A 3D multiplayer space warfare game centered around moon bases and space stations
Just run the default grunt task from the root directory by issuing grunt
Accelerate: W
Brake: S
Roll left: A
Roll right: D
Pitch: Up/Down Arrow
Yaw: Left/Right Arrow
Fire weapon: Spacebar /Left mouse button
WebGL - Used to render the game environment
WebSockets - For real time client/server communication
WebWorkers - To ensure physics engine calculations do not block visuals
Node.js - As a server
HTML5 audio - To play sounds/music
Socket.IO - Socket communication for the client and server
three.js - Lightweight JavaScript 3D library
Physijs - A physics plugin for three.js that utilizes the ammo.js/Bullet physics engine
Satellite was made at Hack Reactor by a team of very talented people:
Larry Davis - Mentor, and code ninja, developed the code base. See Dune Buggy.
Phillip Alexander - Project leader, grunt master, and server code.
Felix Tripier - Game development wizard, server stuff, music and sound fx, HUD.
Andrew Spade - Maths wizard, radar, tracking systems, chase camera.
- Bullet Fx and physics
- Shield Fx
- Explosion Fx