This is a golang port of the excellent supercrabtree/k
k makes directory listings more readable, adding a bit of color and some git status information on files and directories.
Files sizes are graded from green for small (< 1k), to red for huge (> 1mb).
Human readable files sizes
Human readable files sizes can be shown by using the -H
flag, which requires the numfmt
command to be available. OS X / Darwin does not have a numfmt
command by default, so GNU coreutils needs to be installed, which provides gnumfmt
that k
will also use if available. GNU coreutils can be installed on OS X with homebrew:
brew install coreutils
Dates fade with age.
go install
Clone this repository somewhere (~/k for example)
git clone $HOME/k
Install it
cd $HOME/k
go install .
Hit k in your shell
Git 1.7.2
Pull requests welcome 😄
supercrabtree for the original k