FlowState is a tool for visualising the runtime dependency graph of a Salt highstate.
It takes the json output of state.show_highstate
or state.show_sls
from Salt and produces a program written in dot, which is a tool from
Graphviz for defining an acyclic graph.
States are nodes and dependencies are edges. require
and require_in
are blue; watch
and watch_in
are red.
Some examples, with the dot programs rendered as png:
The tool expects the JSON output of show_highstate
or show_sls
over stdin.
It outputs dot
code representing the dependency graph. The dot code defines a
single digraph called “states”.
For example, if you have a salt master running:
salt 'minion1' state.show_highstate --out json | flowstate
You can write the dot output to a file, or pipe it further into the `dot` tool from GraphViz. In this example, we produce a png called `output.png`:
salt 'minion*' state.show_highstate --out json \
| flowstate \
| dot -Tpng -o output.png
The tool currently only supports rendering the output from one minion. If you give it output with two minions, it’ll report an error.
Install directly from PyPi:
pip install flowstate
Or clone this repository and use setup.py
python setup.py install
Unfortunately, the version of the pydot
package in PyPi doesn’t work in
Python 2.7+. We’re working on getting this up to date. In the meantime, please
use this fork to install the `pydot` package first:
Most operating systems have a package for it, usually as part of GraphViz.
- Debian / Ubuntu
apt-get install graphviz
- OSX with homebrew
brew install graphviz
- FlowState is forked from the salt-state-graph project by @ceralena.