Sometimes, the best way to start working out is to do it with a friend. Trouble is, not everyone has friends who also wanna hit the gym!
Demo video of the project can be viewed from here
GymBuddy allows it's users to easily find workout partners suitable for their needs, by including an array of filters ranging from the desired workout goal (weight loss, muscle building, etc.) to the maximum distance from themselves.
We decided to combine our knowledge into the most efficient way possible, by using the MERN stack:
- Frontend - React.js
- Backend - Node.js & Express
- Database - MongoDB
Each of us knew how to complete a specific section of the project utilizing our skills to the maximum
One of the biggest challenges for us was the implementation of an effective and optimized geo-locational search engine, which we eventually managed to achieve successfully.
We have created an entire, fully-fledged web application in a tiny fraction of the time which is usually required for such projects
We learned a lot about collaborating together as part of a team, using GitHub and it's many features to their fullest potential
Search page
Profile page
Chat page
npm install
npm start
In another terminal, run
npm run backend