perform events
- Python3 library
- React Native (Expo) - An example of using Alby JS SDK (Nostr Wallet Connect) in a React Native Expo project
- Rust Nostr - Nostr protocol implementation, SDK and FFI
- Dart NDK - Nostr Development Kit for Dart/Flutter
Protocols built on top, or interoperable with NWC
- LN Link - Extenstion of NWC for Taproot assets
- UMA Auth - Extends NWC to simplify the UX of connecting a wallet (using OAuth 2.0), and add cross-currency payments
- Nostr Wallet Auth - Protocol allowing to initiate NWC connections from the app instead of from NWC wallets