This project is the implementation of the paper "Unsupervised Adversarially Robust Representation Learning on Graphs".
This repo contains the codes, data and results reported in the paper.
The script has been tested running under Python 3.7.7, with the following packages installed (along with their dependencies):
Some Python module dependencies are listed in requirements.txt
, which can be easily installed with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In addition, CUDA 10.0 has been used in our project. Although not all dependencies are mentioned in the installation instruction links above, you can find most of the libraries in the package repository of a regular Linux distribution.
Given the adjacency matrix and node attribute matrix of input graph, our model aims to learn a robust graph representation.
We include all three benchmark datasets Cora, Citeseer and Polblogs in the data
When using your own dataset, you must provide:
- an N by N adjacency matrix (N is the number of nodes).
The help information of the main script
is listed as follows:
python -h
usage: [-h][--dataset] [--pert-rate] [--threshold] [--save-dir]
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--dataset str, The dataset to be perturbed on [cora, citeseer, polblogs].
--alpha float, Perturbation budget of graph topology.
--epsilon float, Perturbation budget of node attributes.
--tau float, The soft margin of robust hinge loss.
--critic str, Critic function ('inner product', 'bilinear' or 'separable').
--hinge bool, Whether to use robust hinge loss.
--dim int, The output dimension of GNN.
--gpu str, which gpu to use.
--save-model bool, Whether to save the learned model.
--show-task bool, Whether to exhibit the results of downstream task during training.
--show-attack bool, Whether to exhibit the attack process during training.
Then a demo script is available by calling
, as the following:
python --dataset cora --alpha 0.4 --epsilon 0.1 --tau 0.005
We provide the evaluation codes on the node classification task here. We evaluate on three real-world datasets Cora, Citeseer and Polblogs.
The help information of the main script
is listed as follows:
The help information of the evaluation script is listed as follows:
python . -h
usage: . [-h][--dataset] [--pert-rate] [--dimensions] [--load-dir]
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--dataset str, The dataset to be evluated on [cora, citeseer, polblogs].
--alpha float, Perturbation budget of graph topology.
--epsilon float, Perturbation budget of node attributes.
--model str, The model to load.
--critic str, The critic function of the loaded model.
--hinge bool, Whether to use robust hinge loss.
--dim int, The output dimension of the loaded model.
--gpu str, which gpu to use.
Then a demo script is available by calling
, as the following:
python --dataset cora --alpha 0.2 --epsilon 0.1 --model model.pkl