It’s a simple app that shows multiple scales of the same place at once. Pan and zoom around and benefit from three concurrent perspectives. That’s it.
To begin, clone this repository to your computer:
From the project's root directory, install the required packages (dependencies):
npm install
Now you can start the webpack dev server to test the app on your local machine:
# it will start a server instance and begin listening for connections from localhost on port 8080
npm run start
To build/deploye the app, you can simply run:
# it will place all files needed for deployment into the /build directory
npm run build
Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.
Load a webmap with bookmarks to fly between the bookmarks. The flight speed is controlled by the speed parameter. 7 = default, 1 = superfast and 100 will make you fly like a snail