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Demo setup for Includes Ansible playbooks for bootstrapping (provisioning) an empty Ubuntu server, installing all (Docker) services.

All services can be started/stopped as a Ubuntu system service named pygeoapi on the server as well.


The demo server runs the following apps/services:

  • home - simple Flask app for landing page and demo viewers
  • pygeoapi_master - (latest GitHub master version of) pygeoapi service with test data
  • pygeoapi_stable - (last stable version of) pygeoapi service with test data
  • pygeoapi_cite - (latest GitHub master version of) pygeoapi service with CITE configuration
  • pygeoapi_covid-19 - (latest GitHub master version of) pygeoapi service with Covid-19 configuration
  • traefik - edge/proxy server routing incoming HTTP(S) and managing SSL-certificates (via Let's Encrypt)
  • dockerhub listener - listens to webhooks from DockerHub to redeploy home and pygeoapi_master

Auto Update

The home, pygeoapi_master, pygeoapi_cite and pygeoapi_covid-19 services are automatically redeployed by dockerhub listener. The full chain is:

 (git push to GitHub master) --> (DockerHub Image autobuild) --> (demo server redeploy by dockerhub listener)

The home app is redeployed after any git push to the master of this GitHub repo.

The pygeoapi_master service is redeployed after any git push to the master of the pygeoapi GitHub repo.

The pygeoapi_cite service is redeployed after any git push to the master of the pygeoapi GitHub repo.

The pygeoapi_covid19 service is redeployed after any git push to the master of the pygeoapi GitHub repo.

Common setup with Ansible

# get code
git clone

# Get required Ansible roles/modules, install locally
cd ansible
mkdir roles
ansible-galaxy install --roles-path ./roles -r requirements.yml

Make credentials files

These are not in this repo for obvious reasons... You need to create/populate these locally.

  • ansible/vars/vars.yml (see example)
  • service/dockerhub/docker.env dockerhub env file with your TOKEN set in DockerHub (see example)

Remote Setup with Ansible.

Have a remote Ubuntu VM installed with root access via pub/private key.

# Installs entire system
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -vv bootstrap.yml -i hosts/

Local Setup with Ansible, Vagrant and VirtualBox

Have Ansible, Vagrant and VBox installed.

# Setup Vagrant with VirtualBox for Ubuntu 16.04 VM
vagrant box add geerlingguy/ubuntu2404
vagrant init geerlingguy/ubuntu2404

# Will use Vagrantfile for auto-provisioning via Ansible
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant halt

Start stop services

All services can be started/stopped as a Ubuntu system service named pygeoapi as well. Login as admin user and issue:

sudo service pygeoapi stop
sudo service pygeoapi start
sudo service pygeoapi status