Repository for paper titled "Application of Genetic Algorithm for More Efficient Multi-layer Thickness Optimization in Solar Cells".
Requirements • How to Use • Results • How to Cite
- Windows 7 or Ubuntu 18.04
- Matlab 2018b or 2019a
- Toolboxes (Add-Ons > Get Add-Ons)
- de2bi and bi2de functions:
- Communication System Toolbox (Matlab 2018b)
- Communications Toolbox (Matlab 2019a)
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- Trading Toolbox
- de2bi and bi2de functions:
(download link)
- Toolboxes (Add-Ons > Get Add-Ons)
- Lumerical, FDTD solutions software + license (you can get 1 month trial version from their website if you have an organization email)
- Set up solar cell model
- With FDTD software
- Solar cell FDTD file: Evo_alg__P3HT-ICBA.fsp
- In the file that starts with
, under the comment%Load simulation file
, change the file directory to the directory you have saved the solar cell FDTD file in.
- Without FDTD software (for testing)
- Use in-built Jsc (fitness function) dictionary by setting
testing = 2
in the.m
file that starts withEvo_alg_...
- Use in-built Jsc (fitness function) dictionary by setting
- With FDTD software
- Run code with
- Single layer ZnO:
./'ZnO optical spacer optimization files'/ZnO_Main_frontend_gui.m
- Single layer MoOx:
./'MoOx optical spacer optimization files'/MoOx_Main_frontend_gui.m
- Multiple layer:
./'ZnO+MoOx optical spacer optimization files'/ZnO_and_MoOx_Main_frontend_gui.m
- Single layer ZnO:
- Choose how many runs of each selection method has to perform
- Each section has a repeat counter of 1000 times, used in order to find the average number of simulations required by the selection method.
- For real time usage, change the 'repeat_runs' variable value to 1 in the
file that starts withEvo_alg_...
- Results are saved in Excel files, with number of sheets equivalent to the number of runs in each selection.
- Obtain performance graph: evaluation scripts
Accuracy of 100% (meaning): all the 5000 runs converged to the optimal solution.
ZnO single layer optimization [excel]
MoOx single layer optimization [excel]
ZnO+MoOx multi-layer optimization [excel]
Co-First Authors: Premkumar Vincent and Gwenaelle Cunha Sergio had equal contribution
title={Application of Genetic Algorithm for More Efficient Multi-layer Thickness Optimization in Solar Cells},
author={{Vincent, P. and Sergio, G. C.} and Jaewon Jang and In Man Kang and Jaehoon Park and Hyeok Kim and Minho Lee and Jin-Hyuk Bae},