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Merge pull request #262 from gelisam/gelisam/deterministic-unificatio…
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deterministic unification variables
  • Loading branch information
doyougnu authored Feb 12, 2025
2 parents 750d792 + 1253377 commit 2d5acb1
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Showing 6 changed files with 725 additions and 533 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions examples/non-examples/type-errors/not-a-function.golden
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Type mismatch at not-a-function.kl:3.11-3.13.
Expected (Integer → (?1 → ?2)) but got Integer
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions examples/non-examples/type-errors/not-a-function.kl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#lang "prelude.kl"

(example (42 4 2))
319 changes: 185 additions & 134 deletions src/Expander/Error.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable (for)

import Core
import Datatype
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,49 +109,63 @@ data SyntacticCategory
deriving Show

instance Pretty VarInfo ExpansionErr where
pp env (Ambiguous p x candidates) =
hang 4 $
text "Ambiguous identifier in phase" <+> pp env p <+> line <>
text "Identifier:" <+> pp env x <> line <>
pp env (Ambiguous p x candidates) = do
ppP <- pp env p
ppX <- pp env x
pure $ hang 4 $
text "Ambiguous identifier in phase" <+> ppP <+> line <>
text "Identifier:" <+> ppX <> line <>
text "Scope set of the identifier:" <> line <>
viaShow (_stxScopeSet x) <> line <>
text "Scope sets of the candidates:" <> line <>
vsep [viaShow c | c <- toList candidates]
pp env (Unknown x) = text "Unknown:" <+> pp env x
pp env (NoProgress tasks) =
hang 4 $
pp env (Unknown x) = do
ppX <- pp env x
pure $ text "Unknown:" <+> ppX
pp env (NoProgress tasks) = do
ppTasks <- mapM (pp env) tasks
pure $ hang 4 $
text "No progress was possible:" <> line <>
vsep (map (pp env) tasks)
pp env (NotIdentifier stx) =
text "Not an identifier:" <+> pp env stx
pp env (NotEmpty stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected (), but got", pp env stx]
pp env (NotCons stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected non-empty parens, but got", pp env stx]
pp env (NotConsCons stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected parens with at least 2 entries, but got", pp env stx]
pp env (NotList stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected parens, but got", pp env stx]
pp env (NotInteger stx) =
hang 2 $ group $
vsep [ text "Expected integer literal, but got"
, pp env stx
pp env (NotString stx) =
hang 2 $ group $
vsep [ text "Expected string literal, but got"
, pp env stx
pp env (NotModName stx) =
hang 2 $ group $
vsep [ text "Expected module name (string or `kernel'), but got"
, pp env stx
pp env (NotRightLength lengths0 stx) =
hang 2 $ group $
vsep [ text "Expected" <+> alts lengths0 <+> text "entries between parentheses, but got"
, pp env stx
vsep ppTasks
pp env (NotIdentifier stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ text "Not an identifier:" <+> ppStx
pp env (NotEmpty stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected (), but got", ppStx]
pp env (NotCons stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected non-empty parens, but got", ppStx]
pp env (NotConsCons stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected parens with at least 2 entries, but got", ppStx]
pp env (NotList stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected parens, but got", ppStx]
pp env (NotInteger stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group
$ vsep [ text "Expected integer literal, but got"
, ppStx
pp env (NotString stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group
$ vsep [ text "Expected string literal, but got"
, ppStx
pp env (NotModName stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group
$ vsep [ text "Expected module name (string or `kernel'), but got"
, ppStx
pp env (NotRightLength lengths0 stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group
$ vsep [ text "Expected" <+> alts lengths0 <+> text "entries between parentheses, but got"
, ppStx
alts :: [Natural] -> Doc ann
alts []
Expand All @@ -161,119 +176,155 @@ instance Pretty VarInfo ExpansionErr where
= viaShow len1 <+> "or" <+> viaShow len2
alts (len:lengths)
= viaShow len <> "," <+> alts lengths
pp env (NotVec stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected square-bracketed vec but got", pp env stx]
pp env (NotImportSpec stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected import spec but got", pp env stx]
pp env (NotExportSpec stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected export spec but got", pp env stx]
pp env (UnknownPattern stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Unknown pattern", pp env stx]
pp env (MacroRaisedSyntaxError err) =
pp env (NotVec stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected square-bracketed vec but got", ppStx]
pp env (NotImportSpec stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected import spec but got", ppStx]
pp env (NotExportSpec stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Expected export spec but got", ppStx]
pp env (UnknownPattern stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Unknown pattern", ppStx]
pp env (MacroRaisedSyntaxError err) = do
let locs = view syntaxErrorLocations err
msg = text "Syntax error from macro:" <> line <>
pp env (view syntaxErrorMessage err)
in hang 4 $ group $
case locs of
[] -> msg
(Syntax l : ls) ->
pp env (view stxSrcLoc l) <> text ":" <> line <> msg <>
case ls of
[] -> mempty
more -> text "Additional locations:" <> line <> vsep [pp env loc | Syntax (Stx _ loc _) <- more]
pp env (MacroEvaluationError p err) =
hang 4 $ group $
vsep [text "Error at phase" <+> pp env p <> text ":",
pp env err]
pp env (ValueNotMacro val) =
text "Not a macro monad value:" <+> pp env val
pp env (ValueNotSyntax val) =
hang 4 $ group $ text "Not a syntax object: " <> line <> pp env val
ppErr <- pp env (view syntaxErrorMessage err)
let ppMsg = text "Syntax error from macro:" <> line <>
ppBlock <- case locs of
[] -> pure ppMsg
(Syntax l : ls) -> do
ppSrcLoc <- pp env (view stxSrcLoc l)
ppLs <- case ls of
[] -> pure mempty
more -> do
ppMore <- for more $ \(Syntax (Stx _ loc _)) ->
pp env loc
pure $ text "Additional locations:" <> line <> vsep ppMore
pure (ppSrcLoc <> text ":" <> line <> ppMsg <> ppLs)
pure $ hang 4 $ group ppBlock
pp env (MacroEvaluationError p err) = do
ppP <- pp env p
ppErr <- pp env err
pure $ hang 4 $ group
$ vsep [text "Error at phase" <+> ppP <> text ":",
pp env (ValueNotMacro val) = do
ppVal <- pp env val
pure $ text "Not a macro monad value:" <+> ppVal
pp env (ValueNotSyntax val) = do
ppVal <- pp env val
pure $ hang 4 $ group $ text "Not a syntax object: " <> line <> ppVal
pp _env (NoSuchFile filename) =
text "User error; no such file: " <> string filename
pp env (NotExported (Stx _ loc x) p) =
group $ hang 4 $ vsep [ pp env loc <> text ":"
, text "Not available at phase" <+> pp env p <> text ":" <+> pp env x
pure $ text "User error; no such file: " <> string filename
pp env (NotExported (Stx _ loc x) p) = do
ppLoc <- pp env loc
ppP <- pp env p
ppX <- pp env x
pure $ group $ hang 4 $ vsep [ ppLoc <> text ":"
, text "Not available at phase" <+> ppP <> text ":" <+> ppX
pp env (ImportError err) = pp env err
pp _env (InternalError str) =
text "Internal error during expansion! This is a bug in the implementation." <> line <> string str
pure $ text "Internal error during expansion! This is a bug in the implementation." <> line <> string str
pp _env (ReaderError txt) =
vsep (map text (T.lines txt))
pp env (WrongSyntacticCategory stx is shouldBe) =
hang 2 $ group $
vsep [ pp env stx <> text ":"
, group $ vsep [ group $ hang 2 $
vsep [ text "Used in a position expecting"
, pp env (unMortise shouldBe)
pure $ vsep (map text (T.lines txt))
pp env (WrongSyntacticCategory stx is shouldBe) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
ppIs <- pp env (unTenon is)
ppShouldBe <- pp env (unMortise shouldBe)
pure $ hang 2 $ group
$ vsep [ ppStx <> text ":"
, group $ vsep [ group $ hang 2 $
vsep [ text "Used in a position expecting"
, ppShouldBe
, group $ hang 2 $
vsep [ text "but is valid in a position expecting"
, ppIs
, group $ hang 2 $
vsep [ text "but is valid in a position expecting"
, pp env (unTenon is)
pp env (NotValidType stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Not a type:", pp env stx]
pp env (NotValidType stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Not a type:", ppStx]
pp env (TypeCheckError err) = pp env err
pp env (WrongArgCount stx ctor wanted got) =
hang 2 $
vsep [ text "Wrong number of arguments for constructor" <+> pp env ctor
, text "Wanted" <+> viaShow wanted
, text "Got" <+> viaShow got
, text "At" <+> align (pp env stx)
pp env (NotAConstructor stx) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Not a constructor in", pp env stx]
pp env (WrongTypeArity stx ctor arity got) =
hang 2 $ vsep [ text "Incorrect arity for" <+> pp env ctor
pp env (WrongArgCount stx ctor wanted got) = do
ppCtor <- pp env ctor
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2
$ vsep [ text "Wrong number of arguments for constructor" <+> ppCtor
, text "Wanted" <+> viaShow wanted
, text "Got" <+> viaShow got
, text "At" <+> align (ppStx)
pp env (NotAConstructor stx) = do
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Not a constructor in", ppStx]
pp env (WrongTypeArity stx ctor arity got) = do
ppCtor <- pp env ctor
ppStx <- pp env stx
pure $ hang 2 $ vsep [ text "Incorrect arity for" <+> ppCtor
, text "Wanted" <+> viaShow arity
, text "Got" <+> viaShow got
, text "In" <+> align (pp env stx)
, text "In" <+> align (ppStx)
pp env (KindMismatch loc k1 k2) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [ text "Kind mismatch at" <+>
maybe (text "unknown location") (pp env) loc <> text "."
, group $ vsep [pp env k1, text "", pp env k2]
pp env (KindMismatch loc k1 k2) = do
ppLoc <- maybe (pure $ text "unknown location") (pp env) loc
ppK1 <- pp env k1
ppK2 <- pp env k2
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [ text "Kind mismatch at" <+>
ppLoc <> text "."
, group $ vsep [ppK1, text "", ppK2]
pp env (CircularImports current stack) =
hang 2 $ vsep [ group $ vsep [ text "Circular imports while importing", pp env current]
, group $ hang 2 $ vsep (text "Context:" : map (pp env) stack)]
pp env (CircularImports current stack) = do
ppCurrent <- pp env current
ppStack <- mapM (pp env) stack
pure $ hang 2 $ vsep [ group $ vsep [ text "Circular imports while importing", ppCurrent]
, group $ hang 2 $ vsep (text "Context:" : ppStack)]

instance Pretty VarInfo TypeCheckError where
pp env (TypeMismatch loc shouldBe got specifically) =
group $ vsep [ group $ hang 2 $ vsep [ text "Type mismatch at"
, maybe (text "unknown location") (pp env) loc <> text "."
, group $ vsep $
[ group $ hang 2 $ vsep [ text "Expected"
, pp env shouldBe
, group $ hang 2 $ vsep [ text "but got"
, pp env got
] ++
case specifically of
Nothing -> []
Just (expected', got') ->
[ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Specifically,"
, group (vsep [ pp env expected'
, text "doesn't match" <+> pp env got'
pp env (TypeMismatch loc shouldBe got specifically) = do
ppLoc <- maybe (pure $ text "unknown location") (pp env) loc
ppShouldBe <- pp env shouldBe
ppGot <- pp env got
ppSpec <- case specifically of
Nothing -> pure []
Just (expected', got') -> do
ppE <- pp env expected'
ppG <- pp env got'
pure [ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [text "Specifically,"
, group (vsep [ ppE
, text "doesn't match" <+> ppG
pure $ group $ vsep [ group $ hang 2 $ vsep [ text "Type mismatch at"
, ppLoc <> text "."
, group $ vsep $
[ group $ hang 2 $ vsep [ text "Expected"
, ppShouldBe
, group $ hang 2 $ vsep [ text "but got"
, ppGot
] ++ ppSpec

pp env (OccursCheckFailed ptr ty) =
hang 2 $ group $ vsep [ text "Occurs check failed:"
, group (vsep [viaShow ptr, "", pp env ty])
pp env (OccursCheckFailed ptr ty) = do
ppTy <- pp env ty
pure $ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [ text "Occurs check failed:"
, group (vsep [viaShow ptr, "", ppTy])

instance Pretty VarInfo SyntacticCategory where
pp _env ExpressionCat = text "an expression"
pp _env ModuleCat = text "a module"
pp _env TypeCat = text "a type"
pp _env DeclarationCat = text "a top-level declaration or example"
pp _env PatternCaseCat = text "a pattern"
pp _env TypePatternCaseCat = text "a typecase pattern"
pp _env ExpressionCat = pure $ text "an expression"
pp _env ModuleCat = pure $ text "a module"
pp _env TypeCat = pure $ text "a type"
pp _env DeclarationCat = pure $ text "a top-level declaration or example"
pp _env PatternCaseCat = pure $ text "a pattern"
pp _env TypePatternCaseCat = pure $ text "a typecase pattern"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Expander/Task.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,4 +110,4 @@ instance ShortShow ExpanderTask where
shortShow (AwaitingTypePattern _ _ _ _) = "(AwaitingTypePattern _ _ _ _)"

instance Pretty VarInfo ExpanderTask where
pp _ task = string (shortShow task)
pp _ task = pure $ string (shortShow task)

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