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George Atkinson edited this page Dec 19, 2020 · 6 revisions

A widget that allows the user to make a binary choice between two mutually exclusive options.


Checkbox::new(checked).build(state, parent, |builder| builder);

where checked is a bool determining the initial state of the checkbox, true for checked and false for unchecked.

The default icon used for the checked state is a checkmark (\u{2713} in the Entypo font), and no icon for the unchecked state. The icons used for the checked and unchecked states can be set via the with_icon_checked(icon) and with_icon_unchecked(icon) functions respectively, where icon is the desired Unicode character code for the icon from the Entypo font.


A checkbox has an element ID of checkbox. The style when checked can be modified using the :checked pseudoclass.

checkbox {
    width: 20px;
    height: 20px;
    background-color: white;
    border-width: 2px;
    border-color: black;
    border-radius: 3px;

checkbox:checked {
    background-color: #3669c9;
    border-color: #3669c9;
    color: white;



  • CheckboxEvent::Checked - emitted by the checkbox when switching from unchecked to checked states.
  • CheckboxEvent::Unchecked - emitted by the checkbox when switching from checked to unchecked states.


  • CheckboxEvent::Check - sets the checkbox to a checked state.
  • CheckboxEvent::Uncheck - sets the checkbox to a unchecked state.
  • CheckboxEvent::Switch - switches the checkbox from its current state to the other, i.e. checked -> unchecked, unchecked -> checked.


A checkbox has no built-in animations.



  • Checkbox
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