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TypeDoc theme that adds some useful options (header links, custom style and script, ability to create files etc)


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TypeDoc theme that extends default theme and adds some useful options so that:

  • to include extra links in header;
  • to specify markup that is placed before project name;
  • to customize project name;
  • to change toolbar background;
  • to show "Go top" link;
  • to add custom CSS and JS;
  • to create some files in documentation directory;
  • and others.




npm install typedoc-light-theme --save-dev

To apply the theme instead of the default theme add --theme option with path to the theme files for typedoc command. For example:

typedoc --out docs --readme --theme ./node_modules/typedoc-light-theme/src ./src

By default the generated documentation does not differ much from the one of the default theme. But you can use TypeDoc options file to set necessary parameters in order to customize the generated documentation.

typedoc --options typedoc-conf.js --out docs --readme --theme ./node_modules/typedoc-light-theme/src ./src

For example:

// typedoc-conf.js
module.exports = {
    "projectName": {
        "link": true,
        "style": "color: #c0f0d0;",
        "beforeLinks": " | "
    "links": [
            "text": "GitHub repo",
            "href": "",
            "normal": true
            "style": "font-size: 12px; color: #cdc;",
            "target": "_top",
            "id": "github_link"
    "style": ".tsd-page-toolbar .header__link { color: #dd0fcc; }",
    "toolbarBackground": "rgba(255, 197, 197, 0.5)",
    "showGoTop": 300,
    "createFile": ".nojekyll"

All supported options are optional and described below.

createFile: object | string

A file or set of files that should be created inside output directory after documentation is generated. You can specify content for each file. See description of first argument of makef.createFile for details.


"createFile": {
    ".nojekyll": "",
    "version.dat": 237

headerStart: string

Any HTML that should be placed before project name in the header.


"headerStart": "<b>&gt;</b> "

links: array

Describes a set of links that should be added into the header. Each link should be described by object with the following fields (the only required field is href):

  • class: string - value for class attribute of the link; default value is title header__link.
  • href: string - value for href attribute.
  • id: string - value for id attribute.
  • normal: boolean - when set to true, header__link_normal will be added into value for class attribute to show the link with normal font weight; default value is false which means that the link will be rendered with bold font.
  • style: string - value for style attribute.
  • target: string - value for target attribute; default value is _blank.
  • text: string - any HTML that should be used as content of the link; by default value of href is used.


"links": [
        "text": "GitHub",
        "href": ""
        "text": "npm",
        "href": "",
        "normal": true

linkDivider: string

Any HTML that should be used to separate links specified by links option. Default value is &emsp;.


"linkDivider": " | "

projectName: object | false

Specifies whether and how project name should be rendered in the header. Default value is { link: true, beforeLinks: '&emsp;' }. Use false to remove project name link from the header. To customize project name element you can specify object with the following fields (all are optional so it is possible to use an empty object as option's value):

  • after: string - any HTML that should be placed after project name.
  • before: string - any HTML that should be placed before project name.
  • beforeLinks: string - any HTML that should be rendered after after but before links when they are specified by links option.
  • class: string - value for class attribute of the element that is used to display project name; default value is title header__project.
  • href: string - value for href attribute of the project link when link field is set to true; by default relative URL for index.html is used.
  • link: boolean - when set to true, <a> tag will be used as the element to display project name, otherwise <span> will be used.
  • name: string - text that should be used instead of project name.
  • style: string - value for style attribute of the element that is used to display project name.


"projectName": {
    "link": true,
    "before": "<span class=\"title\">&star; </span>",
    "after": "<span class=\"title\"> &star;</span>"

script: string

Any JS that should be inlined into documentation pages. Can be used to customize behavior.


"script": "console.log('message from light theme');"

showGoTop: number

Whether "Go top" link should be added in documentation pages. Set to 0 to exclude links. Any positive value specifies percentage of viewport height that should be scrolled before "Go top" link will be displayed. Default value is 80.


"showGoTop": 300

style: string

Any CSS that should be inlined into documentation pages. Can be used to redefine and/or add some styles.


"style": "body { font-size: 12px; } .tsd-page-toolbar .header__project { color: #00c; font-size: 1.2rem; }"

toolbarBackground: string

Background style for the header.


"toolbarBackground": "linear-gradient(#def, #fff)"

Related projects

  • jsdoc-file - JSDoc plugin to create files inside directory of generated documentation (e.g. .nojekyll etc).
  • makef - a utility to create files inside specified directory.


Copyright (c) 2020 Denis Sikuler
Licensed under the MIT license.